How to Win Your Pick-6 Lottery Game
Introduction: Would you be surprised to learn your method of playing the lottery makes it virtually impossible to win? Actually it depends on what your definition of win is. Optimal lottery playing strategy calls for a decision to be made to target lower tier prizes or to go for the jackpot. If you don't know which your lottery system or software was designed to do, chances are it aims to make users happy with a series of small regular wins. It is only common sense when creating a system to be used by the general public to ward off complaints with a method that provides a strong chance of three number wins and maybe the occasional four number win to give the impression you're on the right track. It has taken me many years of research and lotto play to learn the information you are about to review. Some information is directly contradictory to current advice, it may help to explain why you haven't already won. If your lottery playing expertise hasn't reached the level where this information proves helpful, print and save a copy for another time. Why We Win Why We Lose There are two sets of odds we deal with in the lottery once we get past buying just one combination. When you buy more than six numbers among a group of combinations for a drawing there are specific odds that come into play telling us the chances of having some to all the winning numbers among those we are playing. Then there are also the odds of winning prizes once you have winning numbers among those you are playing. Here's a good example using a typical 6/49 game. You decide to play 12 numbers in two combinations. While the odds of having six winning numbers among any six numbers are 1 in 13.9 million, the odds of having six winning numbers among any 12 randomly chosen numbers are 1 in 15,134. Now you know why it's better to play more than one combination. Let's take a look at the odds of having winning numbers among groups of 12, 18 and 22 randomly selected numbers in a typical 6/49 game . . . 6 if 12 = 1 in 15,134.00 5 if 12 = 1 in 477.20 4 if 12 = 1 in 42.42 3 if 12 = 1 in 8.18 6 if 18 = 1 in 753.28 5 if 18 = 1 in 52.65 4 if 18 = 1 in 9.83 3 if 18 = 1 in 3.81 6 if 22 = 1 in 187.42 5 if 22 = 1 in 19.67 4 if 22 = 1 in 5.45 3 if 22 = 1 in 3.10 Take the line "6 if 22 = 1 in 187.42" it is telling you to expect to average having all six winning numbers among your 22 one time in 187.42 tries. If you don't have all six winning numbers among your 22 in the first 187.42 tries then you can hope for two times within 374.84 tries. Of course you might get lucky and have all six among your 22 on the first try, see what happens if you do . . . Odds of winning a prize. 6 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in 924.00 5 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in 25.67 4 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in 4.11 3 with 6 among 12 numbers played = 1 in -2.31 6 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 18,564.00 5 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 257.83 4 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 18.75 3 with 6 among 18 numbers played = 1 in 4.22 6 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 74,613.00 5 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 777.22 4 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 41.45 3 with 6 among 22 numbers played = 1 in 6.66 Now you know the horrible truth. The more numbers you play the better your odds of having the winning numbers among them and the worsening of your odds of winning a prize. What about wheeling? Wheeling is a net of numbers woven to catch a prize. Any two combinations containing 12 different numbers guarantees at least two 3# prizes if six winning numbers should fall among them, hence you see a negative -2.31 in the chart above. This is because the most likely result of having six winning numbers fall among 12 is 3 on a side, while the odds go up to 1 in 924 of them all landing on one side or the other. You might note a full wheel containing all the combinations necessary to guarantee a 6# jackpot win with all six winning numbers among the 12 also happens to be 924 combinations. What keeps things interesting for lottery players is a wheel to guarantee a 4# prize when all six winning numbers fall among 12 wheeled requires only 6 combinations. While it takes 77 wheeled combinations to provide a 95% chance of a 4# win when all six winning numbers fall among 22 being played. Plus you can always luck out and do much better than guaranteed. To sum up what we've learned so far . . . it doesn't matter whether we wheel 12, 18 or 22 numbers, the odds of having all six winning numbers among them isn't very good and the odds of winning a jackpot when we do is slim to none. So the first question we ask at this point is why we don't get all six winning numbers among the 12, 18 or 22 numbers wheeled? Why We Don't Pick the Winning Numbers: Number Distribution is the key to everything about the lottery you need to know. There are many distributions in the lottery from the ratios of odd and even, low and high numbers, to how many numbers come from each decade, share the same last digit, etc. The most important distribution in the lottery is the one that tells us where the winning numbers come from. To find where the winning numbers come from we need to build a chart not generally found in lottery systems and software. To do so we need to select a range of history to work with and to define our terms. Our first step is to decide how much history to use. We want to give every number an equal chance to perform within the scope of what's happening now. We could use the last 50 or 100 previous draws, but the lottery could have changed out their ballsets or repaired a machine which could mean relying on outdated information. The best range known to date, is to use enough draws so every number has the opportunity to be drawn twice. In a 6/48 game 6 goes into 48 eight times which means in 8 draws each number has one chance to be drawn. To give each number two chances to be drawn we'd have to use the last 16 draws. In a 6/53 game like Florida we would divide 6 into 53 to get 8.83 or 9 and use the last 18 draws for our data. Working with the Florida 6/53 game . . . On scrap paper we list all the numbers in our game and using the history from the last 18 drawings we make a mark next to the numbers for each time they were drawn. This gives us a chart like this . . . For draw 874 based on draws 856 through 873 (04/10 - 06/08/02) ## Hits 01 xx 02 xxx 03 x 04 xx 05 x 06 xxxx 07 xxxx 08 xx 09 xxxx 10 xx 11 12 x 13 xx 14 xxx 15 "" Simple enough frequency chart to make isn't it, takes about two minutes on a piece of scrap paper with the game history in hand. Next we want to arrange the numbers in the order of those that hit most to least or you could say "Hot" to "Cold" and transfer that information to graph paper as we'll stack a pile of these charts like steps to see where winning numbers fall in the game. After the draw we go back and highlight the winning numbers (*). For many your current lottery software can take you this far or you can get the information for your chart free on-line at See the 20 5 below under draw number 916, that means the number 20 had 5 hits in the last 18 draws. See the 36* 5 under draw number 921, that means the number 36 had five hits in the last 18 draws and was drawn as one of the winning numbers in draw number 921. For draws 916 based on draws 898-915 through 915-922. 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 36 5 36* 5 36 5 36 5 36 5 36* 5 25 5 36 5 40 5 40 5 40 5 37 5 40 5 07 4 36 5 11 4 11 4 11 4 12 4 40 5 07 4 11 4 07 4 17 4 20 4 12 4 20 4 12* 4 11 4 17 4 11 4 25 4 25 4 20 4 23 4 17 4 ------------------------------------------------------ 17 4 25* 4 17 4 26 4 37 4 37 4 37* 4 20 4 25 4 26 4 26 4 37 4 07 3 37 4 01 3 23 4 26 4 37 4 37 4 40* 4 09 3 07 3 09 3 32 4 32 4 40 4 40 4 04 3 12* 3 09 3 11 3 01 3 37 4 41 4 04 3 07 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 05* 3 ------------------------------------------------------ 41 4 09 3 09 3 09* 3 17* 3 17 3 17* 3 09 3 16 3 16 3 21 3 12 3 21* 3 23* 3 21 3 11 3 21* 3 21 3 32* 3 21 3 26 3 25 3 26 3 15 3 29 3 29 3 41 3 27 3 27 3 26 3 27 3 27 3 30 3 32 3 05 1 32 3 32 3 27 3 32* 3 28 3 ------------------------------------------------------ 43 3 04* 2 06 2 38 3 38 3 32 3 38 3 38 3 04 2 05 2 12* 2 41 3 41 3 38 3 39 3 41 3 06 2 06 2 13 2 05 2 01 2 41 3 41 3 44 3 09* 2 10 2 15 2 06 2 04 2 44 3 44 3 04 2 10 2 12 2 16 2 13 2 05 2 01* 2 04* 2 13* 2 ------------------------------------------------------ 13 2 13 2 24 2 15* 2 06 2 01 2 05* 2 16 2 22 2 27 2 27* 2 16 2 13 2 05 2 07 2 21 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 24 2 16 2 13 2 13 2 22 2 31 2 30 2 29 2 28 2 23* 2 16 2 16 2 24 2 34 2 31 2 30 2 29 2 24 2 24 2 22 2 25 2 ------------------------------------------------------ 49 2 34 2 31 2 30 2 28 2 28 2 24 2 26 2 50 2 38 2 34 2 31 2 29 2 29 2 25 2 29 2 51 2 43 2 38* 2 34 2 30 2 30 2 28* 2 30 2 52 2 49 2 43 2 43 2 31 2 31 2 29 2 31 2 53 2 50 2 49 2 44 2 43 2 39* 2 30 2 34 2 ------------------------------------------------------ 01 1 51 2 50 2 50 2 44 2 43 2 31 2 39 2 03 1 52 2 51 2 51 2 50 2 50 2 34 2 51 2 05* 1 53 2 52 2 52 2 51 2 51 2 50 2 52 2 08 1 01 1 53 2 01* 1 52 2 52 2 51 2 02 1 12* 1 03 1 01 1 03 1 02 1 02 1 52 2 02 1 ------------------------------------------------------ 14 1 08 1 03 1 08 1 03 1 03 1 02 1 06 1 15 1 14 1 08 1 10 1 08 1 06 1 03 1 07* 1 18 1 15* 1 10 1 14 1 10 1 10 1 06 1 10 1 19 1 18 1 14 1 19 1 14 1 14 1 10 1 14 1 23 1 19 1 18 1 22 1 19 1 19 1 14 1 19 1 ------------------------------------------------------ 24 1 22 1 19 1 23* 1 22 1 22* 1 19 1 42 1 27* 1 23 1 23 1 33 1 33 1 34* 1 42 1 43* 1 33 1 24* 1 33 1 39 1 34 1 42 1 43 1 47 1 38* 1 33 1 39 1 42 1 39* 1 47 1 47 1 48 1 39 1 39 1 42 1 47 1 42 1 48 1 48 1 49* 1 ------------------------------------------------------ 42 1 42 1 44* 1 48 1 47 1 49 1 49 1 50 1 47 1 47 1 47 1 49 1 48 1 08 0 08 0 08 0 48 1 48 1 48 1 53 1 49 1 18 0 18 0 18 0 02 0 02 0 02 0 02* 0 53 1 33 0 33 0 33 0 35 0 35 0 22* 0 18 0 18 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 ------------------------------------------------------ 44 0 44* 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 46 0 46 0 46 0 46 0 46 0 46 0 46 0 46 0 53 0 53 0 53 0 ------------------------------------------------------ You're seeing here the actual raw data showing where the winning numbers came from positionally in columns of numbers ranged from "Hot" to "Cold" based on hits in the last 18 draws. The chart above should be more enlightening printed out and viewed as a whole. Trouble with demonstration charts is how they look like just a big bucket of numbers. Until you make your own charts, your focus and subconscious can't go to work on interpreting, so the above chart won't make much sense. For now we'll condense the above chart along with the last 50 draws from the Florida 6/53 in order to make the point, your chart you'll need to determine for your own lotto game. The key is to define our terms. For the purposes of the above chart and the following condensed chart we'll stipulate . . . HOT: A number with 3 or more hits in the last 18 draws. AVERAGE: A number with 1 or 2 hits in the last 18 draws. COLD: A number with zero hits in the last 18 draws. (If the need arises, Average can be split into Warm Average (2 hits) and Cool Average (1 hit). Hot can be split into Just Hot (3 hits) and Hot (4 or more hits). Cold can be split into Just Cold and Very Cold. Do what works for you as necessary.) X/Y = Hits / Number of Hot, Average, Cold. FL 6/53 in groups of 18 draws 856 - 873 through 905 - 922 Hot 3 or more, Average 1 or 2, Cold 0 Zero, hits. Hot Average Cold 20/3 24/2 09/1 Draw # 874 06/12/2002 18/3 27/3 08/0 19/3 26/3 08/0 20/4 25/2 08/0 19/3 25/3 09/0 17/1 24/2 11/3 17/1 26/5 10/0 16/2 26/2 11/2 16/3 28/1 09/2 16/1 29/4 07/1 16/2 30/4 07/0 Draw # 884 07/17/02 14/2 31/3 08/1 15/1 31/4 07/1 16/1 29/2 08/3 17/3 30/2 06/1 16/3 32/3 05/0 18/2 28/3 07/1 16/4 30/2 07/0 16/3 30/3 07/0 16/4 28/0 09/2 15/3 31/2 07/1 DRAW # 894 08/21/02 16/1 31/3 06/2 15/0 34/6 04/0 13/2 36/2 04/2 14/1 36/4 03/1 16/1 35/5 02/0 17/1 30/3 05/2 17/3 31/3 04/0 17/3 31/3 05/0 17/2 29/4 07/0 16/0 29/6 08/0 Draw # 904 09/25/02 19/3 26/2 08/1 16/1 29/3 08/2 16/2 30/4 07/0 18/2 27/3 08/1 20/4 26/1 07/1 21/2 25/3 07/1 19/1 28/5 06/0 19/3 28/3 06/0 19/3 27/3 07/0 17/1 29/2 07/3 Draw # 914 10/30/02 17/4 31/1 05/1 16/1 32/5 05/0 15/2 33/3 05/1 14/1 34/4 05/1 17/2 31/3 05/1 17/3 32/3 04/1 18/2 27/4 07/0 19/3 27/2 07/0 18/2 28/4 07/0 16/2 25/4 07/0 Draw # 924 12/04/02 Direct your attention to the "Hot" number column. What should leap out at you is how the "Hot" numbers do not have more than four winning numbers! Hot numbers contribute from one to four numbers toward winning the jackpot, at no time does the jackpot come from Hot numbers alone. Playing "Hot" numbers virtually guarantees you won't get the chance to win a lottery jackpot! Next look at the "Cold" numbers and you'll see any strategy based on waiting for those Cold Due numbers to all hit together is not going to happen. What about the strategy of playing the Hot and Cold numbers? There is only one draw in fifty where this would have worked, not an opportunity that comes around often enough to take advantage of. To put this into perspective. Your software picks the hottest 12 to 22 numbers to wheel, a nice 3 if 3 or 4 if 6 wheel would give you some three number wins or a lucky four number hit about 19 times in 50 and we're talking a high odds 6/53 game so winning several times a month sure looks like we're on the right path. The reality is, at no time in the last 50 draws, was a jackpot ever possible playing the Hot numbers. How about playing all the numbers? Have you ever looked at one of the wheels that plays all the numbers? Look really close and you'll find they are really made up of two or more totally independent wheels. What does this mean . . . ? Most of these split or Franken-Wheels start with an excellent 3if3in22number77combination wheel, what a coincidence your Hot numbers would land in that portion so you'd see some lower tier wins. The rear portion is a 3if4 wheel, so if the worse case scenario comes up and Hot contributes only zero one or two winning numbers to the 3if3 portion, then there would have to be four or more winning numbers for the rump portion to win a three number prize and so the "guarantee" of a 3 number win. These split wheels turn up in all sizes. It's not uncommon to find the favored 3if6in24number20combination wheel to be made of a 3if3 and a 3if4 portion often intertwined in an attempt to disguise its flawed construction. Even 3if5of6 wheels are not immune being made up of two 3if3 wheels. These wheels seem ingenious often being tighter than a properly made wheel, but don't be fooled as they make it harder to win. Remember the odds of getting winning numbers among those played? If your split wheel front end is 12, 18 or 22 numbers the odds of having all the winning numbers among them is greatly reduced compared to playing a non-split wheel. You might as well be playing two totally independent wheels, either way your odds of getting all six winning numbers on one side or the other are the same as getting all odd or all even or all high or all low numbers on one side or the other. OUCH! At this point you will usually be reminded every combination has an equal chance of being drawn, so how can being part of one kind of wheel make them less likely than being part of another? To understand this you need to know a little bit about how odds work in the real world. There is a big difference between an event being possible in every drawing and how often an event is likely to occur. It's just common sense, the more there are of a thing in a pot the more likely you will pull one out in a draw. Some will say there is exactly one type of each combination, only we're not talking about combinations right now, we're talking about having the numbers that make up the winning combination being among a group of numbers we're playing. Say you have a pot with 500 white marbles and 10 blue and you give the thing a good shake. Without looking try drawing a blue marble, what color would you expect to find in your hand? Obviously anything could have happened, but reality is more often than not a white marble will be drawn. If you didn't put the drawn marbles back, white marbles would be drawn 500 times and blue 10 times. If you did put the marble back after each draw it is highly unlikely you'd draw a blue marble at any time. Now let's change things around. Instead of 500 white marbles and 10 blue, we'll try 255 white and 255 blue, now how many white and blue marbles would you expect to have in your hand after six draws? After 24 draws? The odds now favor half and half every time. In a typical 6/49 game before the first ball is drawn we know to expect the following breakdown off odd and even, low and high, with an approximate range of hotter to colder numbers to follow. 3/3 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 4,655,200 = 33.28(991)% 4/2 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 3,491,400 = 24.96(743)% 2/4 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 3,187,800 = 22.79(635)% 5/1 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 1,275,120 = 09.11(854)% 1/5 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 1,062,600 = 07.59(878)% 6/0 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 177,100 = 01.26(646)% 0/6 odd/even, low/high, hot-av/g-cold = 134,596 = 00.96(251)% The hot-cold ratio isn't as precise as the odd/even, low/high, numbers and simply divides the field somewhere within the average numbers as if hot were numbers with two or more hits and cold were numbers with one or none. What matters is how the distribution shows what balances need to be in your combinations to have a chance at winning in the most possible draws over time. The breakdown chart above could be counter-intuitive as many people would look at it and think they should play 3/3 odd/even, low/high, hot-cold on every ticket to have a shot at winning in one third of all drawings. Nothing could be further from the truth! The odds of the three 3/3 groups hitting together are . . . YYY, YYN, YNY, NYY, YNN, NYN, NNY, NNN or 1 in 8 of the 1 draw in 3 this opportunity arises. Do you filter your combinations? If your first step is to remove all but 3/3 odd/even, low/high combinations the chances of winning a jackpot are slim indeed. The trick if there can be said to be one, is to make combinations like those that win in your game and to avoid the extreme long shots when trying to win a jackpot. This means selecting or building combinations with a good assortment of qualities. In other words, well constructed combinations can contain 1 to 5 odd, even, low, high and 0 to 4 hot, average or cold numbers for a jackpot attempt. If we break these down into three groups covering all the numbers we see 17 working proportions. Hot Average Cold 4 2 0 4 0 2 4 1 1 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 4 0 1 5 0 1 3 2 0 6 0 0 5 1 0 4 2 0 3 3 There are 28 ways to split the numbers up into three groups as shown below, of course some distributions are less likely. 01-16 17-33 34-49 6 0 0 = 8,008 combinations unlikely 0 6 0 = 8,008 combinations unlikely 0 0 6 = 8,008 combinations unlikely 5 1 0 = 69,888 combinations rare 5 0 1 = 69,888 combinations rare 1 5 0 = 69,888 combinations rare 1 0 5 = 69,888 combinations rare 0 5 1 = 69,888 combinations rare 0 1 5 = 69,888 combinations rare 4 2 0 = 69,888 combinations rare 4 0 2 = 218,400 combinations fair 2 4 0 = 218,400 combinations fair 2 0 4 = 218,400 combinations fair 0 2 4 = 218,400 combinations fair 0 4 2 = 218,400 combinations fair 4 1 1 = 495,040 combinations good 1 4 1 = 495,040 combinations good 1 1 4 = 495,040 combinations good 3 3 0 = 1,142,400 combinations better 3 0 3 = 1,142,400 combinations better 3 2 1 = 1,142,400 combinations better 3 1 2 = 1,142,400 combinations better 1 3 2 = 1,142,400 combinations better 2 3 1 = 1,142,400 combinations better 1 2 3 = 1,142,400 combinations better 2 1 3 = 1,142,400 combinations better 2 2 2 = 1,958,400 combinations best Best 2-2-2 is still only 2 million out of 13.9 million combinations so we need a good mix in any combinations we make. If it seems confusing at first, the thing to remember from all this is to have a good assortment in picking your numbers. What really hurts your chances is having everything one way and the winning combination comes in another. You are better off with some chances to win in almost every draw than waiting for a type of draw that may not be drawn at all. How to Eliminate Some Numbers: Even though we'd like to put all the numbers into play, the cost can be prohibitive. Even the addition of a few numbers to a game sends the odds soaring and eliminating a few numbers has the reverse effect. The Florida game odds were raised from 6/49's 1 in 13.9 million to 6/53's 1 in 22.9 million. Four additional numbers almost doubled the odds!!! On the other hand the successful elimination of four or more numbers has an exactly opposite effect lowering the odds an equal amount. The standard method of eliminating numbers to bring a 6/53 game back to a 6/49 or to bring a 6/49 to 6/48 for wheeling or even to 6/43 to eliminate 8 million combinations, is to not play some or all of the numbers drawn in the prior draw. 45% of the time none of the numbers from the prior draw are drawn again in the next. In other words, if on Sat. 12/07/02 01-03-07-32-34-49 is drawn don't play any of those numbers in the next draw. On Wed 12/11/02 08-10-15-24-48-53 was drawn containing none of the numbers from the previous drawing. This trick works about 45% of the time and more often if you only eliminate one or two of the previous drawn numbers for an easy divide by six. The reason lotteries use games like 6/49 rather than 6/48 is to make it harder (requiring more combinations) to cover the numbers evenly. You can play all 48 numbers on 8 combinations, but it becomes confusing trying to cover all 49 when 5 have to be specially picked to go with the 49th. How to Eliminate More Numbers Sometimes you want to remove more than six numbers from play at a time. The following method does this again about 45% of the time. It can NOT be used in conjunction with the above method of eliminating the previous six numbers, in fact it requires you play them. Print out the last 20 draws or more, whatever's easiest. Draw a line after the most recent 3, the next most recent 3, then most recent 4, and the next two most recent 3. This gives us two groups of 3 draws, followed by a group of 4 draws and finally two more groups of 3 draws. Like this . . . Group E 907 10/05/02 Sat 09-15-16-26-28-42 908 10/09/02 Wed 10-20-26-40-41-47 909 10/12/02 Sat 17-20-32-41-50-52 Group D 910 10/16/02 Wed 03-34-36-37-40-51 911 10/19/02 Sat 11-27-30-36-43-52 912 10/23/02 Wed 16-17-30-31-41-49 Group C 913 10/26/02 Sat 11-20-25-37-48-51 914 10/30/02 Wed 05-19-20-23-29-31 915 11/02/02 Sat 01-07-11-29-37-40 916 11/06/02 Wed 05-09-12-21-27-38 Group B 917 11/09/02 Sat 04-15-24-25-36-44 918 11/13/02 Wed 12-22-27-32-38-44 919 11/16/02 Sat 01-02-09-15-23-40 Group A 920 11/20/02 Wed 12-17-21-23-39-44 921 11/23/02 Sat 01-22-23-34-36-39 922 11/27/02 Wed 04-05-17-28-32-37 Write out the numbers in your game, in this case it would be from 01 to 53. If the number appears in group A or C make a check next to it. When done you should have 42 check marks. Count them. If the number appears in group B or E and is not already checked, put an "X" next to it. (ignore those with checks) Play the numbers with and without check marks, don't play the numbers with "X" next to them. Let's see how this works out . . . 01 ** 16 X 31 * 46 02 X 17 ** 32 * 47 X 03 18 33 48 * 04 * 19 * 34 * 49 05 *** 20 ** 35 50 X 06 21 ** 36 * 51 * 07 * 22 * 37 *** 52 X 08 23 *** 38 * 53 09 * 24 X 39 ** 10 X 25 * 40 * 11 ** 26 X 41 X 12 ** 27 * 42 X 13 28 * 43 14 29 ** 44 * 15 X 30 45 As you can see we have 42 checks [*] and 11 with an "X" so we eliminated 11 numbers from play. And the winning draw on 923 11/30/02 Sat was 05-07-12-13-43-49 all from the checked and blank numbers a success!!! As I said this works about 45% of the time. When it does as in this case we eliminated 11 numbers from play taking the game from a 6/53 at 1 in 22.9 million odds to a 6/42 at 1 in 5.2 million, a 17.7 million combination reduction in odds!!! If this had been a 6/49 at 1 in 13.9 million combinations game the successful elimination of 11 numbers would make it a 6/38 game for the draw at 1 in 2.8 million and this is before you've created your first combination! The Incredible Super Wheel It's nice to know what a winning combination should look like and the balances of hot to cold, odd to even, low to high that should be in it. You should keep those factors in mind when picking your numbers, for we have here the wheel that can make you a millionaire. Yes folks, this is the Lotto-Logix Miracle Super Wheel appearing here for the first time anywhere (I know of). How would you like a wheel whose matrix is so simple you can carry it in your head? Perfect for when on vacation to play any state Pick-6 game. How would you like a wheel you can use whether you play only one six-number combination or hundreds? How would you like to walk right around the 3if6 wheels to go after the higher tier prizes at lower playing costs for you? How would you like a wheel that can put multiple 4-number prizes or a 5- or 6-number prize in your hands if its conditions are met? Here is how it works . . . Write out the amount of numbers you want to play, put a line between them in groups of 3, like this. 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 | for as many numbers as you like up to all the numbers in your game. To demonstrate we'll start with 18 numbers. 01-02-03 | 04-05-06| 07-08-09| 10-11-12 | 13-14-15 | 16-17-18 With the distribution concepts we learned, we would make a wheel like this with a hot, an average and a cold number under each pointer number alternating between odd and even, low and high numbers. Try to randomize the selection, don't just take the first of each, the second of each next, that rarely works. To play we put each 3 number subset into contact with every other one time. Like I'm doing here with the pointer place holder numbers, of course you'd be doing this with the numbers you selected in the place of the pointer numbers . . . 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 01-02-03 | 07-08-09 01-02-03 | 10-11-12 01-02-03 | 13-14-15 01-02-03 | 16-17-18 04-05-06 | 07-08-09 04-05-06 | 10-11-12 04-05-06 | 13-14-15 04-05-06 | 16-17-18 07-08-09 | 10-11-12 07-08-09 | 13-14-15 07-08-09 | 16-17-18 10-11-12 | 13-14-15 10-11-12 | 16-17-18 13-14-15 | 16-17-18 15 combinations covering 18 numbers, what could happen? If you get 2 sets of 3 right, GUARANTEED JACKPOT!!! If you get 1 set of 3 right and a set of 2 Guaranteed 5-number win!! If you get 1 set of 3 right and 1 number guaranteed 4-number win! Any set of 3 right guarantees multiple 3-number wins!!! Even a set of 2 right and 1 number in another means a 3-number win. How can you lose? Have only 1 or none right per 3-number set. Playing One Combination: Make up two subsets of 3 with the balances in mind and combine to make one combination. Playing 12 Numbers: Make up four subsets of 3 with the balances in mind and combine to make six combinations. 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 01-02-03 | 07-08-09 01-02-03 | 10-11-12 04-05-06 | 07-08-09 04-05-06 | 10-11-12 07-08-09 | 10-11-12 Playing All the Numbers: It takes 120 such combinations made up of subsets of 3 numbers to cover 6/48. We can cover the full 49 by taking the 46-47-48 group and adding fifteen 46-47-49 additional plays for each subgroup combining. Like this . . . 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 01-02-03 | 07-08-09 on to 01-02-03 | 46-47-48 and we add 01-02-03 | 46-47-49 until we reach 43-44-45 | 46-47-48 and 43-44-45 | 46-47-49 or we could use our elimination routines to take one or more numbers out of play for the draw. When playing all the numbers, we have the opportunity to make up subsets that reflect the various opportunities we learned about in the charts above. For example: You can have some subsets with 2 or 3 hot numbers, some with 2 or 3 average numbers and some with a hot and two average, or two hot and a cold, etc. When playing all the numbers, or when we have all the numbers after successfully eliminating some from play, some additional guarantees come into effect. As before any two subgroups of 3 numbers guarantees a jackpot. As before any subgroup of three means there must be three numbers among the remaining subgroups. If there is a subgroup with 2 of the winning numbers then you must have a 5-number and a 4-number win. If there are three subgroups with 1 number than you must have three 4-number wins plus multiple 3-number wins from the subgroup with 3 correct. Even a sub group with two correct and four subgroups with one number correct means at least four 3-number wins. The only way to lose is to have only one or none numbers correct per subgroup. Here is the complete wheel for playing all the 6/49 numbers ready to copy and paste into your software for loading and if you like a little fine edge filtering if you have a program like Lottery Director or even its free demo which allows you to import pointer number place holder wheel lines. Download a copy at or you can import to CoverMaster and exchange numbers, practice first on a small wheel as it won't print your exchanged numbers unless you save it and open it in notepad for printing. 135 combinations. 01 02 03 04 05 06 01 02 03 07 08 09 01 02 03 10 11 12 01 02 03 13 14 15 01 02 03 16 17 18 01 02 03 19 20 21 01 02 03 22 23 24 01 02 03 25 26 27 01 02 03 28 29 30 01 02 03 31 32 33 01 02 03 34 35 36 01 02 03 37 38 39 01 02 03 40 41 42 01 02 03 43 44 45 01 02 03 46 47 48 01 02 03 46 47 49 04 05 06 07 08 09 04 05 06 10 11 12 04 05 06 13 14 15 04 05 06 16 17 18 04 05 06 19 20 21 04 05 06 22 23 24 04 05 06 25 26 27 04 05 06 28 29 30 04 05 06 31 32 33 04 05 06 34 35 36 04 05 06 37 38 39 04 05 06 40 41 42 04 05 06 43 44 45 04 05 06 46 47 48 04 05 06 46 47 49 07 08 09 10 11 12 07 08 09 13 14 15 07 08 09 16 17 18 07 08 09 19 20 21 07 08 09 22 23 24 07 08 09 25 26 27 07 08 09 28 29 30 07 08 09 31 32 33 07 08 09 34 35 36 07 08 09 37 38 39 07 08 09 40 41 42 07 08 09 43 44 45 07 08 09 46 47 48 07 08 09 46 47 49 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 16 17 18 10 11 12 19 20 21 10 11 12 22 23 24 10 11 12 25 26 27 10 11 12 28 29 30 10 11 12 31 32 33 10 11 12 34 35 36 10 11 12 37 38 39 10 11 12 40 41 42 10 11 12 43 44 45 10 11 12 46 47 48 10 11 12 46 47 49 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 19 20 21 13 14 15 22 23 24 13 14 15 25 26 27 13 14 15 28 29 30 13 14 15 31 32 33 13 14 15 34 35 36 13 14 15 37 38 39 13 14 15 40 41 42 13 14 15 43 44 45 13 14 15 46 47 48 13 14 15 46 47 49 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 22 23 24 16 17 18 25 26 27 16 17 18 28 29 30 16 17 18 31 32 33 16 17 18 34 35 36 16 17 18 37 38 39 16 17 18 40 41 42 16 17 18 43 44 45 16 17 18 46 47 48 16 17 18 46 47 49 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 25 26 27 19 20 21 28 29 30 19 20 21 31 32 33 19 20 21 34 35 36 19 20 21 37 38 39 19 20 21 40 41 42 19 20 21 43 44 45 19 20 21 46 47 48 19 20 21 46 47 49 22 23 24 25 26 27 22 23 24 28 29 30 22 23 24 31 32 33 22 23 24 34 35 36 22 23 24 37 38 39 22 23 24 40 41 42 22 23 24 43 44 45 22 23 24 46 47 48 22 23 24 46 47 49 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 31 32 33 25 26 27 34 35 36 25 26 27 37 38 39 25 26 27 40 41 42 25 26 27 43 44 45 25 26 27 46 47 48 25 26 27 46 47 49 28 29 30 31 32 33 28 29 30 34 35 36 28 29 30 37 38 39 28 29 30 40 41 42 28 29 30 43 44 45 28 29 30 46 47 48 28 29 30 46 47 49 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 32 33 37 38 39 31 32 33 40 41 42 31 32 33 43 44 45 31 32 33 46 47 48 31 32 33 46 47 49 34 35 36 37 38 39 34 35 36 40 41 42 34 35 36 43 44 45 34 35 36 46 47 48 34 35 36 46 47 49 37 38 39 40 41 42 37 38 39 43 44 45 37 38 39 46 47 48 37 38 39 46 47 49 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 41 42 46 47 48 40 41 42 46 47 49 43 44 45 46 47 48 43 44 45 46 47 49 Do NOT play the pointer numbers, clusters of three numbers in sequential numeric order are rare and two sets of three numbers in sequential numeric order in the same combination almost unheard of. One thing that makes this wheel so powerful, is every twelve numbers played in every possible way four subsets of three numbers can be combined each make a 100% 4if6in12number wheel. So you are not only playing a big 100% 6if6if3and3in49number wheel you are also playing so many 4if6in12number wheels I can't pick them all out. Economy System Not ready for the Super Wheel or want to use the hot, average, cold distribution for Pick-5 or Pick-7? Here's how to do it. Examine your game's past draw history focusing on the lowest drawn number in each winning combination. Here's some Florida draws . . . 12/04/02 15-27-29-34-38-48 12/07/02 01-03-07-32-34-49 12/11/02 08-10-15-24-48-53 12/14/02 06-14-18-36-39-45 12/18/02 02-04-19-24-26-45 12/21/02 09-20-21-34-37-47 12/25/02 07-13-21-29-39-47 12/28/02 22-23-29-35-38-50 Excluding any real aberrations, see how the first numbers run from 01 to somewhere between 20 and 25. This gives us a min-max range for the first number and suggests how many lines to put into play. Go with a figure that would apply to roughly 9 out of 10 drawings over the last 100 draws. We write out the numbers 01 through 20 or 22 or 25, whatever works for your game, down the left side of a sheet of paper. We are now virtually guaranteed to have a combination with the first drawn number correct. For the next part you need any lottery software that will tell you what numbers hit together most often in your game. Numbers that hit together are generally referred to as "Pairs" or "Co-Occurrence" and will be found on a Pairs Chart. As the stock market guys would say in their ads, "Past results are not always an indicator of future performance." but it's all we have to work with. There really isn't a lot of other good reasons to select any particular number for your combinations. Your Pairs history doesn't have to be current to the latest draw so if you don't have good lottery software you can use the Pairs Chart in the demo of Lottery Director software found here We already have the first number for each combination, so find the number that was paired with each of these most often and write it next to the first number. Next find the number that paired off most often with our new second number in the line. Of course if we would have two of any number just go to the next most often paired, can't have two of the same numbers in a combination you know. Stop when you have four numbers in the daisy chain of most paired together for each line. At this point it doesn't matter how screwy the combinations look, we can bring them back into conformance with our final completing numbers. With this system we want to put most or all the numbers into play so run through what you have so far and see if any numbers are missing you wanted to use, make a list of these to be sure to work in. Review each combination for the expected 1/5, 2/4, 3/3, 4/2, 5/1 balances of Odd/Even, Low/High, Hot/Average/Cold and use any number that "feels right" to complete the combinations. If you are really into the balances often referred to as "filtering" it helps to remember almost every winning combination has at least one variance that would cause it to be deleted, so don't be too tough on what to allow. Pick-5 games are generally smaller than Pick-6, so expect to have only 15 to 20 lines to cover the lowest drawn numbers. While there are min-max ranges for each position in the winning combinations (remember we're modeling on combination styles that win, not just any combination possible) they don't guarantee a winning number on the same line with the lowest drawn winning number. To do so positionally would still take millions of combinations. That said you can consider such when selecting your finishing numbers for your combinations. Someday I expect there will be software that will do all this for us, until such time we must build combinations by hand. Suggestions for improving this system are welcome and may possibly be added to this article without credit given, feel free to help your fellow lottery player.
When All Else Fails How To Pick Numbers With Cards, Cash and Dice
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 21:02:29 PM
When all else fails, there is nothing like playing random against random. Why shouldn't the same process that keeps us from winning work equally well against itself? These methods call upon Lady Luck to help us select winning lottery numbers.
How to use playing cards to select lottery numbers.
The simple method is to grab an old deck and with permanent marker write 0-9 three or four times for Pick-3/4. For larger games mark the cards with the game numbers. Discard unused cards. Shuffle and deal draw size hands until the cards run out. The more complicated method is to assign each card a value. Clubs: Ace - 10 = 01 - 10 Diamonds: Ace - 10 = 11 - 20 Hearts: Ace - 10 = 21 - 30 Spades: Ace - 10 = 31 - 40 Clubs Face: J = 41, Q = 42, K = 43 Diamonds Face: J = 44, Q = 45, K = 46 Hearts Face: J = 47, Q = 48, K = 49 Spades Face: J = 50, Q = 51, K = 52, Joker: = 53 For larger games add hand marked cards to the deck as necessary. Shuffle and deal draw size hands until cards run out. For the incomplete hand, return all other cards to the deck, shuffle and draw from them until the short hand is a complete combination. This method works better than expected, because it puts all the numbers into play. With Pick-5/6 only 5 or 6 lines or less may have winning numbers among them so we are automatically playing in a reduced odds game of 5/25 or 6/36.How to use cash to select lottery numbers
Every bill has a unique serial number. Unless the bills are brand new in original banded stacks, the order of serial numbers will have been totally randomized by human events. Take bills randomly acquired since the previous draw and note their serial numbers. Here's what I have today . . . K74226595F H63814337A L93041384P EA29203219B GC48355930A Looking at k 74226595 F I see a 7, a 4, a 42, a 22, a 26, We can also take the 74, and reverse it to 47. Better to move on to the next bill then use all the single digits in a serial number otherwise we become overburdened with numbers between 01 and 09. Of course for Pick-3/4 we like 7-4-2, 7-4-2-2, 4-2-2, 4-2-2-6, 2-2-6, 2-2-6-5 and so on.How to select lottery numbers using dice
There are several ways to select lottery numbers using dice. The first and most obvious is to roll a single die, adding each number on to the previous and wheeling the string. Therefore . . . First roll will be between 01 and 06. Second roll will be between 02 and 12. Third roll will be between 03 and 18. Fourth roll will be between 04 and 24. Fifth roll will be between 05 and 30. Sixth roll will be between 06 and 36. Seventh roll will be between 07 and 42 Eighth roll will be between 08 and 48. Ninth roll will be between 09 and 54. Say the first roll is a 2. Second roll is a 5, this means our first playable number is a 2 and our second is 2 + 5 = 7 so we have 2 and 7 so far. Our third toss is 4, so 7 + 4 = 11 we now have 2-7-11. Fourth roll is 1 so 11 + 1 is 12 we have 2-7-11-12. Fifth roll is a 6 so 12 + 6 is 18 and so on until we have somewhere from 9 to 12 numbers to wheel. Another method is to use one die for the first roll and two or three dice for the remaining rolls. For those who prefer numbers in the higher range use two or three dice for each toss. As above, add the results from the roll to the number from the previous roll. For Pick-3/4 throw two dice per digit. We must use the numbers 2-11 for 0-9. 2 = 0 3 = 1 4 = 2 5 = 3 6 = 4 7 = 5 8 = 6 9 = 7 10 = 8 11 = 9 12 = discard throw Results will be somewhat skewed toward the central digits because there are more ways to make them. This isn't all bad because more formed Pick-3/4 numbers also come from the center range than the outer ranges for the same reason. Remember: For the 120 boxed all different Pick-3 numbers only 10 are all low digits and only 10 are all high digits.How to use dominos to select lottery numbers
The dominos are placed face down on a table and swirled about. As each is turned over it is added to the previous to create the next number in turn, like the dice method. Likewise they can also be turned over in groups of two or three and added to the previous number to form the next.How to use the lottery to select numbers
Write out all the numbers for the game. Working back through past draws, scratch off the numbers that have already been drawn. When down to a reasonable number of unscratched numbers, play them on a wheel. While it is relatively rare, for every time all the winning numbers are found among the last x number of draws, there is expected an equal number of times none of the winning numbers will be found in the same number of recent past draws, hence the method.How to use coins to select lottery numbers
While I've heard of systems of using coin flips to mark each number in turn with a yes or no, I've never heard of anyone using such a system more than once. There have been reports of winners using cats, dogs, children, dart boards, dreams, fortune cookies, magic candles, parrots, washers and dryers to pick numbers. I'm more ready to believe such claims are used to hide the real means of number selection by winners who think they've found the magic formula.If all else fails, stand the game on its head
Carefully select your numbers for play, discard them and pick from the remaining numbers.How To Win Mega Millions and Powerball
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:59:48 PM
Mega Millions Match Prize Odds 5/56+1/46 5+MB = Jackpot Prize 1 in 175,711,538 5 = $250,000 1 in 3,904,701 4+MB = $10,000 1 in 889,065 4 = $150 1 in 15,313 3+MB = $150 1 in 13,781 3 = $7 1 in 306 2+MB = $10 1 in 844 1+MB = $3 1 in 141 MB = $2 1 in 75 Overall chances of winning a prize: 1 in 40 Powerball Match Prize Odds 5/55+1/42 5+PB = Grand Prize 1 in 146,107,962 5 = $200,000 1 in 3,563,608.83 4+PB = $10,000 1 in 584,431.85 4 = $100 1 in 14,254.44 3+PB = $100 1 in 11,927.18 3 = $7 1 in 290.91 2+PB = $7 1 in 745.45 1+PB = $4 1 in 126.88 PB = $3 1 in 68.96 The overall odds of winning a prize are 1 in 36.61. Two big fat bloated Pick-5 games and I thought Florida was tough to beat at 1 in 23 million, these are six to seven times harder. Your odds of winning a jackpot are effectively zero whether you buy one ticket or one hundred tickets. The real truth comes out when we look at the 5of5 prizes. Mega Millions 5of5 = $250,000 Powerball 5of5 = $200,000 These second prizes are well within the reach of local Pick-5 games at 5/36 to 5/39 odds. If $200,000 or $250,000 would make your day, play these smaller games instead of Powerball and Mega Millions. Sorry, maybe I haven't caught Powerball Mega Millions fever as Florida doesn't offer these games. However, Florida lotto has announced Powerball will start in 2009, though members of the Florida legislature are pointing out the same lottery director who is saying this also said Florida would never go multi-state. Ah well, I'm prepared with a plan for when they do and I'll share it with you right here and now. With games this big, it's a waste of time and money to play the standard abbreviated wheels. A 3if5in45 numbers wheel takes over 400 lines to win what? A $7 prize, whoopee!!! How To Win Mega Millions and Powerball Here's how to make the directors of all Pick-5 games sweat a little. Form your numbers into groups of 2's and 3's your research indicates are likely to hit together. Or in groups of 2's and 3's that are well balanced, a low and a high number, a odd and two even, an even and two odd, etc. You do not need to have an equal number of each, but do not duplicate any numbers, they must all be unique totaling no more then the game's 55 or 56 numbers. These are pointer numbers, you can use any numbers you like. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] [19-20] [21-22-23] [24-25] What we do is play each set of 3 against every set of 2 for a total of 5x5=25 sets. Get any 3 number and 2 number set correct = automatic second prize worth $200,000 to $250,000. A standard 3if5in25 number wheel requires 64 lines to cover. If we choose to use 6 sets of 3 numbers and 4 sets of 2 numbers, they would combine to make 24 sets or lines. All 55 numbers as 11 sets of 3 and 11 sets of 2 = 121 lines. 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 01 02 03 14 15 01 02 03 19 20 01 02 03 24 25 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 14 15 06 07 08 16 20 06 07 08 24 25 11 12 13 04 05 11 12 13 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 19 20 11 12 13 24 25 16 17 18 04 05 16 17 18 19 10 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 24 25 21 22 23 04 05 21 22 23 09 10 21 22 23 14 15 21 22 23 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 end 25 lines 3 + 2 = JP Think about what we've done here. We've walked right around the 3if and 4if nonsense and gone right for the second prize. Even so, the opportunity for lower tier prizes remain, as you can see. Get 2of3 and 2of2 right that's a 4 number prize or get 3of3 and 1of2 right, that's a 4 number prize and 5 of the 3 number prizes. Get 1of3 and 2of2 right that's a 3 number prize. Alternative Method Read the chapter Win Your Lottery parts 2,3,4 and apply the Drill Down technique to your Mega Millions Powerball game. What about the Mega Power Ball? There are three basic strategies for dealing with Mega Power type balls. The one to use is best determined by watching what has happened in the game over time to see where the winning Mega Power Balls come from. 1. Does the Mega Power Ball tend to repeat or skip a draw and repeat? 2. Does the Mega Power Ball tend to come in 8 or 9 draws since it was last drawn, give or take a draw or two? 3. Does the Mega Power Ball tend to come from the 3 to 5 longest out since last hit? Strategy: Take the 3 to 5 most likely Mega Power Balls and randomly rotate them against the lines you are playing.
How to Win with LD Free Wheeling
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:55:52 PM
When the topic of classic lottery software comes up, Lottery Director is always among the top five. Their motto "Excellence in Lottery Software" hits the mark.After a quarter century of making lottery players happy, the good people of Lottery Director Software decided to give back to the lottery community in the form of a totally free software called Free Wheeling.Now I gotta tell ya, most lottery players never heard of it, and those that took a look, didn't know what to do with it. Well, you and I are going to take care of that right now.To get a copy of Free Wheeling, go to the Lottery Director web site while online. Download the free demo of Lottery Director. The Free Wheeling software comes with it.After you install the software, then download and install the Game History file from the same web site. It will give you over 200 game results, and you can use them in your wheeling to eliminate combinations that have too many repeat numbers in them.If you have a registered copy of Lottery Director, Do Not Install The Demo, it will remove your registration. Instead download and install the free LD Update. It will give you the latest version of all the software, including Free Wheeling.After the software is installed, you should see a Lottery Director icon on your desktop. Click on it, and you'll see the icons for your LD Free Wheeling and LD Professional software. We'll be using the Free Wheeling here.The LD Professional software has 800 wheels, including 350 Pick-6 and 250 Pick-5 wheels, filters etc. The demo never expires. The only limit in it is that you can't save your updates to a game. In the demo, you can enter numbers into your game's history, but they won't be saved when you exit the program. To update the games, you can use the weekly updates at the web site, which are a free download.In the registered software, you can update your game using your mouse and keyboard, as well as using the download.In either version, demo or registered, you can still wheel your numbers, filter your combinations, print playslips, and check for winners after the game's draw.There are plenty of lottery players who use another method of picking their numbers and then turn to the free demo of Lottery Director to wheel and filter them.Free Wheeling has four main parts. WheelGen, FastPick, PrintGen, and CheckGen.WheelGen (Wheel Generator) makes a wheel, like the name suggests. FastPick is a quick way to get some combinations, when you don't have time for wheeling. PrintGen prints playslips, and CheckGen checks your combinations for winners after the game's draw.We'll be using WheelGen (Wheel Generator) here.When clicked on, the opening screen of LD Free Wheeling displays two choices for naming our wheel using up to 6 characters so we can find it again later if we need to.The only caution here is if you might later want to import the wheel into the Lottery Director collection of wheels, you must start the wheel name with LDW and the amount of numbers in a combination. For example, a Pick-5 wheel always begins with LDW5, and a Pick-6 wheel always begins with LDW6.The Help screen explains how to name a wheel.Do not use the name of a pre-existing Lottery Director wheel unless you intend to replace it with your new wheel of the same name.If you're not concerned about importing your wheel into LD wheels collection, then just go ahead and call it anything you like using six characters or less.Suggestion: You can just use the letters "Test" for your wheel. Or just press Enter, and the software will automatically use the name "Custom".The third screen is where we provide the software with the game or wheel size we intend to work with. In this case we're working with a 6/53 game so 6 and 53 are what's called for. That's what we'll be using.Now in our example, we'll make a 6/53 wheel and try to drill down to our example combination Florida 6/53 06/25/2008 07-09-21-22-44-47After 6 and 53 are entered, Free Wheeling tells us how many lines or combinations are involved before reduction. In this example 6/53 equals 22,957,480 lines.On the bottom of the screen we're offered the option to continue (Y or N). Just press Enter to continue, or click your left mouse button.The next Free Wheeling screen requires a bit of thought. There are three options for putting numbers into our wheel. KEYBOARD allows us to enter our numbers directly into the screen.FILE SET will bring in numbers from a file. That's handy if you want to use the same numbers over and over, because you can put them into a plain text file using Notepad or the built-in LD Files Editor. Free Wheeling will read the file and bring your numbers into the program. When clicked on, File Set opens a screen where the user may select, in this case, any of the 53 possible numbers and save them to be recalled. Much faster when testing various filter combinations, than hand entering the numbers time and again.POINTERS puts the numbers in numeric order, 1-2-3-4-5 etc. an 18 number wheel would have Pointers 01-18. We would use Pointers when we want to make a wheel template to import over to LD Professional to exchange for our numbers in the order we want them dropped onto the wheel template.There's another reason for using POINTERS here. We are playing ALL the numbers from 1 to 53, so POINTERS simply saves us the job of entering each number individually. One click and they're all entered for us.Note: You can either press a key as shown (K, F, or P), or you can click your left mouse button on one of those lines in the menu.Also Note: You can press your F1 key for Help at any time. Let's continue with this 6/53 example. Choose POINTERS for our wheel.We're now looking at the main Free Wheeling Filtering screen. Our objective is to remove every line, every combination, except for the jackpot winning one!We'll start with selection A on the menu.Mouse or Keyboard: You can click your mouse on the words "A Standard Filters", or press the "A" key on your keyboard.Choose A -- Standard Filters. These are five filters that turn out to be anything but standard.Sums Range: The first filter is Sum Range. Sum is the number we get when all the numbers in a combination are added together hence 07-09-21-22-44-47 = 150.Free Wheeling is telling us the sums for a 6/53 game range from 21 to 303. The lowest combination 01-02-03-04-05-06=21, and the highest 48-49-50-51-52-53=303.Naturally most draw sums tend to land in the mid range. Our goal is to select the smallest sum range the next draw might fall within without going outside our range.Most lottery filtering software will provide the user with a handful of broad ranges to choose from. Free Wheeling allows the user to set one precise range excluding all others. Get this one right, you're better than halfway there.Even Numbers: This shouldn't be confusing. It's a Pick-6 wheel, so there are six numbers in each combination. If you choose how many Even numbers you want to have in each combination, the rest will be Odd numbers. If 2 to 4 Even is selected, then all combinations will have 2, 3, or 4 Even numbers. If 2 to 2 is selected, all combinations will have only 2 Even numbers and therefore 4 Odd numbers.Low Numbers: This works in the same way. If 1 to 5 is the selection, all combinations will have 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 Low numbers. None will have 6 Low numbers, and likewise none will have 6 High numbers. If 3 to 3 is selected, only combinations with 3 Low numbers and 3 High numbers will pass the filter.Final Digits: There are 10 possible final digits in the numbers, running from 0 to 9. This filter allows you to decide how many of those digits will be the same. For example, 15-25-35-45 all have the same final digit, the 5. This filter is easy, because a quick look at the stats page will tell you almost 89% of winning draws are expected to have one of three outcomes.The draws in this game will have all different final digits 20% of the time. 1-1-1-1-1-1They will have just two digits the same, with that happening just once in the combination, 49% of the time. 2-1-1-1-1They will have two and two digits the same, with that happening twice in the combination 20% of the time. 2-2-1-1In this filter, a 2 to 2 selection will set it for two digits. Then you will be asked if you want to allow Multiples of those digits, with a Yes or No choice.Here's how it works.If you choose 1 to 1, your wheel will have combinations with none of the final digits the same. 1-1-1-1-1-1If you choose 1 to 2 with Multiples, then you will get three outcomes. You'll get all different digits, like 7-10-15-24-31-50.You'll also get combinations with two matching digits, like 7-11-15-24-31-50 (one match in the 11-31), and with multiple matching digits, like 7-11-17-24-31-50 (two matches in the 7-17 and 11-31). You'll also get a few combinations like 7-11-17-31-34-44 (three matches in the 7-17, 11-31, and 34-44). All together these combinations are like about 89% of the draws in the 6/53 game so while a broad filter like this is great for passing 89% when filtering a standard wheel, they are too imprecise for drilling down to a specific combination.If you choose 2 to 2, your wheel will have combinations with two numbers having the same final digit, like 07-47. If you choose "N" without Multiples, then you will have combinations with only one set of matching final digits, like 07-09-21-22-44-47. Here the one set of matching final digits is in the 07 and 47. This happens in about 49% of the draws.If you choose 2 to 2 "Y" with Multiples, then you can also get combinations with several sets of matching final digits, like 7-11-17-24-31-50. In this combination, the 7-17 and 11-31 are two sets of matching final digits. This happens in 20% of the draws.To continue with our example, choose 2 to 2 with No for Multiples.Consecutive Numbers: These are adjacent numbers in a row, like 11-12 or 19-20-21 or 33-34-35-36.A look at stats tells us more than 2 in a row is rare. With Consecutive Numbers, no numbers in a row is 53.5% so 1 to 1 consecutive is expected in 53.5% of all draws. Two consecutive numbers 14-15 is expected in 37.3% of all draws, so selecting 2 to 2 with No to Multiples gives you those kinds of numbers. The third most likely is 2 and 3 (14-15, 42-43) with only 5% of the draws.If you choose 1 to 2 "N" with Multiples, then you will get two outcomes. You'll get no consecutive numbers, 1-1-1-1-1-1 like 7-10-15-24-31-50. You'll also get combinations with two consecutive numbers, like 7-14-15-24-31-50, 2-1-1-1-1 (one match in the 14-15), and with "Y" multiple consecutive numbers, like 7-14-15-24-42-43 (two matches in the 14-15 and 42-43).Combining these combinations are like about 90%-95% of the draws in the 6/53 game so while a broad filter like this is great for passing 90%-95% when filtering a standard wheel, they are too imprecise for drilling down to a specific combination.To continue with our example, select 2 to 2 with "N" for Multiples.When you're finished with the Standard Filters, you can click your left mouse button or press "Y" (Yes) to return to your filtering menu.The beauty of Free Wheeling's set of Standard Filters is how the user may choose from a broad brush approach to an narrow focus. The tighter the focus, the fewer combinations left to play.Previewing Your Wheel: At any time after setting some filters, you can return to the filtering menu and preview your wheel. At your filtering menu, just click your left mouse button on any open part of the screen. Or, you can press Enter. You'll see a menu for Additional Reduction Techniques. Just bypass this menu by again clicking your mouse or pressing Enter. This will take you to a screen to Preview your wheel.You use the Preview to make sure the filters are working or already eliminated all combinations. Just because Preview may show zero combinations at first, doesn't mean there won't be some later in the build. Let it run a bit before shutting it down and returning to your filtering menu.To stop the Preview, just press your Enter key. Follow the instructions on the screen to stop the wheel, and you'll return to your filtering menu.Note: When reopening a filter, the settings will automatically default to blank for fresh input..Back to your filtering menu, the Free Wheeling main screen.Now we'll look at some more filters.B -- Even/Odd Sums: This is a 50/50 filter that can sweep about 50% of all combinations off the table. Obviously the correct answer will shift back and forth or come in clusters like playing Red or Black on a Roulette table. Free Wheeling does not require all filters be used.Roots of Sums: This filter reduces the combination's Sum down to a single digit. It does it by adding together the Sum's digits. For example, the combination 07-09-21-22-44-47 has a Sum of 150. When we add together the 1+5+0, we get a Root of 6.All combinations can have their Sum's digits added together to make 9 possible Roots.Our example draw 07-09-21-22-44-47 has a sum of 150 so the sum of the root is 6.07-09-21-22-44-47 = 07+09+21+22+44+47=150 1+5+0=6The Roots filter allows us to select a specific root sum such as 6 or a range of root sums such as 5 to 7.Roots of Sums allows us the opportunity to select a range of Roots the next draw may come from. Within the main Lottery Director Professional program there is a screen showing how many draws have come from groups of Roots 1-3, 4-6, 7-9. In that program, at your game's main screen select "W". On that program's Wins menu select 1. Sums and Roots.Decades: A 6/53 game has 6 decades, with the numbers 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50-53. While most draws will be missing one or two decades, there really aren't valid reasons to select one decade over another to appear in the next draw.The filters control the mini-max amount of numbers coming from each decade. 1 to 2 or 1 to 3 numbers from each decade is a reasonable setting. The specific setting for our example combination 07-09-21-22-44-47 would be 2 to 2 for 1-9, 20-29, 40-49.Decades also lets us set how many decades in a combination. A look at stats tells us to allow 3 to 4.Note: A very specific filter setting for one filter can allow a more broad setting of another filter we're less certain of.Spread of Pairs: This is the numeric difference between each pair of numbers, side by side in your combination. The numbers 1-5 have a difference of 4. Use this filter to control the smallest and largest difference you want to have between any neighboring numbers.For example, our working draw 07-09-21-22-44-47 has spreads between numbers like this: 2-12-1-22-3, so for this draw to pass our choice would be 1 to 22.The unlikely draw 01-02-03-04-05-53 would have a Spread of Pairs of 1 to 48.Spread of Line is the difference between the lowest drawn number and the highest drawn in winning combinations.01-XX-XX-XX-XX-53 is as rare as 22-XX-XX-XX-XX-27.For example, our working draw 07-09-21-22-44-47 has a Spread of 40*. (47-07=40) Setting the filter for a Spread of 40 would therefore allow a combination's lowest and highest numbers to be 01-41, 02-42, 03-43, 04-44, 05-45, 06-46, 07-47*, 08-48, 09-49, 10-50, 11-51, 12-52, or 13-53.Positional Limits allows the user to predetermine the range of numbers the software may select from, for each position in the winning combination.For example, our working draw 07-09-21-22-44-47 would pass filters set to 01-15, 05-19, 12-24, 18-30, 24-50, 36-53. Once again it is up to the user to use or skip filters.Zone Sets A: Here is where you can group numbers together, and make sure they go together in each combination. It's like Positional Limits with more control.You have 6 Zones, and each Zone can accept up to 10 numbers.You put the numbers you want into each Zone. Then you choose how many of them you want to go into each combination. The numbers do not have to be in numeric order. They can come from Hot, Warm, Average, Cool, Cold and Repeat numbers.Make sure that the Minimum amounts you choose, from all the Zones, is enough to fill your combination. For example, we're making a Pick-6 wheel, so make sure a minimum of at least six numbers will go into the wheel.Zone Sets B: This is similar to Zone Sets A, but it has 3 Zones and can take up to 20 numbers in each Zone.It is handy for a large wheel, where the three sets can handle up to 60 numbers.This is where we would apply the strategy of using three groups consisting of a Hot Group, Average Group and Cold Group of numbers. They can be set to 1 to 3 Hot, 1 to 3 Average and 1 to 2 Cold, or exactly how you feel the next winning combination will be constructed from the Hot, Average and Cold numbers.
Game Histories: Here you can filter against a game history. You have two groups of these filters, for a total of 12 game filters. Naturally the draw history needs to be up to date to use this filter.You can use these Game Histories filters for different ranges of draws in one game, or you can even use them for different games.For some examples, most draws have 0 to 2 Repeat numbers from the previous several draws. You can set a filter to reject combinations with 3 or more Repeat numbers from the last four or five draws. Then you can set another filter to reject 4 or more Repeats from the last 30 draws, another to reject up to 5 Repeats from the last 200 draws, and so on.You could even filter out combinations which have won in another game. If a combination of 6 numbers just won last week in a neighboring game and you feel it's not likely to repeat now in yours, you can filter it out of your wheel.In these Game Histories filters, you select the game (or games) you want to use, how many draws to go back, and how many numbers to reject in each of your wheel's combinations.Note: To use the Game Histories filters, you need to have installed the LD Game Histories file. See the instructions at the beginning of this chapter.Just click on the game you want, Game 1 through Game 6. Then you'll see the list of games installed.
Personal Picks: This is actually a banker, key, king, monarch number maker. The user selects from 1 to 4 numbers per line and chooses how many of these, 0 to 4 must appear on each line in the wheel.Personal Picks can also exclude up to 4 numbers from the resulting combinations, such as numbers not expected to repeat into the next draw, or dead numbers expected to remain dead in the next draw.View Filters: allows the user to review their filter choices.Load Filters: allows the user to load a saved filter set.Save Filters: allows the user to save a filter set.Reset All: wipes all filters taking the user back to step one.Enter key, or click mouse on any open area: opens the final filtering options menu, called Additional Reduction Techniques.Additional Reduction Options
Free Wheeling took the Florida 6/53 lotto from 22.9 million lines down to 54 lines, using less than half the filters, and got the winning combination among them. Imagine what you could do with Pick-5.The Lotto-Logix strategy is to use LD Free Wheeling to drill down to the absolute minimum number of lines using precise filter settings. We believe there are more valid reasons for filter settings based on number populations than there are valid reasons to select one number over another.The best way to learn this technique is to start with a known winning combination and set the filters to end with the known winning combination among the final lines.Seriously, try this with any other lottery software. Delete the last draw and see if the software can come back with the winning combination by any and all methods available.Even when lottery software is successful in selecting all the winning numbers within a reduced field of say 12 to 24 numbers what are the odds a 4if6 wheel that lacks an internal jackpot shot (3+3) is going to put them together in one combination?With a little practice to get comfortable with LD Free Wheeling the user will soon determine what filters may best be set and those that need tweaking to a wider or tighter setting allowing more or less combinations to pass on to the next filter.How To Win Using Advanced Lotto Tool
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:53:03 PM
If you haven't already read How To Win Using Lotwin Lottery Line Builder, please go back and read it. At first inspection, Advanced Lotto Tool would appear to have a lot of features in common with Lotwin Lottery Line Builder. The difference is, Lotwin went on to add additional filters, until it became possible to filter all the numbers down to a line or a handful of lines. When we try to drill down to the same Florida 6/53 draw for July 25, 2008 - 07-09-21-22-44-47 using only the same Lotwin filters available on Advanced Lotto Tool we get 1,738 lines. Understand, in the greater scheme of things, reducing 23 million combinations down to 1,738 and still having the jackpot winning combination in there, is pretty amazing. See line 277 in the image below.
To deal with this, Advanced Lotto Tool offers reduction to a lower prize tier. To get close to our desired handful of lines, we'll try a reduction to 3if6 using all 53 numbers leaving our filter selection in place. To do this we can either click [Reduce] in which case we'll be asked what prize we want to reduce the 1,738 lines to, or we can change the prize tier on the left under the numbers grid and [Build] the lines fresh. Well, we ended with 28 lines, none of which have all the winning numbers, so we reduced away our jackpot. On the positive side, we do have a 5# win! (line 9)
Another option is to make random lines using the same numbers and filters. In this example I'm going with 100 random lines using all numbers and same filters. Not bad, a 5# prize and multiple 4# and 3# prizes.
Considerations Advanced Lotto Tool does have one additional filter we didn't use not found on Lotwin, First Digit. This is a considerably harder filter to predict accurately which may account for it's lack on Lotwin, but would reduce the total number of lines. Advanced Lotto Tool also offers some Logical Functions filters, only due to a lack of any help files with this software are only going to be used by players who already understand them. What does make Advanced Lotto Tool well worth it's price is its ability to make pair, positional, group and triple wheels. In the next image I've selected From the Filter drop down tool bar "Number Groups" which opens a box showing the numbers selected for play. I'm going to make 3 groups, one for two decades each. I can make these in blocks 01-19, 20-39, 40-53 (or if applying a different strategy I could jump around) any of the numbers I select for my first group will occupy [2] positions in the resulting combinations. See the silver or bluish box on the upper left corner to the left of the red "X"? That's the box that advances us to the next group we're going to select numbers for. The [OK] on the bottom is only to be clicked on when we've finished the last group. We can move back and forth through the groups, but if we make mistakes once we've clicked [OK] all the filters must be [Removed] and redone.
Now that we've created three groups for our numbers, click [Build] and in seconds we have passed all 23 million lines through our filter reducing them down to 40 lines. And what do we find among our 40 lines? Wow a Jackpot and 4 - 5# prizes, cool huh? Of course we're boot strapping, we knew in advance to make 3 groups. We'd have gotten the same result if we'd used the First Digit filter which is really a "decades" filter and gone with the relatively rare 2-2-2-0-0-0 choice. Remember my telling you every draw will have at least one long shot, this was it at 5.7% odds of occurrence.
The point is, the Advanced Lotto Tool proved it was able to put a jackpot in 40 lines if you the user can make around a dozen correct decisions. While it's hard to find a valid reason to select one number over another, it is somewhat easier to select filters. The software does all the work if you know what you're doing. If you're not impressed, try this. Take any lottery system or software you happen to own, delete the last draw and try to make the software predict the jackpot winning combination by every means possible the software offers. Cheat, trick it, yell at it, can it give you the winning combination or not? Can your software put all 6 winning numbers for 6/49 among any 24 numbers it selects by any method any more often then the 1 in 104 tries probability says is expected? If not you do not have a chance to win in 103 draws out of 104. Ouch! Remember EOL (Entertainment On Line's) Power Player Lottery Tracker and Wheeler with Cumastat which is now abandonware? Thousands of people bought it over the years including me. Cumastat would show various methods, numeric temperature, numeric aging, normal followers, weighted followers, delta sigma analysis, double entendre analysis, hit sequencing analysis, numeric occurrence, skip and hit analysis, etc. contributing up to 90% to the previous win. I'd delete the last draw and test run only those high contribution methods and never found 4 or 5 numbers right among the high picks. Drove me crazy the software couldn't do what it was claiming its methodology had just done the draw before. Lottery software can be useful in many ways. For research, storage of draw history, wheeling, checking for winners. However, when lottery software is used to predict "cough" forecast "cough" suggest winning numbers, we need to know whether it does so better, the same as or worse then probability tells us we'd do by pulling numbered slips out of a coffee can. This is why it is so important to back test lottery systems and software to know what they can do before putting money on it. Advanced Lotto Tool is arguably the best buy for the money out there at this time considering what it can do and what it costs (cheap) to buy. It is well worth learning to use.
How To Win Your Lottery Using Lotwin
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:51:32 PM
Lotwin Lottery Line Builder is an extremely interesting software because it builds wheels on the fly around user selectable adjustable filters. While most filtering software remove filter offending combinations and the wheel's guarantee along with them. Lotwin builds the wheel incorporating the filters so we have a 100% conditional prize guarantee when the filter choices prove correct. Not only can Lotwin make filtered wheels, it can treat the entire game as one big wheel in all its millions of combinations, and pass the entire game number universe through any set of filters you select. If this results in too many combinations to play, they can be reduced to a lower tier prize guarantee. Lotwin can also scan a user selected range of past draws and report what group(s) of numbers in every quantity of numbers produced the most prizes (jackpot, 5#, 4#, 3#) and how often they recently did so. Seriously, you can look back say 100 draws and find the 18 numbers that produced the most jackpots and see that they did so 9 draws back and 6 draws back and 3 draws back. While the past isn't always an indicator of what will follow, what else have we got? What else we've got, is really pretty incredible. Up front I've got to be honest with you. This isn't a sales pitch for Lotwin. The software is so expensive you lease it rather then buy it, though there is also a purchase price for those who can afford it. Wheels built around filters tend to require more combinations then straight up abbreviated wheels, though each of the combinations pack more prize winning punch when the filter selection proves correct. No, I'm not here to talk about the value of features Lotwin advertises. We're going to talk about the one they don't. Like most lottery software, Lotwin has a history file of your game's past draws. They only handle Pick-5/6, no Pick-3/4 games, just so you know. Each draw can be high-lighted and among the add, edit, delete options is one you don't find anywhere else called [Analyse (British spelling)]. This function performs an instant autopsy on the drawing selected and sends to the main screen . . . are you ready for this . . . the filter settings that would have produced this very same winning combination! Ok, the filters that produced the winning combination are now on the main screen. One click on [Build Lines] and as if you had set the filters, Lotwin passes all the game's combinations through this filter set and out pops the winning combination that has been analyzed. This is absolute proof the game can be filtered down to one line, you and Lotwin can do it. Yes, it is 100% possible to play one computer generated line and win. Let's look at some typical filters Take Odd/Even or Low/High for Pick-6/49 there are seven possible settings of which we must pick one. 0/6 = 134,596 combinations 1/5 = 1,062,600 combinations 2/4 = 3,187,800 combinations 3/3 = 4,655,200 combinations 4/2 = 3,491,400 combinations 5/1 = 1,275,120 combinations 6/0 = 177,100 combinations As you can see, our choice makes a big difference in the number of combinations we allow to pass on to the next filter in line. Lotwin helps us make our decision by telling us which was drawn last and which is past due to be drawn along with other skip and hit data for each group.
Clearly 3/3 is one third of the combinations, will be drawn a third of the time, likely in clusters. It is the center point, the return to equilibrium we can expect more often then not followed by 2/4 and 4/2. Say the last draw was 5/1 these occur roughly 10% of the time, so another 5/1 draw isn't likely real soon. Will the next draw compensate with 1/5? More likely 2/4 or a 3/3 return to equilibrium. Not that selecting the biggest filter setting for each filter is going to work, that will just result in too many lines with no jackpot among them. Every draw has a wild card factor, at least one filter setting that is a 5% to 10% likelihood long shot that must be selected. What if there were 10 filters, and each had a 10% filter choice. We would know to expect zero, one or two of these long shot winning filters in every draw. On the other hand, what if there were 10 filters and each had roughly a 1% chance. We would know we're safe from these coming up in roughly 90% of all draws. The trick to this method, is to select the one filter choice from each and have them all prove correct. What other method can turn relatively simple choices into a jackpot? After all, the game is random. It is very difficult to come up with any valid reason to select one number over another. Whereas filter groups are the gross probability factors we knew exactly how often they were expected to take place before the first ball was drawn in all games. We know playing all the numbers at the start makes a lot of sense. When we make 8 lines of 6 with an eye to all the balances, we're actually using filters in the hope one of the lines will turn out right. Think about this. Using the Money Matters method to "win" 4# and 5# prizes, we can easily afford to acquire Lotwin and play this, "If You Can Pick 21 Filters system." The savings alone recovers the cost and for once a jackpot actually becomes possible. Walk Through the Process with me. Here we have a screen shot with the history file open. The Florida 6/53 draw 06/25/08 07-09-21-22-44-47 is high-lighted. The [Analyse] option has been selected and is ready for [Load Filters] to send the analysis to the main screen.
In this screen shot the winning filters have been sent to the main screen. 4 Odd/2 Even, 4 Low/2 High, and so on. There are 21 filters in all, don't worry we can trim these down some. I call your attention to the upper left side of the screen shot. See where it says . . . 0 Lines: (1) <0 .001="" br="">21 Filters: Untitled - 1 jackpot (1) 0.068% The software knows what we are doing, telling us one line will be revealed when [Build Lines] is clicked. Also that 1 unique jackpot combination of these numbers has been found in the draw history file.
In the third screen shot, [Build Lines] has been clicked. Lotwin is in the process of running all 23 million lines of the Florida 6/53 lottery against the 21 filters, this takes place in seconds even on my trusty old 2002 Compaq Evo P-2.4
Here in the forth screen shot [View Lines] has been clicked and the one line that can pass all 21 filters is, the line that just won exactly: 07-09-21-22-44-47
In the final screen shot, I've used the high-light and the [Remove] option to remove the final 5 of the 21 filters taking them down to 16. I've run the [Build Lines] again and clicked [View Lines] to reveal there are now 2 lines to be played, one of which matches the jackpot. Not a bad price to pay for dropping 5 filters. Just so you know, if I drop the next 4 filters, taking us down to 12 filters we get 3 lines to play. When I drop the 12th Filter we go to 40 lines to play. Not impossible considering a 4if6 wheel for 18 numbers takes 42 lines to play. When we drop Lucky Numbers the 11th Filter, we jump to 197 lines and when we drop the 10th filter Prime Numbers we have 408 lines, but the jackpot is still in there! I know because the numbers in the upper left keep me informed of the results with every move I make. Of course this is all hindsight, boot strapping so to speak. We have no way of knowing which filter will take out the jackpot line for future draws. The point is, we can pretty much skip using the final 9 filters and do no harm. Not that I always use the strategy of skipping the final filter choices. I'm often torn between two choices on some of the more important filters and as a result have too many numbers when I hit the last filters and end up using them to bring down the total number of lines. That's part of the beauty of Lotwin, you can jump back to any filter and make a change and see it instantly reflected in the ticket count, so you always know exactly what you've accomplished. You don't have to build the lines each time to know the results of your changes. Note of Information: See the 11th Filter, "Lucky Numbers." Those aren't your magic lucky numbers in a file somewhere. No, they are the 14 numbers universally regarded as "lucky numbers" you decide how many may appear on the winning line same as "Prime Numbers".
The next screen shot shows the Lotwin - Winning Numbers Statistics page. This chart is showing number drawn frequency from the number drawn most often "41" drawn 21 times, to out of sight least drawn "39" drawn only 6 times. Note: In this case we're working with the last 104 draws drawn prior to Florida 6/53 06/25/2008 07-09-21-22-44-47. Recall in "Why We Lose" we talked about every drawn combination being made up of Hot, Average and Cold numbers most of the time? It doesn't matter where in the screen shot below we draw our line between Hot and Average. Whether between 15 and 14 or 14 and 13 or 13 and 12, we have only one Hot number in our field the 47. Just below the Hot numbers the "22" and "44" appear as Average numbers with 12 hits. If the screen shot could scroll, a little further down we'd see the third Average number "7" with 11 hits. If we were to draw our line between Average and Cold at 10 and 9 hits, we'd find "21 and "9" in third and second from last place among the Cold numbers with 7 and 6 hits. Cold does NOT mean Dead. Cold numbers are drawn, just not as often as Hot, but they do get drawn roughly a third as often. If we don't play them, we make it impossible to win in most draws, same if we don't play the Average numbers. This is why we begin by working with all the numbers ! Clearly any system that leads us to playing all Hot or all Cold or Hot and Cold numbers leaving out the Average numbers also leaves out 3 of the 6 winning numbers in this case and so many more like it.
In the following screen shot we see what should be our first filter. The Number Sets filter displays all 53 numbers in a frequency graph. When a number's color bar is clicked on, a black bar is shown in its center to tell us it has been selected for play. Once this is done and [Ok'd], [Build Lines] will only work with selected numbers. That said, let me show you how to make it work for Hot, Average, Cold strategy. In the screen shot I've selected all the Hot numbers from 41 to 20 from the Winning Number Statistics chart I printed out. At the top it says, "This set (20 numbers) covers 74 jackpots (71.2%) in 104 past draws." While this is fact, don't be lead astray into wrong headed thinking playing these 20 numbers is going to win you any prizes in the next draw. Because as we already know, of these 20 numbers only the "47" was drawn !!! Sounds great works terrible. What we really need to do is make sure our Hot, Average and Cold numbers take their rightful place in our combination. We accomplish this by choosing to, "Include no more than 3" of our numbers come from the 20 Hot we've selected, "and at least 1." Then we click on [Next Set] and add all our Average numbers, Include 3 at least 1, click [Next Set] and add all our Cold numbers, Include 2 at least 1, followed by [Ok] to port them over to the main filter screen. We could also have gone with, "Include no more than 2 and at least 2." as a tighter filter, all depends on what you think the next draw will consist of so far as Hot, Average and Cold numbers. When finished, we have three sets of numbers. Our Hot set has 20 numbers, our Average set 22 numbers and our Cold set has 11 for a total of all 53 numbers in the game. After we [Build Lines] we've filtered out roughly half the combinations from 23 million to 11.6 million and we still have all the numbers in play. What a great first filter!
I want to be perfectly clear about what you can expect using this strategy. When your choice of filters is wrong, (as they will be most of the time) you won't win anything. This will be offset by the savings of playing only one line or a couple of lines. You see, here's the thing. You may play this way hundreds of times before you get it right, but when you do, you've won a jackpot! When you don't win, the Analyse feature will tell you what filter settings would have won the jackpot. You can also [Remove] some filters and watch the effect on the amount of combinations. When you wheel 18 numbers, you're lucky to have all six winning numbers on the wheel one time in seven hundred tries and what do you win? Why it's a 3-number or 4-number prize! To understand better, you have to try and get past the magical mystical factor most systems toss at you to make their sale. Yes, with random anything can happen. You very well might pick all the winning numbers among a reduced field. Put them on a 3if or 4if wheel and hope to get lucky by the wheel winning above its guarantee. Unfortunately, the odds of a standard 3if or 4if wheel winning a jackpot is far less then one percent. Not only do all the winning numbers have to be in there. They have to combine within the wheel to form a jackpot winning combination. This is NOT what a standard 3if or 4if wheel is designed to do, especially if you're play a split wheel. There are only three ways to seriously target a jackpot. Precise number selection and a small full wheel or key wheel. Well chosen numbers with a jackpot shot (alone or within a wheel). Filtering away everything but the winning combination. Take it from me. It has proven a lot more interesting and economical to make filter choices and play a handful of lines, then trying to predict which numbers are going to win and playing hundreds of lines at a time. Win or lose, every draw is like winning a 4-number prize as I put what I would have spent back into my pocket and I still have a very real chance of winning a jackpot. The best advice I can give you is learn what good software can do, it might surprise you. 0>
Selecting Numbers and Wheeling
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:49:57 PM
Dispite the unbelieviable claims of system sellers, no one knows how to accuractly predict the next 5 or 6 winning lottery numbers. Millions will try using every method imaginable, those who win just as likely bought a Quick Pick / Lucky Dip or played the family birthdays. What if things were a little different next visit to the lottery store? What if we found we could play 8 numbers against the 6 drawn? Would our chances be improved? You betcha they would!!! While the odds of winning 6/49 are 1 in 13,983,816. The odds of winning with 8 numbers are 1 in 499,422. That's actually a considerable improvement in having all the numbers correct. Can you play 8 numbers instead of 6? Yes you can. Already some retailers offer this option, for $28 you can purchase all 28 ways 8 numbers can be combined in lines of 6. Watch this math trick. I'm going to turn 28 tickets back into 13.9 million. Nothing up my sleeve . . . Presto !!! 28 x 499,422 = 13,983,816 each ticket faces off against 499,422 combinations instead of 13,983,816 more akin to playing Pick-5 then Pick-6. Even so, 1 in 499,422 is tough to beat as every Pick-5 player knows by now. Clearly the solution is to play more numbers to bring the odds further down. Playing, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 numbers in 6/49 brings the odds down to . . . 6 of 9 = 1 in 166,474 and takes 84 combinations. 6 of 12 = 1 in 15,134 and takes 924 combinations 6 of 15 = 1 in 2,793 and takes 5,005 combinations 6 of 18 = 1 in 753 and takes 18,564 combinations 6 of 21 = 1 in 257 and takes 54,264 combinations 9 of 24 = 1 in 104 and takes 134,596 combinations Not that anyone can afford to play all the combinations possible in 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 numbers, so we must give up the portion of our theory we'll be guaranteed a jackpot if all the winning numbers fall among those we are playing. Even so, by playing one of these amounts of numbers we continue to retain the same odds of all the winning numbers falling among those numbers we are playing so the potential for a jackpot remains possible plus we can still guarantee lower tier prizes! We can use a standard abbreviated wheel that does guarantee a lower tier prize at a reasonable cost to play or we can implement a wheel with a Jackpot Shot to target the jackpot. In Why We Lose, we learned winning combinations are made up of, Hot, Average and Cold numbers. This tells us we must make sure our combinations likewise consist of, Hot, Average and Cold numbers. Creating combinations of, Hot, Average and Cold numbers helps narrow down how we pick our numbers. Having counted how often each number has been drawn over a range of game history, we can hand sort by frequency or use lottery software to sort the numbers from those drawn most to those drawn least often. As we draw a line between the least drawn Hot number and most drawn Average number and between the least drawn Average number and most drawn Cold number, we're creating pots, hats or pools to select our numbers from. By selecting numbers in their expected hot, average and cold proportions to make up like combinations, we're effectively improving our chances by eliminating combinations of all hot, all average, all cold, etc. that are less likely to be drawn or not likely to be drawn at all. How to Eliminate some numbers Even though we'd like to put all the numbers into play, the cost can be prohibitive. The addition of a few numbers to a game sends the odds soaring and eliminating a few numbers has the reverse effect. The Florida game odds were raised from 6/49's 1 in 13.9 million to 6/53's 1 in 22.9 million. Four additional numbers almost doubled the odds!!! On the other hand the successful elimination of four or more numbers has an exactly opposite effect lowering the odds an equal amount. The standard method of eliminating numbers to bring a 6/53 game back to a 6/49 or to bring a 6/49 to 6/48 for wheeling or even to 6/43 to eliminate 8 million combinations, is to not play some or all of the numbers drawn in the prior draw. 45% of the time none of the numbers from the prior draw are drawn again in the next. The 55% side is not a clear other choice. Only 40% of the time will one number from the previous draw repeat. 11% of the time two numbers will repeat and 2% of the time three numbers will repeat. Nor do we have any idea which ones they will be so we are almost required to play all the numbers from the previous draw if we're going with the oposite strategy. In other words, if on Sat. 12/07/02 01-03-07-32-34-49 is drawn don't play any of those numbers in the next draw. On Wed 12/11/02 08-10-15-24-48-53 was drawn containing none of the numbers from the previous drawing. This trick works about 45% of the time more or less depending on game size and more often if we only eliminate one or two of the previous drawn numbers for an easy divide by six. The reason lotteries use games like 6/49 rather than 6/48 is to make it harder (requiring more combinations) to cover the numbers evenly. You can play all 48 numbers on 8 combinations it becomes confusing trying to cover all 49 when 5 have to be specially picked to use with the 49th. How to Eliminate More Numbers Sometimes we want to remove more than six numbers from play at a time. The following method does this again about 45% of the time. It can NOT be used in conjunction with the above method of eliminating the previous six numbers, in fact it requires we play them. Print out the last 20 draws or more, what ever's easiest. Draw a line after the most recent 3 draws, the next most recent 3 draws, then most recent 4 draws, and the next two most recent 3 draws. This gives us two groups of 3 draws, followed by a group of 4 draws and finally two more groups of 3 draws. Like this . . . Group E 907 10/05/02 Sat 09-15-16-26-28-42 908 10/09/02 Wed 10-20-26-40-41-47 909 10/12/02 Sat 17-20-32-41-50-52 Group D 910 10/16/02 Wed 03-34-36-37-40-51 911 10/19/02 Sat 11-27-30-36-43-52 912 10/23/02 Wed 16-17-30-31-41-49 Group C 913 10/26/02 Sat 11-20-25-37-48-51 914 10/30/02 Wed 05-19-20-23-29-31 915 11/02/02 Sat 01-07-11-29-37-40 916 11/06/02 Wed 05-09-12-21-27-38 Group B 917 11/09/02 Sat 04-15-24-25-36-44 918 11/13/02 Wed 12-22-27-32-38-44 919 11/16/02 Sat 01-02-09-15-23-40 Group A 920 11/20/02 Wed 12-17-21-23-39-44 921 11/23/02 Sat 01-22-23-34-36-39 922 11/27/02 Wed 04-05-17-28-32-37 Write out the numbers in the game, in this case it would be from 01 to 53. If the number appears in group A or C make a check next to it. When done we should have 42 check marks. Count them. If the number appears in group B or E and is not already checked, put an "X" next to it. (ignore those with checks) Play the numbers with and without check marks, don't play the numbers with "X" next to them. Let's see how this works out . . . 01 ** 16 X 31 * 46 02 X 17 ** 32 * 47 X 03 18 33 48 * 04 * 19 * 34 * 49 05 *** 20 ** 35 50 X 06 21 ** 36 * 51 * 07 * 22 * 37 *** 52 X 08 23 *** 38 * 53 09 * 24 X 39 ** 10 X 25 * 40 * 11 ** 26 X 41 X 12 ** 27 * 42 X 13 28 * 43 14 29 ** 44 * 15 X 30 45 As you can see we have 42 numbers with checks [*] and 11 numbers with an "X" so we've eliminated 11 numbers from play. And the winning draw on 923 11/30/02 Sat was 05-07-12-13-43-49 all from the checked and blank numbers a success!!! In tests this worked about 45% of the time. When it works as in this case we eliminated 11 numbers from play taking the game from a 6/53 at 1 in 22.9 million odds to a 6/42 at 1 in 5.2 million a 17.7 million combination reduction in odds!!! If this had been a 6/49 at 1 in 13.9 million combinations game the successful elimination of 11 numbers would make it a 6/38 game for the draw at 1 in 2.8 million before the first ball is drawn! Last 15 Draws Method Fans of Gail Howard can review this method using the B Chart. Reset the default from 10 to 15 past draws. See how often 4, 5 all 6, winning numbers may be found among the last 15 draws? Of course sometimes all the winning numbers are among the last 15 draws, but sometimes 6 to 10 numbers are missing reducing the field. Another breakdown is between numbers in the last 15 draws that have hit only once and those that have hit more then once. We do find draws with 4, 5 or all 6 winning numbers comming only from the numbers with 2 or more hits. How to Eliminate More Numbers Instead of trying to pick and choose numbers for play from the entire field, try working with a range of numbers. Such as . . . 01-36 07-42 14-49+ Examine the draw history of your game. How often do 4, 5 or all 6 winning numbers fall within one of the above ranges? How to Sort Numbers First of all I cannot emphasize enough the number selection process pull numbers from the Hot, Average and Cold pools. The number of numbers from each pool should be in proportion to the number of numbers in each pool. If there are 15 Hot, 25 Average and 9 Cold numbers in the respective pools and a 12 number wheel is to be used we'd want to select 4 Hot, 4 Average and 4 Cold. These proportions are not absolute make adjustments as necessary provided some numbers come from each pool. In the following example we will make a triple wheel from 4 Hot, 4 Average and 4 Cold numbers. 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12 Place Holder Numbers H1-H2-H3-H4-A1-A2-A3-A4-C1-C2-C3-C4 reposition to form 4 blocks H1-A2-C3|H2-A3-C4|H3-A4-C1|H4-A1-C2 to play against each other 01-02-03-04-05-06 = H1-A2-C3-H2-A3-C4 01-02-03-07-08-09 = H1-A2-C3-H3-A4-C1 01-02-03-10-11-12 = H1-A2-C3-H4-A1-C2 04-05-06-07-08-09 = H2-A3-C4-H3-A4-C1 04-05-06-10-11-12 = H2-A3-C4-H4-A1-C2 07-08-09-10-11-12 = H3-A4-C1-H4-A1-C2 Any 2 blocks of 3-numbers correct = Jackpot! Lottery Software Sorry to say I have yet to find a lottery software that can be relied upon to regularly select winning numbers among a reduced field for wheeling. This is why I prefer to work with all the numbers or almost all the numbers after eliminating those least likely. For those of you who own the GH software . . . if you own it you know what software I'm talking about . . . here is a little experiment you can try to see how smart the software really is. The GH software provides number selection for the next draw by marking the suggested numbers with a * asterisk and marks winning numbers with a + sign. The 3,4,5,6,7,C,D charts can scroll back and forth through time by using the + and - keys. Suggested numbers will show a * and winning numbers a + so a suggested number that won will look like +42* while a suggested number that didn't win looks like 42* and a number not suggested that won anyway looks like +42. The Up/Down arrows and PageUp/PageDown keys scroll through the numbers. The Left/Right arrows move the light bar. Now go to the "3. Quick Stats (tm)" chart and with a reasonable range of past history (say several hundred past draws), move the light bar to either "Total Hits" or "Hits Ratio". This sorts the numbers by their frequency in order of most hits to least. Scroll down to the Cold numbers and use the - key to travel back through time. In my experience you should see one to four numbers with the + sign indicating Cold number hits in almost every draw without the corresponding * sign to indicate they were suggested by the software. This is proof positive we need to include Cold numbers with our picks and shows why it is virtually impossible to have all the winning numbers among our picks using a software's strategy. So if you are an owner of the GH software, use it to make your frequency chart instantly, but use ALT-S (capital S) to toggle suggested picks on/off to OFF. Sorry to say, there is no legitimate method known to man for selecting individual numbers. All such methods fall victim to the expected hyper geometric distribution. In other words . . . Select one third of the numbers to wheel by any means, expect to have 2 of the winning numbers one third of the time. The other times expect 1 or 3, or none or 4 correct less often. Select one half of the numbers to wheel by any means, expect to have 3 of the winning numbers one third of the time. The other times expect 2 or 4, or 1 or 5 correct less often. Jackpot potential is always elusive in the vast majority of draws when playing a reduced field. What's a Lottery Player to do? On average we can expect 2 of the winning numbers to found in the last 3 draws. Because this is an average, not only do 2 of the winning numbers appear, 0, 3 and 4 of the winning numbers also appear less often. On very rare occasion we may find all 5 or 6 of the winning numbers, not often enough to bet that way. With duplication from draw to draw we can find 14 to 18 numbers in the last 3 draws to start off loading a larger wheel. If you own the Gail Howard software, run and print the Smart Picks "W. Smart Picks (tm) Chart for all the numbers. If the program won't give you all the numbers (holds back some) use "F9" to clear the hold. Print out one page of past winning draws. Delete the range of draws printed and play the software against known draws. Run the 3,4,5,6,7,C,D charts, print the W. chart. After each draw, circle the winning numbers on the "W. Smart Pick (tm) chart. What you should start to see is locations where the winning numbers come from. For example, one or two winning numbers from the first six positions. Maybe none from the last two positions, but 1 or 2 from the six positions prior to the last two. Soon you'll be able to circle blocks of positions where winning numbers appear most often. These positions can be combined on a wheel and played with better results then playing the same number of picks off the top of the chart.
Pretty much any lottery software that uses a consistent method of sorting all the numbers from better to worse beyond simple frequency can be used for this method. Were using the Gail Howard's Smart Luck Advantage Plus (tm) software because we've owned various versions for over twenty years, still use it for research on a daily basis. There are those who might say it's a standard for the industry. There are so many helpful lottery software's out there. Versa Bet, Lotto Pro, Lotto Expert, Lottery Director, Lottery Cracker, Lotwin, Lotto Hat, Advanced Lotto Tool, authors that link back to us, authors who don't. We list every one we can find we think might be helpful in some way that tips the balance in favor of winning in the Directory of Lottery Software. You'll have to be online to visit any of the links. The thing of it is, they won't pick all the winning numbers for you in a affordable wheelable field any more or less often then the GH software will, except in the sense a broken clock will have the correct time twice a day. That's the funny thing about random, any system, software or method can win at any time, any game. The problem is we never know when or where and for sure it isn't often enough. This is why all lottery software requires the user to develop a personal system to find where the software puts the winning numbers in the output. The trick to winning is to have a chance to win in 99 out of 100 draws, not 1 chance in 100 draws as most systems and software are setup to give us. Heck, the lottery could give away lottery software the way casinos give away Black Jack and Roulette systems and not lose sleep over the risk. Reminder: The simple act of making sure your numbers represent, Hot, Average and Cold numbers and are played on a non-split wheel takes you leaps and bounds ahead of lottery players who use a Hot and Average or Hot and Cold number software system on a split wheel. Train Your Brain The best computer for pattern recognition is of course the human brain. This means the best method of selecting winning numbers continues to be hand charting. Besides the frequency chart to tell what's Hot, Average and Cold, the only other chart you'll ever really need is a skips between hits chart. No make no mistake, this chart isn't new and you'll often find it in lottery software, that's not the point. When the skips between hits chart is made by machine we're not afforded the opportunity to train the brain in pattern recognition by hand entering the wins and refelecting on them. Further more when machines make our charts, they tend to clutter them up with excess information. A prime example would be numbers counting the skips between hits. This supposedly helpful information causes the viewer to focus on mathmatical projection which has not been found to predict winning lotto numbers. To have any luck takes time with the chart, looking at each number and trying to decide what it's going to do. Seriously, you may find yourself sitting there saying, "Hello little number 33 what are you going to do next? Let's see what you've been up to so far. Oooh it looks like you're ready to make your move." Now, you're either going to get better at this over time or you're not. If you do, don't run out and buy a lottey software program so it's easier to make the chart, that cheats the subconscious of its data. Click on our tracking chart for skips between hits. Right click on the chart and choose [Print].
If you give the hand charting an honest attempt and you don't get better, stop using it and move on to something else. Try Another Method of Selecting Numbers Every lottery number can be represented by a number from 01 - 09. That's only 9 numbers to track and predict. Then the 01-09 predicted numbers can be expanded back to their original size and wheeled. 01 = 01 - 10 - 19 - 28 - 37 - 46 02 = 02 - 11 - 20 - 29 - 38 - 47 03 = 03 - 12 - 21 - 30 - 39 - 48 04 = 04 - 13 - 22 - 31 - 40 - 49 05 = 05 - 14 - 23 - 32 - 41 - 50 06 = 06 - 15 - 24 - 33 - 42 - 51 07 = 07 - 16 - 25 - 34 - 43 - 52 08 = 08 - 17 - 26 - 35 - 44 - 53 09 = 09 - 18 - 27 - 36 - 45 - 54 Lottery numbers may also be repersented by their last digit. 01 = 01 - 11 - 21 - 31 - 41 - 51 02 = 02 - 12 - 22 - 32 - 42 - 52 03 = 03 - 13 - 23 - 33 - 43 - 53 04 = 04 - 14 - 24 - 34 - 44 - 54 05 = 05 - 15 - 25 - 35 - 45 - 55 06 = 06 - 16 - 26 - 36 - 46 - 56 07 = 07 - 17 - 27 - 37 - 47 - 57 08 = 08 - 18 - 28 - 38 - 48 - 58 09 = 09 - 19 - 29 - 39 - 48 - 59 10 = 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 This method was always very interesting when Florida had its 5/26 game because 01-06 had three numbers each and 07-10 had only two numbers each, as such we could make up 24 blocks of combined 3's and 2's playing the sets against each other. Using the Gail Howard "X. Number Group Test Drive (tm)" over the course of 2240 Florida Fantasy 5/26 draws these 24 lines of 5 numbers produced: 3 5-number jackpots, 156 4-number prizes and roughly 1,600 3-number prizes, not to mention about 10,000 2-number prizes worth a free Quick Pick. For larger games, check the stats page to see how often draws with multiple same last digits are drawn vs. all different. Another Way to Select Numbers Remember the saying, "Missed by that much." How often have you had two numbers correct and found other numbers to be one up or one down from the winning numbers? The idea is to take the numbers you would have played and also play those on either side of your chosen numbers on a wheel together. A similar method is to use the numbers from the previous draw that often give us 1 or 2 of the winning numbers roughly 50% of the time in conjunction with the numbers they neighbor. Florida 04/23/2008 - 04-10-19-34-38-45 04/26/2008 - 03-11-29-36-38-48 04/30/2008 - 06-11-29-30-41-48 06/07/2008 - 01-24-25-26-42-48 06/11/2008 - 24-41-42-46-48-52 The method works better in smaller games. In the Florida 6/53 it is rare for this method to provide more then three winning numbers every couple of months. A quick review of last years draws should tell the story. The choices you make determine whether you win or lose. Wheeling Your Numbers While thousands of wheels abound among lottery systems and software only a few provide a real world oppertunity to win a jackpot at an affordable price to play. These are wheels where correctly chosen pairs or triples come together to form a winning combination. They are different from the automatic wheeling most software offers including this ebook, because they must be hand loaded as winning numbers are not expected to pair up in numaric order for automatic loading. Pick-6 Wheels with a Jackpot Shot 2+2+2=Jackpot 8 numbers in 4 lines Form your numbers into 4 pairs of 2 numbers each consisting of 3-hot, 3-average, 2-cold numbers your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. 01-02 | 03-04 | 05-06 | 07-08 __-__ | __-__ | __-__ | __-__ 01-02-03-04-05-06 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-04-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-05-06-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-05-06-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 2+2+2=Jackpot 10 numbers in 10 lines Form your numbers into 5 pairs of 2 numbers each consisting of 3-hot, 4-average, 3-cold numbers your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. 01-02 | 03-04 | 05-06 | 07-08 | 09-10 __-__ | __-__ | __-__ | __-__ | __-__ 01-02-03-04-05-06 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-04-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-04-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-05-06-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-05-06-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-07-08-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-05-06-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-05-06-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-07-08-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 05-06-07-08-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 2+2+2=Jackpot 12 numbers in 20 lines Form your numbers into 6 pairs of 2 numbers each consisting of 4-hot, 4-average, 4-cold numbers your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. 01-02 | 03-04 | 05-06 | 07-08 | 09-10 | 11-12 __-__ | __-__ | __-__ | __-__ | __-__ | __-__ 01-02-03-04-05-06 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-04-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-04-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-04-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-05-06-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-05-06-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-05-06-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-07-08-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-07-08-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-09-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-05-06-07-08 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-05-06-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-05-06-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-07-08-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-07-08-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-09-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 05-06-07-08-09-10 __-__-__-__-__-__ 05-06-07-08-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 05-06-09-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 07-08-09-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ The 4 additional lines below bring 4if6 coverage to 100% 01-03-07-09-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-04-05-08-10-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02-03-05-07-09-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02-04-06-08-10-11 __-__-__-__-__-__ 4if5of6in9numbers3lines 3+3=JP (9,6,4,5)=3 Form your numbers into 3 groups of 3 numbers each consisting of one 1-hot, 1-average, 1-cold number your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. Any two blocks of 3 correct = Jackpot! 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 | 07-08-09 __-__-__ __-__-__ __-__-__ 01-02-03-04-05-06 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 4if6in12numbers6lines 3+3=JP (12,6,4,6)=6 Form your numbers into 3 groups of 3 numbers each consisting of 1-hot, 1-average, 1-cold number your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. Two blocks of 3 correct = Jackpot! 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 | 07-08-09 | 10-11-12 __-__-__ __-__-__ __-__-__ __-__-__ 01-02-03-04-05-06 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 07-08-09-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 4if6in15numbers22lines 3+3=JP (15,6,4,6)=22 Form your numbers into 5 groups of 3 numbers each consisting of 1-hot, 1-average, 1-cold number your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. Two blocks of 3 correct = Jackpot! 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 | 07-08-09 | 10-11-12 | 13-14-15 __-__-__ __-__-__ __-__-__ __-__-__ | __-__-__ 01-02-03-04-05-06 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-13-14-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-13-14-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 07-08-09-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 07-08-09-13-14-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 10-11-12-13-14-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ The addition of the 12 lines below bring 4if6 coverage to 100% 01-04-05-09-10-14 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-04-08-09-12-13 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-05-06-08-11-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-06-07-10-11-13 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02-04-05-07-12-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02-04-07-09-11-14 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02-05-06-09-10-13 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02-06-08-10-12-14 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-05-08-11-13 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-04-07-08-10-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-05-06-07-12-14 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03-06-09-11-12-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ Stand alone 3+3 Jackpot Shot 15 numbers in 10 lines. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 Here is the complete wheel in 22 lines with the pointer numbers to be right click copied and pasted into CoverMaster or Notepad using either CoverMaster's [Edit][Paste][As New Cover] followed by using the [Configure][Own Numbers][Set][Display] utility to make the exchange or Notepad's [Edit][Replace] function to make the place holder pointer numbers to selected numbers exchange. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 4 5 9 10 14 2 4 5 7 12 15 3 6 9 11 12 15 3 4 5 8 11 13 3 5 6 7 12 14 1 6 7 10 11 13 3 4 7 8 10 15 2 4 7 9 11 14 1 4 8 9 12 13 1 5 6 8 11 15 2 6 8 10 12 14 2 5 6 9 10 13 4if6in18numbers42lines 3+3=JP (18,6,4,6)=42 Form your numbers into 6 groups of 3 numbers each consisting of 1-hot, 1-average, 1-cold number your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. Two blocks of 3 correct = Jackpot! 01-02-03 | 04-05-06 | 07-08-09 | 10-11-12 | 13-14-15 | 16-17-18 __-__-__ __-__-__ __-__-__ __-__-__ | __-__-__ | __-__-__ 01-02-03-04-05-06 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-13-14-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01-02-03-16-17-18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-13-14-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-07-08-09 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-10-11-12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04-05-06-13-14-15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04 05 06 16 17 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 07 08 09 10 11 12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 07 08 09 13 14 15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 07 08 09 16 17 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 10 11 12 13 14 15 __-__-__-__-__-__ 10 11 12 16 17 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 13 14 15 16 17 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ The addition of the 27 lines below bring 4if6 coverage to 100% 01 04 07 12 14 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 04 08 11 15 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 04 09 10 13 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 05 07 12 15 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 05 08 11 13 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 05 09 10 14 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 06 07 12 13 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 06 08 11 14 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 06 09 10 15 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 04 07 11 13 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 04 08 10 14 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 04 09 12 15 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 05 07 11 14 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 05 08 10 15 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 05 09 12 13 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 06 07 11 15 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 06 08 10 13 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 06 09 12 14 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 04 07 10 15 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 04 08 12 13 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 04 09 11 14 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 05 07 10 13 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 05 08 12 14 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 05 09 11 15 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 06 07 10 14 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 06 08 12 15 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ 03 06 09 11 13 16 __-__-__-__-__-__ The addition of the 6 lines below bring 3if3 coverage to 100% 01 02 07 08 10 12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 01 03 07 09 11 12 __-__-__-__-__-__ 02 03 08 09 10 11 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04 05 13 14 16 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 04 06 13 15 17 18 __-__-__-__-__-__ 05 06 14 15 16 17 __-__-__-__-__-__ Stand alone 3+3 Jackpot Shot 18 numbers in 15 lines. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 1 2 3 16 17 18 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 4 5 6 16 17 18 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 7 8 9 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 Here is the complete wheel in 48 lines with the pointer numbers to be right click copied and pasted into CoverMaster or Notepad using either CoverMaster's [Edit][Paste][As New Cover] followed by using the [Configure][Own Numbers][Set][Display] utility to make the exchange or Notepad's [Edit][Replace] function to make the place holder pointer numbers to selected numbers exchange. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 1 2 3 16 17 18 1 4 7 12 14 17 1 4 8 11 15 16 1 4 9 10 13 18 1 5 7 12 15 18 1 5 8 11 13 17 1 5 9 10 14 16 1 6 7 12 13 16 1 6 8 11 14 18 1 6 9 10 15 17 2 4 7 11 13 18 2 4 8 10 14 17 2 4 9 12 15 16 2 5 7 11 14 16 2 5 8 10 15 18 2 5 9 12 13 17 2 6 7 11 15 17 2 6 8 10 13 16 2 6 9 12 14 18 3 4 7 10 15 16 3 4 8 12 13 18 3 4 9 11 14 17 3 5 7 10 13 17 3 5 8 12 14 16 3 5 9 11 15 18 3 6 7 10 14 18 3 6 8 12 15 17 3 6 9 11 13 16 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 4 5 6 16 17 18 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 7 8 9 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 7 8 10 12 1 3 7 9 11 12 2 3 8 9 10 11 4 5 13 14 16 18 4 6 13 15 17 18 5 6 14 15 16 17 4if6in21numbers91lines 3+3=JP (21,6,4,6)=91 Form your numbers into 7 groups of 3 numbers each consisting of 1-hot, 1-average, 1-cold number your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. Stand alone 3+3 Jackpot shot 21 numbers 21 lines. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 1 2 3 16 17 18 1 2 3 19 20 21 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 4 5 6 16 17 18 4 5 6 19 20 21 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 7 8 9 16 17 18 7 8 9 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 16 17 18 10 11 12 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 21 Here is the complete wheel in 91 lines with the pointer numbers to be right click copied and pasted into CoverMaster or Notepad using either CoverMaster's [Edit][Paste][As New Cover] followed by using the [Configure][Own Numbers][Set][Display] utility to make the exchange or Notepad's [Edit][Replace] function to make the place holder pointer numbers to selected numbers exchange. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 1 2 3 16 17 18 1 2 3 19 20 21 1 3 5 11 15 17 1 4 7 13 16 19 1 4 8 10 14 20 1 4 8 11 16 21 1 4 8 12 15 17 1 4 10 15 18 21 1 5 7 11 15 20 1 5 7 12 14 19 1 5 8 10 13 18 1 5 9 11 16 19 1 5 12 13 17 21 1 6 7 10 16 17 1 6 7 11 18 21 1 6 9 10 13 16 1 6 9 15 17 19 1 6 12 13 18 20 1 6 12 14 16 19 1 8 10 15 17 19 1 8 11 14 17 20 1 9 10 14 18 19 1 9 14 16 20 21 2 3 5 9 12 14 2 4 7 11 14 18 2 4 7 12 13 21 2 4 8 10 13 21 2 4 9 12 18 20 2 4 11 15 17 19 2 4 12 14 16 19 2 5 8 11 15 21 2 5 8 12 15 16 2 5 8 12 17 19 2 5 9 10 17 20 2 5 9 13 18 21 2 5 11 14 18 20 2 6 7 13 16 20 2 6 8 10 14 21 2 6 8 15 18 20 2 6 9 11 16 19 2 6 9 12 15 18 2 6 11 13 16 17 2 7 10 13 17 19 2 7 10 15 17 21 3 4 7 8 17 20 3 4 7 12 16 21 3 4 8 11 18 19 3 4 9 12 13 19 3 4 10 14 17 19 3 5 6 9 10 21 3 5 7 11 13 16 3 5 7 14 17 19 3 5 9 10 15 20 3 6 7 11 15 19 3 6 8 13 17 21 3 6 9 14 18 20 3 6 12 15 17 20 3 7 10 13 18 20 3 8 10 15 16 19 3 8 11 14 16 20 3 8 12 14 18 21 3 9 11 15 18 21 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 4 5 6 16 17 18 4 5 6 19 20 21 4 9 10 15 16 20 4 9 11 13 17 20 4 9 11 14 17 21 5 6 10 14 18 19 5 7 10 14 16 21 5 7 12 15 18 19 5 8 12 13 16 20 6 7 12 14 17 20 6 8 11 13 18 19 6 9 12 15 16 21 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 7 8 9 16 17 18 7 8 9 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 16 17 18 10 11 12 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 21 4if6in24numbers177lines 3+3=JP (24,6,4,6)=177 Form your numbers into 8 groups of 3 numbers each consisting of 1-hot, 1-average, 1-cold number your research indicates will hit together. Exchange your numbers for my place holder pointer numbers in the wheel below. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. Stand alone 3+3 Jackpot shot 24 numbers 28 lines. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 1 2 3 16 17 18 1 2 3 19 20 21 1 2 3 22 23 24 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 4 5 6 16 17 18 4 5 6 19 20 21 4 5 6 22 23 24 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 7 8 9 16 17 18 7 8 9 19 20 21 7 8 9 22 23 24 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 16 17 18 10 11 12 19 20 21 10 11 12 22 23 24 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 19 20 21 13 14 15 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 Here is the complete wheel in 177 lines with the pointer numbers to be right click copied and pasted into CoverMaster or Notepad using either CoverMaster's [Edit][Paste][As New Cover] followed by using the [Configure][Own Numbers][Set][Display] utility to make the exchange or Notepad's [Edit][Replace] function to make the place holder pointer numbers to selected numbers exchange. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 14 15 1 2 3 16 17 18 1 2 3 19 20 21 1 2 3 22 23 24 1 4 7 12 13 17 1 4 8 13 21 23 1 4 8 14 18 20 1 4 9 11 19 23 1 4 10 15 18 24 1 4 10 16 20 22 1 4 12 16 20 24 1 5 6 19 21 23 1 5 7 9 13 22 1 5 7 15 16 23 1 5 8 12 19 24 1 5 9 10 15 20 1 5 10 14 17 21 1 5 11 14 18 22 1 5 12 16 21 22 1 6 7 10 12 18 1 6 7 10 14 23 1 6 7 18 21 22 1 6 8 10 15 22 1 6 9 11 18 21 1 6 11 13 16 20 1 6 13 17 20 24 1 6 15 18 19 23 1 7 8 11 16 21 1 7 11 13 19 24 1 7 12 15 18 19 1 8 10 16 19 23 1 8 11 15 17 24 1 8 13 17 19 22 1 8 14 18 19 24 1 9 10 17 19 22 1 9 12 13 16 23 1 9 12 15 17 21 1 9 14 16 21 24 1 11 14 17 20 23 1 12 14 20 21 22 2 3 5 12 13 19 2 4 5 7 14 17 2 4 7 11 15 20 2 4 7 14 18 21 2 4 7 15 23 24 2 4 8 10 21 24 2 4 8 12 15 16 2 4 9 13 17 20 2 4 9 14 18 22 2 4 11 12 17 21 2 4 12 18 19 23 2 5 6 8 11 18 2 5 6 14 16 24 2 5 7 10 13 23 2 5 7 14 16 19 2 5 8 17 20 22 2 5 9 12 13 24 2 5 9 15 21 23 2 5 10 11 14 19 2 5 13 18 20 24 2 6 7 11 15 17 2 6 7 16 19 24 2 6 8 12 14 22 2 6 8 13 17 19 2 6 9 10 13 23 2 6 9 10 16 22 2 6 10 15 18 20 2 7 11 13 20 22 2 7 12 17 21 23 2 8 10 15 21 24 2 8 11 18 19 23 2 9 11 14 17 24 2 9 11 16 20 23 2 9 12 18 20 24 2 10 14 16 20 23 2 10 15 17 19 22 2 11 13 16 21 22 3 4 6 7 15 20 3 4 7 11 14 23 3 4 7 16 18 19 3 4 8 10 13 20 3 4 8 11 19 22 3 4 9 12 21 22 3 4 9 16 17 23 3 4 11 13 18 24 3 4 11 14 16 24 3 5 7 17 19 22 3 5 8 14 21 23 3 5 8 15 18 21 3 5 9 11 16 20 3 5 9 17 19 24 3 5 10 14 20 22 3 5 12 15 17 20 3 6 7 11 14 18 3 6 8 13 17 23 3 6 8 15 16 20 3 6 9 12 14 19 3 6 9 13 16 22 3 6 10 14 18 19 3 6 10 17 21 24 3 6 11 15 21 23 3 7 10 15 16 21 3 7 12 14 20 24 3 7 12 15 18 22 3 7 13 17 21 24 3 8 10 14 17 22 3 8 12 18 21 24 3 9 10 15 19 24 3 9 10 18 20 23 3 9 11 13 17 21 3 12 13 16 19 23 3 14 16 18 20 22 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 4 5 6 13 14 15 4 5 6 16 17 18 4 5 6 19 20 21 4 5 6 22 23 24 4 6 11 14 18 23 4 7 10 13 16 21 4 7 10 13 19 22 4 7 14 16 19 22 4 8 11 14 17 20 4 8 12 15 20 23 4 9 10 14 21 24 4 9 13 15 16 19 4 10 15 17 19 23 4 11 15 17 21 22 4 12 14 17 19 24 5 6 7 12 20 23 5 6 15 16 21 23 5 7 10 15 18 24 5 7 11 15 21 24 5 7 12 13 16 17 5 7 13 18 20 23 5 8 10 13 16 24 5 8 11 13 17 23 5 9 10 13 18 19 5 9 12 14 18 23 5 10 13 18 21 22 5 11 15 16 19 22 6 8 11 14 20 24 6 8 12 14 16 21 6 8 12 17 20 23 6 9 12 15 19 24 6 9 14 17 20 22 6 11 12 17 19 22 6 12 13 18 21 24 6 15 16 17 18 19 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 13 14 15 7 8 9 16 17 18 7 8 9 19 20 21 7 8 9 22 23 24 7 10 17 20 22 24 7 14 15 17 19 23 8 9 10 18 21 22 8 9 12 16 19 22 8 10 13 18 21 23 8 11 16 19 22 23 8 12 13 18 20 22 9 11 15 16 20 24 9 11 15 18 20 22 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 16 17 18 10 11 12 19 20 21 10 11 12 22 23 24 11 14 16 19 21 22 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 19 20 21 13 14 15 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 16 17 18 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 Positional Wheel 4if6in12 numbers 8 lines conditional Pointers ready to copy and paste into CoverMaster or Notepad. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. 6 groups of 2 numbers for a total of 12. For this wheel to also guarantee 4if6 one of the first group's numbers must be drawn in the first number position of the combination. One of the second groups numbers must appear in the second number position and so on. Advantage, only 8 lines with a guaranteed minimum win of 4if6 when you match 1 number per group. Jackpot guaranteed when you match the first number or last number per group. 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 6 8 9 12 1 4 5 7 9 12 1 4 6 8 10 11 2 3 5 7 10 12 2 3 6 8 9 11 2 4 5 7 10 11 2 4 6 8 10 12 Positional Wheel 4if6in18 numbers 28 lines conditional Pointers ready to copy and paste into CoverMaster or Notepad. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. 6 groups of 3 numbers for a total of 18. For this wheel to guarantee 4if6 one of the first group's numbers must be drawn in the first number position of the combination. One of the second groups numbers must appear in the second number position and so on. Advantage, only 28 lines instead of 42 with the jackpot guaranteed when you match the first number or last number from each group and a minimum 4 number win when you match any 1 number from each group. 1 4 7 10 13 16 1 4 8 11 14 17 1 4 9 12 15 18 1 5 7 11 15 16 1 5 8 12 13 17 1 5 9 10 14 18 1 6 7 12 14 16 1 6 8 10 15 17 1 6 9 11 13 18 2 4 7 12 15 17 2 4 8 10 13 18 2 4 9 11 14 16 2 5 7 10 14 17 2 5 8 11 15 18 2 5 9 12 13 16 2 6 7 11 13 17 2 6 8 12 14 18 2 6 9 10 15 16 3 4 7 11 14 18 3 4 8 12 15 16 3 4 9 10 13 17 3 5 7 12 13 18 3 5 8 10 14 16 3 5 9 11 15 17 3 6 7 10 15 18 3 6 8 11 13 16 3 6 9 12 14 17 3 6 9 12 15 18 Positional Wheel 4if6in24 numbers 65 lines conditional Pointers ready to copy and paste into CoverMaster or Notepad. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. 6 groups of 4 numbers for a total of 24. For this wheel to guarantee 4if6 one of the first group's numbers must appear be drawn in the first number position of the combination. One of the second group's numbers must be drawn in the second number position and so on. Advantage, only 65 lines instead of 182 with the jackpot guaranteed when you match the first number or last number from each group and a minimum 4 number win when you match any 1 number from each group. 1 5 9 13 17 21 1 5 10 14 18 22 1 5 11 15 19 23 1 5 12 16 20 24 1 6 9 14 19 23 1 6 10 13 20 24 1 6 11 16 17 21 1 6 12 15 18 22 1 7 9 15 20 24 1 7 10 16 19 23 1 7 11 13 18 22 1 7 12 14 17 21 1 8 9 16 18 22 1 8 10 15 17 21 1 8 11 14 20 24 1 8 12 13 19 23 2 5 9 14 19 24 2 5 10 13 20 23 2 5 11 16 17 22 2 5 12 15 18 21 2 6 9 13 17 22 2 6 10 14 18 21 2 6 10 14 18 22 2 6 11 15 19 24 2 6 12 16 20 23 2 7 9 16 18 21 2 7 10 15 17 22 2 7 11 14 20 23 2 7 12 13 19 24 2 8 9 15 20 23 2 8 10 16 19 24 2 8 11 13 18 21 2 8 12 14 17 22 3 5 9 15 20 22 3 5 10 16 19 21 3 5 11 13 18 24 3 5 12 14 17 23 3 6 9 16 18 24 3 6 10 15 17 23 3 6 11 14 20 22 3 6 12 13 19 21 3 7 9 13 17 23 3 7 10 14 18 24 3 7 11 15 19 21 3 7 12 16 20 22 3 8 9 14 19 21 3 8 10 13 20 22 3 8 11 16 17 23 3 8 12 15 18 24 4 5 9 16 18 23 4 5 10 15 17 24 4 5 11 14 20 21 4 5 12 13 19 22 4 6 9 15 20 21 4 6 10 16 19 22 4 6 11 13 18 23 4 6 12 14 17 24 4 7 9 14 19 22 4 7 10 13 20 21 4 7 11 16 17 24 4 7 12 15 18 23 4 8 9 13 17 24 4 8 10 14 18 23 4 8 11 15 19 22 4 8 12 16 20 21 4 8 12 16 20 24 Positional Wheel 4if6in30 numbers 126 lines conditional Pointers ready to copy and paste into CoverMaster or Notepad. Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. 6 groups of 5 numbers for a total of 30. For this wheel to guarantee 4if6 one of the first group's numbers must appear be drawn in the first number position of the combination. One of the second group's numbers must be drawn in the second number position and so on. Advantage, only 126 lines instead of 411 with the jackpot guaranteed when you match the first number or last number from each group and a minimum 4 number win when you match any 1 number from each group. 1 6 11 16 21 26 1 6 12 17 22 27 1 6 13 18 23 28 1 6 14 19 24 29 1 6 15 20 25 30 1 7 11 17 23 29 1 7 12 18 24 30 1 7 13 19 25 26 1 7 14 20 21 27 1 7 15 16 22 28 1 8 11 18 25 27 1 8 12 19 21 28 1 8 13 20 22 29 1 8 14 16 23 30 1 8 15 17 24 26 1 9 11 19 22 30 1 9 12 20 23 26 1 9 13 16 24 27 1 9 14 17 25 28 1 9 15 18 21 29 1 10 11 20 24 28 1 10 12 16 25 29 1 10 13 17 21 30 1 10 14 18 22 26 1 10 15 19 23 27 2 6 11 17 25 29 2 6 12 18 21 30 2 6 13 19 22 26 2 6 14 20 23 27 2 6 15 16 24 28 2 7 11 18 22 27 2 7 12 19 23 28 2 7 13 20 24 29 2 7 14 16 25 30 2 7 15 17 21 26 2 8 11 19 24 30 2 8 12 20 25 26 2 8 13 16 21 27 2 8 14 17 22 28 2 8 15 18 23 29 2 9 11 20 21 28 2 9 12 16 22 29 2 9 13 17 23 30 2 9 14 18 24 26 2 9 15 19 25 27 2 10 11 16 23 26 2 10 12 17 24 27 2 10 13 18 25 29 2 10 14 19 21 29 2 10 15 20 22 30 3 6 11 18 24 27 3 6 12 19 25 28 3 6 13 20 21 29 3 6 14 16 22 30 3 6 15 17 23 26 3 7 11 19 21 30 3 7 12 20 22 26 3 7 13 16 23 27 3 7 14 17 24 28 3 7 15 18 25 29 3 8 11 20 23 28 3 8 12 16 24 29 3 8 13 17 25 30 3 8 14 18 21 26 3 8 15 19 22 27 3 9 11 16 25 26 3 9 12 17 21 27 3 9 13 18 22 28 3 9 14 19 23 29 3 9 15 20 24 30 3 10 11 17 22 29 3 10 12 18 23 30 3 10 13 19 24 26 3 10 14 20 25 27 3 10 15 16 21 28 4 6 11 19 23 30 4 6 12 20 24 26 4 6 13 16 25 27 4 6 14 17 21 28 4 6 15 18 22 29 4 7 11 20 25 28 4 7 12 16 21 29 4 7 13 17 22 30 4 7 14 18 23 26 4 7 15 19 24 27 4 8 11 16 22 26 4 8 12 17 23 27 4 8 13 18 24 28 4 8 14 19 25 29 4 8 15 20 21 30 4 9 11 17 24 29 4 9 12 18 25 30 4 9 13 19 21 26 4 9 14 20 22 27 4 9 15 16 23 28 4 10 11 18 21 27 4 10 12 19 22 28 4 10 13 20 23 29 4 10 14 16 24 30 4 10 15 17 25 26 5 6 11 20 22 28 5 6 12 16 23 29 5 6 13 17 24 30 5 6 14 18 25 26 5 6 15 19 21 27 5 7 11 16 24 26 5 7 12 17 25 27 5 7 13 18 21 28 5 7 14 19 22 29 5 7 15 20 23 30 5 8 11 17 21 29 5 8 12 18 22 30 5 8 13 19 23 26 5 8 14 20 24 27 5 8 15 16 25 28 5 9 11 18 23 27 5 9 12 19 24 28 5 9 13 20 25 29 5 9 14 16 21 30 5 9 15 17 22 26 5 10 11 19 25 30 5 10 12 20 21 26 5 10 13 16 22 27 5 10 14 17 23 28 5 10 15 18 24 29 5 10 15 20 25 30 Pick-5 Jackpot Shots 3+2=JP 10 numbers 4 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 3+2=JP 13 numbers 6 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 04 05 11 12 13 09 10 3+2=JP 15 numbers 9 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 01 02 03 14 15 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 14 15 11 12 13 04 05 11 12 13 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 3+2=JP 18 numbers 12 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 01 02 03 14 15 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 14 15 11 12 13 04 05 11 12 13 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 04 05 16 17 18 09 10 16 17 18 14 15 3+2=JP 20 numbers 16 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] [19-20] 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 01 02 03 14 15 01 02 03 19 20 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 14 15 06 07 08 19 20 11 12 13 04 05 11 12 13 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 19 20 16 17 18 04 05 16 17 18 09 10 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3+2=JP 25 numbers 25 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] [19-20] [21-22-23] [24-25] 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 01 02 03 14 15 01 02 03 19 20 01 02 03 24 25 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 14 15 06 07 08 19 20 06 07 08 24 25 11 12 13 04 05 11 12 13 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 19 20 11 12 13 24 25 16 17 18 04 05 16 17 18 09 10 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 24 25 21 22 23 04 05 21 22 23 09 10 21 22 23 14 15 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3+2=JP 30 numbers 36 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] [19-20] [21-22-23] [24-25] [26-27-28] [29-30] 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 09 10 01 02 03 14 15 01 02 03 19 20 01 02 03 24 25 01 02 03 29 30 06 07 08 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 14 15 06 07 08 19 20 06 07 08 24 25 06 07 08 29 30 11 12 13 04 05 11 12 13 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 19 20 11 12 13 24 25 11 12 13 29 30 16 17 18 04 05 16 17 18 09 10 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 24 25 16 17 18 29 30 21 22 23 04 05 21 22 23 09 10 21 22 23 14 15 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 29 30 26 27 28 04 05 26 27 28 09 10 26 27 28 14 15 26 27 28 19 20 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 How the Pick-5 Jackpot Shot Is Made It should be pretty clear the Jackpot Shot is made up of sets of 3 numbers played against sets of 2 numbers. There is no need to have an even amount of sets. To make a Jackpot Shot for 39 numbers we can use the above 30 number wheel and add 3 more sets of 3. Remember: These are place holder pointer numbers. Exchange the pointer numbers for your numbers. You can use CoverMaster to make the exchange in the resulting combinations. Do Not play the pointer numbers. [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] [19-20] [21-22-23] [24-25] [26-27-28] [29-30] [31-32-33] [34-35-36] [37-38-39] For Powerball 55 in 121 lines [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] [19-20] [21-22-23] [24-25] [26-27-28] [29-30] [31-32-33] [34-35] [36-37-38] [39-40] [41-42-43] [44-45] [46-47-48] [49-50] [51-52-53] [54-55] For Mega Millions 56 in 108 lines [01-02-03] [04-05] [06-07-08] [09-10] [11-12-13] [14-15] [16-17-18] [19-20] [21-22-23] [24-25] [26-27-28] [29-30] [31-32-33] [34-35] [36-37-38] [39-40] [41-42-43] [44-45] [46-47-48] [49-50] [51-52-53] [54-55-56] Pick-7 Jackpot Shots 4+3=JP 14 numbers 4 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03-04] [05-06-07] [08-09-10-11] [12-13-14] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 02 03 04 12 13 14 08 09 10 11 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 4+3=JP 35 numbers 25 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03-04] [05-06-07] [08-09-10-11] [12-13-14] [15-16-17-18] [19-20-21] [22-23-24-25] [26-27-28] [29-30-31-32] [33-34-35] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 02 03 04 12 13 14 01 02 03 04 19 20 21 01 02 03 04 26 27 28 01 02 03 04 33 34 35 08 09 10 11 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 08 09 10 11 19 20 21 08 09 10 11 26 27 28 08 09 10 11 33 34 35 15 16 17 18 05 06 07 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 26 27 28 15 16 17 18 33 34 35 22 23 24 25 05 06 07 22 23 24 25 12 13 14 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 33 34 35 29 30 31 32 05 06 07 29 30 31 32 12 13 14 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 29 30 31 32 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 4+3=JP 42 numbers 36 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03-04] [05-06-07] [08-09-10-11] [12-13-14] [15-16-17-18] [19-20-21] [22-23-24-25] [26-27-28] [29-30-31-32] [33-34-35] [36-37-38-39] [40-41-42] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 02 03 04 12 13 14 01 02 03 04 19 20 21 01 02 03 04 26 27 28 01 02 03 04 33 34 35 01 02 03 04 40 41 42 08 09 10 11 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 08 09 10 11 19 20 21 08 09 10 11 26 27 28 08 09 10 11 33 34 35 08 09 10 11 40 41 42 15 16 17 18 05 06 07 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 26 27 28 15 16 17 18 33 34 35 15 16 17 18 40 41 42 22 23 24 25 05 06 07 22 23 24 25 12 13 14 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 33 34 35 22 23 24 25 40 41 42 29 30 31 32 05 06 07 29 30 31 32 12 13 14 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 29 30 31 32 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 29 30 31 32 40 41 42 36 37 38 39 05 06 07 36 37 38 39 12 13 14 36 37 38 39 19 20 21 36 37 38 39 26 27 28 36 37 38 39 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4+3=JP 49 numbers 49 lines Text copy for Printing. After opening right click and select [View Source] to open in NotePad where you can use [Copy] and [Paste]. [01-02-03-04] [05-06-07] [08-09-10-11] [12-13-14] [15-16-17-18] [19-20-21] [22-23-24-25] [26-27-28] [29-30-31-32] [33-34-35] [36-37-38-39] [40-41-42] [43-44-45-46] [47-48-49] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 02 03 04 12 13 14 01 02 03 04 19 20 21 01 02 03 04 26 27 28 01 02 03 04 33 34 35 01 02 03 04 40 41 42 01 02 03 04 47 48 49 08 09 10 11 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 08 09 10 11 19 20 21 08 09 10 11 26 27 28 08 09 10 11 33 34 35 08 09 10 11 40 41 42 08 09 10 11 47 48 49 15 16 17 18 05 06 07 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 26 27 28 15 16 17 18 33 34 35 15 16 17 18 40 41 42 15 16 17 18 47 48 49 22 23 24 25 05 06 07 22 23 24 25 12 13 14 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 33 34 35 22 23 24 25 40 41 42 22 23 24 25 47 48 49 29 30 31 32 05 06 07 29 30 31 32 12 13 14 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 29 30 31 32 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 29 30 31 32 40 41 42 29 30 31 32 47 48 49 36 37 38 39 05 06 07 36 37 38 39 12 13 14 36 37 38 39 19 20 21 36 37 38 39 26 27 28 36 37 38 39 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 36 37 38 39 47 48 49 43 44 45 46 05 06 07 43 44 45 46 12 13 14 43 44 45 46 19 20 21 43 44 45 46 26 27 28 43 44 45 46 33 34 35 43 44 45 46 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Remember: These are place holder pointer numbers. Exchange the pointer numbers for your numbers. You can use CoverMaster to make the exchange in the resulting combinations. Do Not play the pointer numbers.
Wheel Construction - How Wheels Are Built
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:32:29 PM
("A wheel is a net of numbers woven to catch a prize." R.P.) Wheels are the most powerful tool lottery players have to lower the odds and improve their chance of winning a lottery prize. It is possible to buy hundreds of random number generated Quick Picks / Lucky Dips and win little or nothing and not even have the minimal satisfaction of finding all the winning numbers scattered among the plays. Wheeling improves the odds of having the winning numbers among those we select to wheel by virtue of allowing a larger field. Wheeling can guarantee a prize when conditions are met. We have to be a little careful here because there are all kinds of wheels for various purposes some of which offer a fractional guarantee or percentage of guarantee less then 100%. When it comes to "lottery experts" there are a multitude of camps, those Pro- and Anti-Lottery, among both the competent and incompetent. Not everything written about wheeling is 100% accurate, be wary of those whose agenda appears mainly to sell their lottery related product by attacking the obvious advantages of quality wheels they are incapable of constructing. There are those so-called "experts" who delight in telling us there is nothing we can do to improve our chances of winning what-so-ever. They proclaim wheels do not improve our chances, that wheels are a waste of money, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth, because . . . "The only way to improve the odds of winning a lottery is to buy more unique tickets." This is precisely what wheeling accomplishes, the creation of unique tickets with the added benefit of a conditional win guarantee. It can not be denied. Playing 9 numbers instead of 6 takes 6/49 odds from 1 in 13,983,816 to 1 in 166,474 a reduction of 13,817,342 combinations. Unfortunately one cannot take Lottery Science in school. Not even the match book school offers a degree in lottery. There aren't even solidly defined agreed upon terms for the lotto strategies industry, some of which are Trademarked to specific authors so no one else can use them.
Here is Our Working Terminology for Lottery Wheeling
The quantity of numbers being wheeled is a Field or a Pool, i.e.: 49 numbers. The amount of numbers the game draws is the Pick. i.e.: Pick-6. Pick plus Field or Pool equals game size, i.e.: 6/49. The Prize the Wheel is intended to win is the Match, i.e.: Match-3. The amount of winning numbers necessary to be among the Field or Pool to guarantee a Match are the Hits. Lottery Wheels are also called Covers or Cover Designs. The actual Wheel or Cover Pattern is called a Number Matrix. The construction of Wheels can be referred to as Combinatorics, Combinatorial Analysis or Combinadic Math. Wheel Matrix positions are located / identified by Pointer or Place Holder numbers or letters. The formed Combinations of a Wheel may also be referred to as Lines, Plays or Tickets. Someone using the term Permutations may be talking about a Wheel or just random lines made by making up combinations of numbers from a larger field without a guarantee in mind. Guarantee refers to the mathematical certainty of winning numbers appearing together on a line when conditions are met. Not to be confused with a warranty of merchantability. A Full Wheel contains every possible combination of the field of numbers being wheeled thus guaranteeing a jackpot when conditions are met, such as all the winning numbers being among those in the Pool being wheeled. An Abbreviated Wheel contains only the combinations necessary to guarantee a lower tier prize, though the potential of any one of those combinations winning a jackpot is always in there. A Cover is generally considered Closed for its guaranteed prize tier meaning 100% as opposed to an Open Cover Design with less than a 100% prize guarantee. Wheels that are not Full Wheels are generally Closed Cover Designs for a designated prize tier and Open Cover Designs for all higher prize tiers. A 100% 3if6in24 numbers Closed Cover may also be a 35% 4if6 Open Cover meaning an average of one time in three when all 6 winning numbers fall among our pool of 24 the Wheel may return a 4-number prize. A 3if6in24 numbers 21 combinations/lines wheel means a 3-number prize is guaranteed when all 6 winning numbers fall among the 24 numbers being wheeled. The above wheel may also be expressed as (24,6,3,6)=21. The first number (24) is the Field or Pool - the amount of numbers being wheeled; the second number (6) is the draw or Pick -- the amount of numbers in a combination or line; the third number (3) is the prize match guaranteed; the fourth number (6) is the amount of winning number Hits that must fall among the first number (24) Field or Pool being wheeled to guarantee the match; and the fifth number (21) is the amount of combinations or lines in the Wheel. When the Cover Is Open a percentage may be placed ahead of either description to denote an Open Cover Design. ie: 90%(24,6,3,6)=21 A Key Number Wheel will have one number the same in every combination. A 2 Key Number Wheel will have two numbers the same in every combination. There can be up to 6 Key numbers in a line for Pick-7 Wheels. There can be up to 5 Key numbers in a line for Pick-6 Wheels. There can be up to 4 Key numbers in a line for Pick-5 Wheels. There can be up to 3 Key numbers in a line for Pick-4 Wheels. Key numbers are also commonly referred to as Banker, Front, King, Leverage, Monarch and Power numbers. A Pair Wheel has 6 number combinations formed by 3 Pairs of Numbers from a Pool of number pairings. A Pivot Wheel wheels a larger group of Key numbers than may normally be played against multiple fields of numbers. One Group of numbers (more than Key) takes sub-wheel positions in all combinations, shared with other Groups of numbers taking the remaining combination positions. A Triple Wheel has 6 number combinations formed by Triplets of numbers wheeled in all their possible pairings. A Zone Wheel has number combinations formed by pulling numbers from various user established zones to targeted areas. A Front Loaded Wheel is made by starting with a strong Closed or Open Cover and generating a lower tier prize wheel around it. Provides better coverage for the better numbers when loaded with numbers ranked from better to worse. Care must be taken to ensure Front Loaded Wheel construction does not accidentally create a split wheel. A Group Wheel has Pool numbers divided into Groups. The guarantee is conditional based on how many winning numbers fall among each Group. A Positional Wheel is like a Group wheel only the numbers in the Groups are assigned by the Place Holder Pointer numbers to specific locations in the Combinations. i.e.: The numbers in the First Group will only appear in the First Position of the Wheeled Combinations. The guarantee will be conditional on the winning numbers falling into the correct groups, ergo the correct positions. A Split Wheel is two or more totally independent wheels being played side by side to create an overall lower tier prize guarantee. This method is commonly used to offer inferior lower cost wheeling, but drastically reduces the opportunity for a jackpot. A Super Wheel is a ramped up Front Loaded Wheel that begins with a strong wheel and tapers off by building around it a series of lower tier prize wheels and/or conditional Group or Pair wheels until all the numbers in the game are put into play. Care must be taken to ensure Super Wheel construction does not accidentally create a Split wheel.Advantages of Wheeling
Wheeling allows us to put more numbers into play than may be played as a single combination. Wheeling is exactly the same as the lottery allowing us to purchase a combination with more the the usual 5, 6 or 7 numbers. Playing more than the minimum number of numbers dramatically improves the odds of having winning numbers among those being played. Wheeling can improve the odds of/or guarantee winning a prize. All lotto strategies that involve the purchase of more than one unique ticket are a form of wheeling regardless of what their author chooses to call the method. The system combinations can be loaded into a wheel tester and a quality of coverage determined. Wheeling does exactly what it promises to do. A properly constructed wheel must return the prize guaranteed when conditions are met. Prediction + Wheeling = Winning To use a car metaphor: Prediction is the engine and wheeling the transmission or gearing. If you can get the prediction engine working the gear box will take you where you need to go.Where to find Wheels
In the past wheels were rare, expensive and hard to come by. There were a handful of lottery wheel authors whose works never achieved wide dissemination among the lottery playing public. With the advent of computers, lottery software and the internet lottery wheels are now readily available from a variety of sources both free and commercial. Most quality lottery software programs include an in-depth menu of wheeling options. One such source we highly recommend is Lottery Director, a commercial program you'll find links to on the Lotto-Logix lottery software page. The free LD demo comes with over 900 wheels you can use for as long as you like absolutely free.Wheel Construction
There are a number of free and commercial lottery software programs that make wheels to user specifications. These include: Advanced Lotto Tool CoverMaster Ininuga Jade's Lottery Number Generator Lottery Director Professional Lotto Architect Lotto Designer Lotto Expert Lotto Hat LotWin Lottery Line Builder Maybells Lottery Quik Wheels Open Cover Links to these software tools may be found on the Lotto-Logix Lottery Software Directory while online Or Lottery Wheeling Resources while online The obvious advantage to making your own custom wheel is in not playing the same default numbers on the same wheel as everyone using the same system.Selecting a Wheel
Choosing the right wheel means factoring in budget, prediction skills, quantity of predicted numbers, prize tier desired, etc. Playing a full wheel becomes very costly very quickly. Even the abbreviated wheels become expensive as the amount of numbers goes up generally forcing the user to lower the prize tier or coverage quality to put more numbers into play. Optimal strategy is to get the amount of numbers predicted down to an affordable field size that allows a good prize guarantee. In my opinion it isn't a stretch to say most lottery authors have lost sight of the target, to win a jackpot. Most systems and software are built around the process of winning lower tier prizes in the hope the wheel will play above its guarantee and return a jackpot. As we've seen, a wheel is only likely to play one tier over its guarantee a fraction of the time. Some of the wheels below walk around the lower tier prize guarantee to target a higher prize or jackpot. Playing this way requires evolving a personal playing strategy to pick and position numbers on the wheel with a jackpot in mind.Extreme Wheeling
While most players prefer to limit risk to prediction thus keeping wheeling a sure thing, some players spread risk across prediction and wheeling by using more extreme wheels whose prize tier coverage is more conditional such as Open Cover Designs, Pair, Triple, Group, Pivot and Positional Wheeling.Now to Make a Full Wheel Design
A full wheel is every number in the Pool played against every other number in the Pool. If our game is Pick-6 and we want to play 7 numbers our place holder pointers will look like this. 01-02-03-04-05-06-07 01-02-03-04-05-06 01-02-03-04-05-07 01-02-03-04-07-06 01-02-03-07-05-06 01-02-07-04-05-06 01-07-03-04-05-06 07-02-03-04-05-06How to Make an Abbreviated Wheel Design
To construct most Abbreviated wheels will require wheel making software like CoverMaster. To make a Pick-6 3if6in16 numbers 5 lines abbreviated wheel in CoverMaster (16,6,3,6)=5 open the software and select . . . Pool-16 Pick-6 Match-3 Hits-6 [Generate][TimedRandomSearch][1 Second][Optimize][Start] Reset and Repeat until wheel is made in 5 lines [Finished] Everyone get a wheel similar to this one? 1 3 8 10 12 14 2 4 5 11 15 16 3 6 7 9 12 13 6 7 9 10 11 13 6 7 8 9 13 14 If not, try again. Wheel making in CoverMaster is fun.How to Make an Open Cover Wheel Design
Constructing an Open Cover Wheel Design properly requires wheel maker software like CoverMaster that allows the user to halt the wheel build process at a preselected number of lines or percentage of coverage. Watching a wheel being built, it quickly becomes apparent the majority of coverage takes place at the start where each line covers a sizable percentage. At the end of the build many lines may be necessary to Close the cover from 99% to 100%. With larger wheels, 90% coverage can be achieved with half the number of combinations necessary for 100% coverage of the prize tier guaranteed. Hmmm, 10% risk versus 50% cost to play savings. The savings can be equal to winning a 3-number or 4-number prize every draw. The reason this works is redundant combinations in the wheel where as many as five of the six numbers in a combination may be the same as another combination. Early in the wheel build combinations are unique with all numbers different. The next step in the build is combinations with two numbers in common, (two numbers already used together in a previous combination) then 3 in common, etc. Toward the end of the wheel build we find combinations are added with 4 and 5 numbers in common to close the final fraction of a percent. The drawback to removing combinations is this: removing even those providing fractional percentage of cover also removes opportunities for multiple prizes and for playing above the guarantee. Also, simply applying fewer total combinations against the game reduces the odds improvement of buying more unique combinations. One might be tempted to strip every other line out of a standard abbreviated wheel. Unfortunately this method also strips out half the coverage as well unless incredible luck is involved. The object of the exercise is to knowingly remove combinations that contribute the least coverage to the targeted prize tier. To this end CoverMaster can sort lines by Dependency (their contribution to the wheel's coverage). Lines can be removed one at a time and the wheel re-optimized for optimal coverage at the new cost to play.How to Make a Key Wheel
A Banker, Key, King, Monarch or Power number is a number that appears in every combination. A six number combination can have up to five Key numbers. If the choice of Key number is correct, every combination has a winning number. If the choice of Key number is incorrect a jackpot is impossible, though a chance of a lower tier prize may remain viable. Why use a Key number wheel? We get Pick-6 wheeling for a Pick-5 wheel price and so on. The easiest way to make a Key number wheel is to select a wheel from a smaller game and add the Key number to every line. To make a full 6if6 Key number wheel, add the Key number to every line of a full 5if5 wheel. To make a 5if6 Key number wheel, add the Key number to every line of a 4if5 wheel. To make a 4if6 Key number wheel, add the Key number to every line of a 3if5 wheel. To make a 3if6 Key number wheel, add the Key number to every line of a 2if5 wheel made in CoverMaster. To make Key number wheels for Pick-4 and Pick-5 games requires making one number per line smaller wheels in CoverMaster. To make wheels with multiple Key numbers requires making wheels that much smaller in CoverMaster and adding the Key numbers to every line.How to Make a 12-number 4if6 wheel with 2 Key numbers
Set CoverMaster to: Pool - 10 (because we will be adding 2 Key numbers) Pick - 4 (we make 4-number lines because 2-numbers will be Key) Match - 2 (we plan to match 2 because the other 2 will be Key) Hits - 4 (winning numbers we hope to have among the field) [Generate][Timed Random Search][1Second][Optimize][Start] When the wheel build is done, click [Finished] Everyone will get something a little different, I got: 02 04 08 10 03 06 08 09 01 05 07 09Now remember, these are place holder pointer numbers, not the numbers we will be playing. We want to make positions 1 and 2 our Key numbers, but they are already taken. There are two ways to handle this. The CoverMaster drop down menu item [Tools] offers a [Transpose] option. Transpose allows us to raise all the numbers up one number at a time. So we can raise 1-10 to 3-12, print and add our 2 key numbers to every line by hand. Or . . . We can raise the Pick-4 size to Pick-5. When we do so a box will open asking how we want to handle this. Select [Add Selected] and scroll to number1 [OK] the Pool size will go up from 10 to 11 and a 1 will appear in every line. Now raise the Pick-5 size to Pick-6 and again the box will open, [Add Selected][2][OK] the Pool size will now be 12 and every line will have a 1 and a 2 as Keys. 01 02 04 06 10 12 01 02 05 08 10 11 01 02 03 07 09 11 We can save the wheel by describing it as 4if6in12n2keysin3c.txt so we can find it again easily through CoverMaster's Open a Wheel feature. The CoverMaster [Configure] drop down menu allows us to [Set] (Exchange) our numbers for the place holder pointer numbers and [Display] them like this . . . the 23 and 35 are our keys. Keys 23-35: Numbers 01-05-07-12-27-33-38-42-46-49 05 12 23 35 42 49 07 23 33 35 42 46 01 23 27 35 38 46 A standard abbreviated 100% 4if6in12 number wheel requires at least 6 combinations. With 2 Key numbers we've cut the lines in half, but we have the greater risk because the 2 Key numbers have to be among the six winning numbers that fall among the 12 numbers in our Pool/Field.
How to Make a 21-number 3if6 wheel with 1 Key number
Set CoverMaster to: Pool-20 Pick-5 Match-2 Hits-5 [Generate][TimedRandomSearch][1 second][Optimize][Start][Finished] Everyone get something like this? 01 05 07 15 18 + 21 02 03 04 09 17 + 21 06 08 12 14 16 + 21 10 11 13 19 20 + 21 We can add our Key as the 21st number or have CM Transpose the numbers so number 1 can be the Key. K1 02 06 08 16 19 K1 03 04 05 10 18 K1 07 09 13 15 17 K1 11 12 14 20 21 A 3-number prize is guaranteed if the Key number is correct and 5 of the winning numbers fall among the 20. A straight up 3if6in 21 number wheel requires 16 lines more or less depending on source.How to make a 10 number 5if5 Pick-5 wheel with 4 Key numbers
Five winning numbers (Jackpot) are guaranteed if all 4 key numbers and one of the Pool numbers are among the 5 winning numbers. Key numbers: 01-02-03-04 Pool numbers: 05-06-07-08-09-10 Pointer Key numbers: 07-12-23-35 Pool numbers: 01-04-11-16-24-36 Exchange Pointers Exchanged Sorted 01-02-03-04-05 = 07-12-23-35-01 = 01-07-12-23-35 01-02-03-04-06 = 07-12-23-35-04 = 04-07-12-23-35 01-02-03-04-07 = 07-12-23-35-11 = 07-11-12-23-35 01-02-03-04-08 = 07-12-23-35-16 = 07-12-16-23-35 01-02-03-04-09 = 07-12-23-35-24 = 07-12-23-24-35 01-02-03-04-10 = 07-12-23-35-36 = 07-12-23-35-36 Note: A 5if5in10 numbers Full wheel requires 252 combinations whereas a 4 Key 5if5in10 number Full wheel requires only 6.How to make a 12 number 6if6 Pick-6 wheel with 4 Key Numbers
Six winning numbers (Jackpot) are guaranteed if all 4 key numbers and Two of the Pool numbers are among the 6 winning numbers. Key numbers: 01-02-03-04 Pool numbers: 05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12 Make all possible pairs of the Pool Numbers: 05-06, 05-07, 05-08, 05-09, 05-10, 05-11, 05-12 06-07, 06-08, 06-09, 06-10, 06-11, 06-12 07-08, 07-09, 07-10, 07-11, 07-12 08-09, 08-10, 08-11, 08-12 09-10, 09-11, 09-12 10-11, 10-12 11-12 Exchange Pointers with Chosen numbers and add a pair to each line of 4 Key numbers. 01-02-03-04-05-06 01-02-03-04-05-07 01-02-03-04-05-08 01-02-03-04-05-09 . . . through to 01-02-03-04-11-12 Note: A 6if6in12 numbers Full wheel requires 924 combinations whereas a 4 Key 6if6in12 number Full wheel requires only 28 and a 5 Key 6if6in12 number Full wheel requires only 7.How to make a Pair Wheel
Some lottery players prefer to track and wheel repeating pairs rather than individual numbers. While there are many more pairs than numbers, the reduction in wheeling costs is hard to ignore. Every lottery drawing creates number pairs. Every Pick-7 draw contains 21 pairings. 01-02, 01-03, 01-04, 01-05, 01-06, 01-07 02-03, 02-04, 02-05, 02-06, 02-07 03-04, 03-05, 03-06, 03-07 04-05, 04-06, 04-07 05-06, 05-07 06-07 Every Pick-6 draw contains 15 pairings. 01-02, 01-03, 01-04, 01-05, 01-06 02-03, 02-04, 02-05, 02-06 03-04, 03-05, 03-06 04-05, 04-06 05-06 Every Pick-5 draw contains 10 pairings. 01-02, 01-03, 01-04, 01-05 02-03, 02-04, 02-05 03-04, 03-05 04-05 Every Pick-4 draw contains 6 pairings. 01-02, 01-03, 01-04 02-03, 02-04 03-04 To make a Pick-4 Pair wheel, select the pairs and play every pair against every other pair. ie: 02-11, 12-23, 15-45, 07-32, 05-38 02-11-12-23, 02-11-15-45, 02-11-07-32, 02-11-05-38 12-23-15-45, 12-23-07-32, 12-23-05-38 15-45-07-32, 15-45-05-38 07-32-05-38 A Pick-5 Pair wheel is made exactly the same way as a Pick-4 Pair wheel only a Key number is added to every line. A Pick-6 Pair wheel is made by using Daily Number Pick-3 box wheels as place holder pointer numbers for the pairs. A Pick-3 3if3 box wheel for 5 numbers requires 10 combinations. ie: 1-2-3-4-5 Box Wheeled: 1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-3-4, 1-3-5, 1-4-5 2-3-4, 2-3-5, 2-4-5 3-4-5 10 Numbers as 5 Place Holder Pointer Pairs Box Wheeled: 1 2 3 4 5 (01-02)(03-04)(05-06)(07-08)(09-10) 01-02-03-04-05-06 01-02-03-04-07-08 01-02-03-04-09-10 01-02-05-06-07-08 01-02-05-06-09-10 01-02-07-08-09-10 03-04-05-06-07-08 03-04-05-06-09-10 03-04-07-08-09-10 05-06-07-08-09-10 Note: A full 6if6in10 number wheel requires 210 combinations while a full 3if3in5 Pair wheel requires only 10. 3 Correct pairs = JP! For the record: A full 3if3 box wheel for 4 numbers requires 4 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 5 numbers requires 10 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 6 numbers requires 20 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 7 numbers requires 35 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 8 numbers requires 56 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 9 numbers requires 84 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 10 numbers requires 120 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 11 numbers requires 164 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 12 numbers requires 220 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 13 numbers requires 286 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 14 numbers requires 364 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 15 numbers requires 455 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 16 numbers requires 560 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 17 numbers requires 680 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 18 numbers requires 816 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 19 numbers requires 969 combinations. A full 3if3 box wheel for 20 numbers requires 1,140 combinations.How to make a 4if6 Pair wheel for 18 numbers 9 pairs
Wheel generating software such as CoverMaster is used to create a 2if3 wheel to a size equal to the number of pairs or half the number of numbers desired to be played. i.e.: 9 pairs covers 18 numbers so a Daily Number Pick-3, 2if3in9 number box wheel is generated. Example: Use CoverMaster to make a Daily Number 2if3 box wheel 9 numbers. Pool-9 Pick-3 Match-2 Hits-3 [Generate][Timed Random Search][1 Second][Optimize][Start] [Finished] Repeat until the wheel is made in 7 lines . . . 1-3-6, 1-5-7, 2-4-8, 2-4-9, 3-5-7, 5-6-7, 5-8-9 18 Numbers as 9 Place Holder Pointer Pairs Wheeled: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (01-02)(03-04)(05-06)(07-08)(09-10)(11-12)(13-14)(15-16)(17-18) 01-02-05-06-11-12 01-02-09-10-13-14 03-04-07-08-15-16 03-04-07-08-17-18 05-06-09-10-13-14 09-10-11-12-13-14 09-10-15-16-17-18 A Pick-7 Pair wheel is made exactly the same way as a Pick-6 Pair wheel only a Key number is added to every line.How to make a Giant Group Positional Pair Wheel
As wheel size goes up we increase risk or degree of difficulty to hold down playing costs. Instead of using a Daily Number 3if3 box wheel we use a Daily Number Positional wheel. Pairs from the first group will always fall into the first pair position in each combination; pairs from the second group will always fall into the second pair position and pairs from the third group will always fall into the third pair position. Keep this in mind when selecting which group to place your pairs. In this example we will make a Daily Number Positional Wheel for 18 numbers in 3 columns of 6 numbers each as the foundation for a 4if6, 3 group pair wheel for 36 numbers. 01-07-13 02-08-14 03-09-15 04-10-16 05-11-17 06-12-18 Numbers in each column are played off against every number in the other columns. So we'd play 01-07-13 through 01-07-18 then move on to 01-08-13 through 01-08-18. When the 01's are completed we do the 02's and so on until 06-12-13 through 06-12-18. As there are 3 columns of 6, 6x6x6=216 combinations in total. We assign each number to a pair of numbers in 3 groups. 01 02 03 04 05 06 (01-02)(03-04)(05-06)(07-08)(09-10)(11-12) 07 08 09 10 11 12 (13-14)(15-16)(17-18)(19-20)(21-22)(23-24) 13 14 15 16 17 18 (25-26)(27-28)(29-30)(31-32)(33-34)(35-36) Exchange the Daily Number Pointer Numbers with their Pairs to make 216 combinations. 01-07-13 = 01-02-13-14-25-26 and so on to 06-12-18 = 11-12-23-24-35-36 Exchange Pointer number pairs with selected pairs to make playable combinations or do this at the beginning to save steps once you are comfortable with the wheeling method. A Jackpot is guaranteed if the winning numbers fall into any pair from each group of pairs.How to make a 4if6 Group Wheel from two number Groups
Once again we turn to CoverMaster to make a 2if3of wheel for 20 numbers each group to be played against each other. Pool-10 Pick-3 Match-2 Hits-3 [Generate][TimedRandomSearch][1 second][Optimize][Start] [Finished] Repeat until the wheel is made in 8 lines. First Group Pointers 01-10 01 03 09 02 04 06 02 05 07 02 08 10 04 05 10 04 07 08 05 06 08 06 07 10 Second Group Pointers Transposed by CM to 11-20 11 13 19 12 14 16 12 15 17 12 18 20 14 15 20 14 17 18 15 16 18 16 17 20 We will play each line against every other line, so 8x8=64 lines in total. 01-03-09-11-13-18 01-03-09-12-14-16 01-03-09-12-15-17 and so on to 06-07-10-16-17-20 A 4-number prize is guaranteed if 3 winning numbers fall among the numbers in each group. A straight up 4if6 wheel for 20 numbers requires 87 lines more or less depending on wheel source.How to make a 10 number Jackpot wheel for 3 uneven number Groups
This wheel is a hybrid combining alternating Keys, Pairs and a 3if3 Daily number box wheel played against each other in 2x3x10=60 lines. This wheel can easily be ramped up by adding additional numbers to one or more of the groups. A 5if6 version is made by substituting a 2if3 wheel for the 3if3 daily number box wheel 2x3x2=12 lines. Our first group of 2-numbers will be used as alternating Keys. (K1-K2) Our second group of 3-numbers will be used as Pairs. (03-04-05) = 03-04, 03-05, 04-05) Our third group of 5-numbers will be a 3if3 daily number wheel. (06-07-08-09-10)= 06-07-08, 06-07-09, 06-07-10, 06-08-09, 06-08-10, 06-09-10 07-08-09, 07-08-10, 07-09-10 08-09-10 We play our K's against each Pair and each set of these against each of the third group. ie: K1-03-04-06-07-08 K2-03-04-06-07-08 K1-03-04-06-07-09 K2-03-04-06-07-09 continue to K1-04-05-08-09-10 K2-04-05-08-09-10 A jackpot is guaranteed if one winning number falls among the first group and two winning numbers fall among the second group and three winning numbers fall among the third group. A straight up 6if6in10 number wheel requires 210 lines.How to make a Triples Wheel
A Triples Wheel is incredibly powerful. Unfortunately it can only be used for Pick-6 or for Pick-7 by the addition of a Key number. Like a scaled up Pick-4 pair wheel, the user selects groups of unique 3 number sets. These can be repeating 3 number sets or sets of 3 numbers the user anticipates will be drawn together. Each set of 3 numbers is then played against every other set of 3 numbers. If any two sets each contain 3 winning numbers a Pick-6 jackpot is guaranteed. If one set contains 3 winning numbers and another set contains 2 winning numbers a 5-number prize is assured. If one set contains 3 winning numbers and one or more sets contain 1 winning number, that many 4-number prizes are assured. If any three sets contain 2 winning numbers multiple 4-number prizes are assured. If any two sets contain 2 winning numbers a 4-number prize is assured. If only 1 set contains 3 winning numbers or a set contains 2 winning numbers and other sets contain 1 winning number, multiple 3-number prizes are assured. An interesting concurrency occurs with Triples in that 5 winning numbers spread among any 3 Triple sets guarantees a 4-number prize and any 6 winning numbers spread among any 4 Triple sets guarantees a 4-number prize and any 6 winning numbers spread among any 5 Triple sets guarantees multiple 3-number prizes. However, if the sets contain only 1 winning number each, a prize is impossible, but one can copy the formed place holder combinations into CoverMaster, lock them and build a closed or high percentage open cover 3if6 wheel around them as a inexpensive form of insurance protection against the possibility. Here is an example of nine place holder pointer Triples wheeled. 01-02-03, 04-05-06, 07-08-09, 10-11-12, 13-14-15, 16-17-18 01-02-03-04-05-06 01-02-03-07-08-09 01-02-03-10-11-12 01-02-03-13-14-15 01-02-03-16-17-18 04-05-06-07-08-09 04-05-06-10-11-12 04-05-06-13-14-15 04-05-06-16-17-18 07-08-19-10-11-12 07-08-09-13-14-15 07-08-09-16-17-18 10-11-12-13-14-15 10-11-12-16-17-18 13-14-15-16-17-18 This wheel provides all sub-combinational coverages described above for when sets contain winning numbers and has 96.9% 3if6 coverage due to the possibility of only 1 winning number per Triple set. To bring the 3if6 to 100% no matter how the numbers fall we copy and lock them in CoverMaster and find CM built the following 4 lines bridging the sets. 3 9 14 15 16 17 2 7 8 14 15 16 1 2 3 9 13 18 1 3 14 15 17 18 Normally we wouldn't bother doing this, because the point is to walk around the need for and expense of a 3if6 guaranteed prize that only pays $4.50 to $5.50 in most states.How to construct a Pivot Wheel
A Pivot wheel has a central core or hub of numbers similar to key numbers (only more of them) played against a series of small number fields. For our first example we will build a Pivot wheel with 4 pivots and three groups of numbers. These are pointers. Pivot Field = 01, 02, 03, 04. Group Field = 05, 06, 07, 08. Group Field = 09, 10, 11, 12. Group Field = 13, 14, 15, 16. Total numbers in play = 16 We begin by using the Maybell Lottery Quik Wheeler to make a Pick-3, 3if3 box wheel. 1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-3-4, 2-3-4. Step 2 we wheel the Pivots and Group numbers using the above wheel. Pivot Field = 01-02-03, 01-02-04, 01-03-04, 02-03-04. Group Field = 05-06-07, 05-06-08, 05-07-08, 06-07-08. Group Field = 09-10-11, 09-10-12, 09-11-12, 10-11-12. Group Field = 13-14-15, 13-14-16, 13-15-16, 14-15-16. Step 3 we play the Pivots against the Groups independently in every possible pairing like a Triple wheel. Pivots against First Group = 13-14-15 13-14-16 13-15-16 14-15-16 01-02-03-05-06-07 01-02-03-05-06-08 01-02-03-05-07-08 01-02-03-06-07-08 01-02-04-05-06-07 01-02-04-05-06-08 01-02-04-05-07-08 01-02-04-06-07-08 01-03-04-05-06-07 01-03-04-05-06-08 01-03-04-05-07-08 01-03-04-06-07-08 02-03-04-05-06-07 02-03-04-05-06-08 02-03-04-05-07-08 02-03-04-06-07-08 Pivots against Second Group = 09-10-11 09-10-12 09-11-12 10-11-12 01-02-03-09-10-11 01-02-03-09-10-12 01-02-03-09-11-12 01-02-03-10-11-12 01-02-04-09-10-11 01-02-04-09-10-12 01-02-04-09-11-12 01-02-04-10-11-12 01-03-04-09-10-11 01-03-04-09-10-12 01-03-04-09-11-12 01-03-04-10-11-12 02-03-04-09-10-11 02-03-04-09-10-12 02-03-04-09-11-12 02-03-04-10-11-12 Pivots against Third Group = 13-14-15 13-14-16 13-15-16 14-15-16 01-02-03-13-14-15 01-02-03-13-14-16 01-02-03-13-15-16 01-02-03-14-15-16 01-02-04-13-14-15 01-02-04-13-14-16 01-02-04-13-15-16 01-02-04-14-15-16 01-03-04-13-14-15 01-03-04-13-14-16 01-03-04-13-15-16 01-03-04-14-15-16 02-03-04-13-14-15 02-03-04-13-14-16 02-03-04-13-15-16 02-03-04-14-15-16 Three groups of 16 lines = 48 combinations total. A jackpot is guaranteed when 3 winning numbers fall among the Pivot numbers and 3 among any one of the groups. By comparison a Full Pick-6 wheel of 16 numbers requires 8,008 combinations. For our second example we will build a Pick-6 4if6 Pivot wheel with 6 pivots and three groups of 6 numbers. Construction begins with the creation of a Pivot Number Field and several group fields. These are of course pointer numbers. Pivot Field = 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06. Group Field = 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. Group Field = 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Group Field = 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Make a 2if3in6 number wheel in CoverMaster. Pool-6 Pick-3 Match-2 Hits-3 [Generate][TimedRandomSearch][1][Second][Optimize][Start] [Finished] Everyone get something like this? 1-5-6 2-3-4 Step 2 we wheel the Pivots and Group numbers using the above wheel. Convert Pivot and Group Fields to the 2if3 wheel matrix. Pivot Field = 01-05-06, 02-03-04 Group Field = 07-11-15, 08-09-10 Group Field = 13-17-18, 14-15-16 Group Field = 19-23-24, 20-21-22 Step 3 we play the Pivots against the Groups independently in every possible pairing like a Triple wheel. Pivots against the first Group Field = 07-11-15, 08-09-10 01-05-06-07-11-15 01-05-06-08-09-10 02-03-04-07-11-15 02-03-04-08-09-10 Pivots against the second Group Field = 13-17-18, 14-15-16 01-05-06-13-17-18 01-05-06-14-15-16 02-03-04-13-17-18 02-03-04-14-15-16 Pivots against the third Group Field = 19-23-24, 20-21-22 01-05-06-19-23-24 01-05-06-20-21-22 02-03-04-19-23-24 02-03-04-20-21-22 Three groups of 4 lines = 12 combinations total. A 4if6 prize is guaranteed when 3 winning numbers fall among the Pivot numbers and 3 among any one of the groups. By comparison a straight up 4if6 wheel of 24 numbers requires 164 combinations.How to make a Positional Wheel
A Positional Wheel assigns a number to each position within the combinations. A Pick-6 Positional Wheel will have 6 Groups of one or more numbers, A Pick-5 Positional Wheel will have 5 Groups of numbers. A Pick-6, 6if6 wheel is made by playing every number in each group against every other number 2x1x3x1x1x2=12 ie: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (01-02)(03)(04-05-6)(07)(08)(09-10) 01-03-04-07-08-09 01-03-04-07-08-10 02-03-04-07-08-09 02-03-04-07-08-10 01-03-05-07-08-09 01-03-05-07-08-10 02-03-05-07-08-09 02-03-05-07-08-10 01-03-06-07-08-09 01-03-06-07-08-10 02-03-06-07-08-09 02-03-06-07-08-10 A jackpot is guaranteed when a winning number falls among each group. A full 6if6in10 number wheel requires 210 lines.How to make a 4if6 Positional Wheel
To make a 4if6 Positional Wheel requires Advanced Lotto Tool Lottery Software which not only makes group wheels, but allows numbers from each group to be assigned by position in the combinations. If your strategy is based strictly on position some of Advanced Lotto Tool's wheel build methods may cross positional barriers when the wheel can be made more efficiently, so a visual check is necessary to determine all the numbers are in their correct positions before accepting the wheel as complete. To make a 4if6in18number positional wheel from six groups using Advanced Lotto Tool. Open Advanced Lotto Tool. Select a lottery game. Select 18 numbers by clicking on the grid. Select Guarantee [4if6] Reduction Method [Optimum]. Using the drop down tool bar "Line Builder" select "Filters" and "Number Groups" a grid box will open showing your selected numbers. Highlight the three numbers for the first group by clicking on them. Select Apply to Ball [1]. Do NOT click [ok]. Click on the silver colored box in the upper left corner to advance to selecting the numbers for the second group. Highlight the three numbers for the second group by clicking on them. Select Apply to Ball [2]. Do NOT click [ok]. Click on the silver colored box in the upper left corner to advance to selecting the numbers for the third group. Highlight the three numbers for the third group by clicking on them. Select Apply to Ball [3]. Do NOT click [ok]. Click on the silver colored box in the upper left corner to advance to selecting the numbers for the forth group. Highlight the three numbers for the forth group by clicking on them. Select Apply to Ball [4]. Do NOT click [ok]. Click on the silver colored box in the upper left corner to advance to selecting the numbers for the fifth group. Highlight the three numbers for the fifth group by clicking on them. Select Apply to Ball [5]. Do NOT click [ok]. Click on the silver colored box in the upper left corner to advance to selecting the numbers for the sixth group. Highlight the three numbers for the sixth group by clicking on them. Select Apply to Ball [6]. Now click [ok]. The box will vanish and the six number groups will appear on the screen. Select [Build Lines][View Lines]. When done properly we should have 22 lines with a number from each group by position in the combinations. Like these pointers . . . 01 04 07 10 13 16 01 04 09 12 15 16 01 05 08 10 14 17 01 05 08 12 15 18 01 06 07 11 13 18 01 06 07 12 14 16 01 06 09 11 14 17 02 04 08 11 14 17 02 04 09 10 13 18 02 05 07 11 15 18 02 05 08 12 14 16 02 05 09 11 13 16 02 06 07 12 15 17 02 06 08 10 13 17 03 04 07 11 15 16 03 04 09 11 13 17 03 05 07 10 15 17 03 05 07 12 14 18 03 05 08 12 13 17 03 06 08 10 15 16 03 06 09 10 14 18 03 06 09 12 13 16 end 22 lines 4if6 Positional from 6 groups Wheel may be printed or saved as a text file to Wheels in Advanced Lotto Tool's directory in ProgramFiles or to any other directory.How to make a 2in8 Pick-3 Wheel in CoverMaster
Open CoverMaster and change the grid settings to. Pool-10 Pick-3 Match-2 Hits-3 I've found this method works best when the wheel is built around a three different digit number from the game that hits fairly often. Enter that number and "Lock" it in place by clicking on Edit on the Tool Bar and clicking on Lock and All. Otherwise leave the grid blank. [Generate][Timed Random Search][1 sec][Optimize][Start] 1 4 10 1 5 8 2 3 9 2 6 7 3 6 7 4 5 10 4 8 10 6 7 9 If the wheel isn't reduced to 8 lines, [Reset] and [Start] again. If you don't care for the lines you get, say there isn't at least one number with all digits on the high side, [Reset] and [Start] again. btw: 10 is 0. When all different digits are drawn, one number must contain at least two of the winning digits. This means only 7 digits remain to take the place of the third digit in the number guaranteed to have at least two, making the odds of a win 1 in 7.How to make a 3if7 Pick-4 Wheel in CoverMaster
Open CoverMaster and change the grid settings to. Pool-10 Pick-4 Match-3 Hits-4 I've found this method works best when the wheel is built around a four different digit number from the game that hits fairly often. Enter that number and "Lock" it in place by clicking Edit on the Tool Bar and clicking on Lock and All. Otherwise leave the grid blank. [Generate][Timed Random Search][1 sec][Optimize][Start][Finished] 1 2 3 9 1 2 5 6 1 2 7 10 1 3 4 7 1 4 6 8 1 7 8 10 2 3 4 8 2 3 5 8 2 4 6 7 3 5 6 10 3 6 7 9 4 5 9 10 5 7 8 9 6 8 9 10 If the wheel isn't reduced to 14 lines, [Reset] and [Start] again. If you don't care for the lines you get, say there isn't at least one number with all digits on the high side, [Reset] and [Start] again. btw: 10 is 0. When all different digits are drawn, one number must contain at least three of the winning digits. This means only 6 digits remain to take the place of the forth digit in the number guaranteed to have at least three, making the odds of a win 1 in 6.Strategy
Most lottery players will never encounter anything more complicated than an abbreviated key number wheel. For them the shotgun approach to wheeling combined with selecting large groups of numbers should provide a steady stream of lower tier prize wins to keep them going. By now it should be apparent the better prizes require targeting by a wheel designed for the job commensurate with one's number selection skills. Only the extreme wheels provide conditionally guaranteed jackpot shots at affordable playing costs. It is relatively simple to make even the most complicated giant conditional wheels once we understand the interrelationship of the Pick-3 daily number wheel variants (2if3, 3if3, Pairs) as the foundation of extreme wheel construction. No longer need we ask, "How do lottery experts make those wheels?"Why We Lose Part 2
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:26:55 PM
There are two sides to winning lotto. Prediction is one side and Wheeling is the other, sort of a Ying Yang thing.In Why We Lose Part 1 we learned how Prediction of exclusively "Hot" "Average" or "Cold" numbers virtually guarantees we will lose in 99 out of 100 tries or worse.A mathematician will tell you every combination has an equal chance to win in every drawing and this is true. What is also true, is lottery combinations can be grouped into populations of different sizes. These groups represent a percentage of the total combinations and from them combinations are expected to be drawn as often as their percentage of the whole suggests.In other words. If a combination is a member of a group that consists of one percent of the combinations a combination from this group is expected to be drawn 1 time in 100 draws. This draw can take place no times and then twice in the next 100 draws, or be drawn twice this 100 draws and not be drawn in the next 100 draws.Playing combinations that have a chance of winning 1 time in 100 draws, but could be drawn in any one of them is vastly different from combinations that has a chance of being drawn in almost every draw. Albeit, when the 1 in 100 draw comes up you have a better chance of winning because the population is smaller.While you can't escape all things being equal, you can decide whether to have a chance in every draw or to have already lost in 99 out of 100 draws before the first ball is drawn.In Part 2 we're going to learn how some popular forms of lottery wheeling also reduce your chances of winning in much the same way.The modern form of lotto has been played in europe and the former U.S.S.R. far longer then in the U.S.A. Before the arrival of the personal home computer, mathematicians made lottery wheels or "cover designs" to guarantee prizes when prediction proves correct.Back in those days the object was to win a jackpot and if not a jackpot, then multiple prizes and if not multiple prizes at least to win something. Naturally the object was also to keep playing costs as low as possible.Due to the high cost of full wheels, abbreviated wheels were developed to guarantee lower tier prizes depending on how many of the winning numbers fell among those being wheeled.Other types of wheels were developed: Pair wheels, Triples wheels, Group wheels, Pivot wheels, Compound wheels, wheels that walked around the coverage requirements of lower tier prizes and took a direct shot at the jackpot or higher tier prizes when stringent conditions were met.Occasionally highly skilled lottery wheel makers would start with one of the specialty wheels and manage to build a valid abbreviated wheel around it to be played at roughly the same cost as the abbreviated wheel alone. Of course all wheels have the potential of playing above their guarantee; not all have a higher tier prize covered if the numbers are loaded with the internal specialty wheel in mind.When the U.S. caught lottery fever in the mid-eighties and early nineties it coincided with the advent of the personal computer.Computers could be run for days, even weeks, grinding out wheels by by brute force testing every possible combination against every other. It was a time of great promise for lottery players that resulted in ultimate betrayal. For you see the high winning potential wheels were replaced by wheels that saved a couple of bucks.Not only were the internal specialty wheels missing, many of the new wheels were what we now call "split" into two parts.The smallest possible wheel is actually one combination.Within each 6 number combination there are . . .20 ways to combine 3 numbers.
15 ways to combine 4 numbers.
6 ways to combine 5 numbers.
6 ways to combine 5 numbers plus bonus.
1 way to win a jackpot.The way splitting works is by the wheel maker constructing two wheels.The smallest split wheel is two combinations. Like this . . .01-02-03-04-05-06 | 07-08-09-10-11-12Both halves can be considered 3if3, 4if4, 5if5 and 6if6 wheels because if 3 or more of the 6 winning numbers lands on either side you would be guaranteed a 3-number win or better. However, if 3 or 4 winning numbers are evenly divided among both sides there can be no winner.Clearly even 4 winning numbers could produce a 3-number or 4-number win on either side, though it cannot be guaranteed.When 5 of the winning numbers fall among the 12 a 3-number win is guaranteed and when 6 winning numbers fall among the 12 two 3-number prizes are guaranteed.Commercial wheel makers realized they could scale this up to any size by combining a 3if3 wheel with another 3if3 wheel to make a 3if5 wheel or combining a 3if3 with a 3if4 wheel to make a big 3if6 wheel.As this trick usually shaves off a few combinations, commercial wheel makers competed to make wheels using the fewest possible combinations. Their potential customers would learn to judge the wheel quality and in turn the overall quality of the lottery system or software by the minimum number of combinations necessary to guarantee a 3# prize.The most famous wheel of this type plays all Pick-6, 49 numbers on a 3if3of6in22 numbers 77 combinations wheel combined with a 3if4of6in27 numbers 86 combination wheel placed side by side to form a 3if6in49 number 163 combination wheel.If your lottery goal is to play 163 tickets per draw for a 100% guaranteed 3-number win, this wheel is for you.Unfortunately there is a devilish problem with these split wheels.To have any chance what-so-ever of winning a jackpot all the winning numbers must fall on one side of the split or the other.How often this can be expected to occur is exactly as often as probability tells us to expect a draw that is all odd or all even or all high or all low. In other words 1 in 100 draws. As we are playing both sides, that reduces the odds to 1 in 50 draws.Split wheels come in all sizes. This means you must not only beat the odds of having all the winning numbers on your wheel, but when you do, you have a 1 in 50 or 2 in 100 shot at having all the winning numbers on one side. YOU CAN NOT WIN A JACKPOT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ALL THE WINNING NUMBERS ON ONE SIDE OF A SPLIT WHEEL! This means 49 draws out of 50 you can not win. This is why we lose!How to recognize a split wheel.Most split wheels are easy to spot. Take this basic 3if6in24 wheel.1 2 3 4 6 9
1 2 5 9 10 12
1 2 7 8 9 11
1 3 5 6 7 12
1 3 6 8 10 11
1 4 5 8 11 12
1 4 7 8 9 10
2 3 4 5 8 10
2 3 4 7 11 12
2 5 6 7 10 11
2 6 7 8 11 12
3 5 7 9 11 12
3 7 8 9 10 12
4 5 6 7 8 9
4 6 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 20 21 22
13 14 16 17 18 20
13 19 20 21 22 23
14 15 17 19 23 24
14 16 17 21 22 24
14 17 18 21 22 24
15 16 18 19 23 24
end 3if6in24 numbers 22 linesThis wheel consists of a 3if3of6in12 numbers 15 combinations or lines combined with a 3if4of6in12 numbers 7 lines for an overall guarantee of 3if6in24 numbers 22 lines.The split is easy to spot and avoid as one group of numbers is 01-12 and the other 13-24.Naturally the mathematicians will tell you this wheel is just fine because all combinations have a equal potential to be drawn in the next drawing -- without telling you the odds of getting all the winning numbers on one side or the other is only 1 in 50 on those rare days when all 6 winning numbers are among the 24.To disguise the obvious flaw in the wheel, commercial wheel makers randomize the numbers while retaining the split matrix like this . . . same wheel matrix with randomized pointer numbers.1 2 5 9 21 24
1 2 13 15 17 20
1 5 15 20 21 24
1 9 13 15 17 20
2 9 11 15 20 22
3 4 6 7 18 23
3 4 6 8 12 16
3 4 6 10 14 19
3 4 14 16 18 19
3 7 8 12 19 23
3 7 10 14 16 23
3 8 10 12 14 18
4 6 7 8 10 19
4 7 12 14 16 19
4 8 14 18 19 23
4 10 12 16 18 23
5 11 13 17 21 22
6 7 8 14 16 18
6 7 10 12 18 19
6 7 12 14 19 23
6 8 10 16 19 23
11 13 17 20 22 24
end 3if6in24 numbers 22 lines randomized pointer numbers on a split wheel matrix.See how
1 2 5 9 21 24
1 2 13 15 17 20
1 5 15 20 21 24
1 9 13 15 17 20
2 9 11 15 20 22
do not share lines with any numbers from
3 4 6 7 18 23
3 4 6 8 12 16
3 4 6 10 14 19
3 4 14 16 18 19
3 7 8 12 19 23
3 7 10 14 16 23
3 8 10 12 14 18There are still two sets of 12 numbers on independent lines to be found in there that never share a line in common. Always look for two groups of numbers that never share lines in common to reveal split wheels. Sometimes they can be even harder to spot.A further problem with split wheels is most lottery players and their lottery software sort the predicted numbers into numeric order and enter them onto the wheel. This means the basic split wheel will load the lower numbers on one half and the higher numbers on the other half. Assuming an even split between low and high numbers this adds another layer of: no way to win a jackpot in 49 out of 50 draws.In Why We Lose Part 1 we saw how 16 "Hot" numbers and 16 "Cold" numbers came together to contain all six winning numbers only 3 times in 208 tries. Now imagine those same numbers being loaded onto a 3if6of32 numbers split wheel with "Hot" on one side and "Cold" on the other resulting in no way to win a jackpot what-so-ever.Pick-5 and Pick-7 are not immune to split wheels. The Pick-5 split wheel combines two 3if3 wheels while the Pick-7 combines two 3if4 wheels for what looks like 3if7 coverage for a tempting price.On the up-side, 4if, 5if, and 6if abbreviated wheels are immune from being split except for Pick-7 4if7 made of two 4if4 wheels and a few games where bonus numbers may apply to 4# prizes.When you might want to use a split wheel.Knowledge is power. Consider a split 3if5of6in20 numbers 20 combination wheel guarantees 2-3# prizes when all 6 winning numbers fall among the 20 numbers.A 5if6in10 number wheel requires 14 combinations and concurrently covers 3if3. You can play two independent 5if6in10 number wheels in 14 lines each with multiple 4if5 coverage and still have an overall 2-3# prize guarantee if the more likely happens and 3 winning numbers fall on each side when all six winning numbers are among your 20.The difference is in deliberately playing two independent wheels with numbers chosen for those wheels with combined coverage when played side by side, versus being tricked into playing a split wheel that secretly divides your numbers into two untenable sets.Why We Lose Part 1
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:23:49 PM
What not to do, most of the time . . .
1. Don't limit your play to the popular numbers especially the birthday numbers between 01 and 31 as playing them may result in sharing your prize with multiple winners.2. Don't enter multiples of numbers, ie: 07-14-21-28-35-42, as far too many people play these kinds of combinations.3. Don't mark patterns on the play slip that form a connect the dots image such as a cross, flag, star or tree.
4. Don't play: 01-02-03-04-05-06 | 07-08-09-10-11-12 | 13-14-15-16-17-18 | 19-20-21-22-23-24 | 25-26-27-28-29-30 | 31-32-33-34-35-36 | 37-38-39-40-41-42 | 43-44-45-46-47-48 |5. Don't play columns of numbers running across, down, or diagonal on the play slip as far too many people play this way to share the prize with.6. Don't play combinations where all the numbers have the same first or last digit. ie: 20-22-23-26-27-29, or 02-12-22-32-42-52 as drawings with three or more numbers in these sorts of groupings are extremely rare.7. Don't use lottery software at the default settings as this is the way far too many of their customers will likely use the software. Learn to use your software.8. Don't play Video Lottery Keno while drunk, better yet don't play it at all.9. Don't join a long term lottery club or office pool that doesn't have clear rules on membership and who gets paid.10. Don't play only the more popular numbers or lucky numbers such as 7 and 11. There are numbers people like and those they tend to avoid. When draws contain less popular numbers fewer if any share the jackpot.11. Don't play all odd or all even or all low or all high numbers as draws like this are 1 in 100.12. Don't forget to play your tickets. Can't win if you don't play.13. Don't tell anyone your numbers or how you pick them. Do not leave your used play slip with the terminal operator.14. Don't quit your job until you are absolutely positive you won and how big.15. Don't tell anyone you've won until the ticket has been accepted as a winner by the lottery.16. Don't hide the winning ticket in the old thing no one ever looks in as your spouse will promptly donate it to charity.17. Don't believe everything you come across about playing lotto.The problem with the above advice is it's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to why those who are more knowledgeable about playing lotto continue to lose.Why We Lose Part 1
When lotteries were considered "news" and growing jackpots were "big news" the press release would often contain not only the next jackpot amount, but a table of how often each number had been drawn to date or within the last year's 52 or 104 drawings.Why do you suppose lotteries would release this "top secret" information? Why do some lotteries still post this information on their web site and include it in their press releases?How does knowing how often each number has been drawn help the lottery by causing us to lose?The following study can be conducted any time any where. The results were expected, but not known prior to constructing the chart.Working with the Florida 6/53 the 104 draws for 2006 were tabulated to determine how often each number had been drawn. The 16 numbers with the most draws are considered "Hot" the 16 numbers with the least draws are considered "Cold" and the 21 numbers in-between are "Average".The numbers ranked "Hot Average Cold" were checked against the first draw of 2007. The number of "Hot Average Cold" numbers found in that first draw of 2007 recorded. Then the oldest 2006 draw deleted and the newest 2007 draw added to the 104 draws and recalculated for "Hot Average Cold" and checked against the next 2007 draw. This process was continued for all of 2007.The same process was applied again only this time starting with the last 10 draws of 2006. After each 2007 draw was checked for "Hot Average Cold" numbers the oldest of the 10 draws was deleted and the 2007 draw just checked added to the draws. The draws were recalculated for "Hot Average Cold" and checked against the next 2007 draw. This process was continued for all of 2007.Here is what we found . . .FL6/53 L-104 | L-10 Draw # Date Winning Numbers H A C | H A C Rec750 .... 01/03/2007 ... 08 24 33 36 50 51 | 1 5 0 | 0 3 3 Rec751 .... 01/06/2007 ... 12 19 20 29 36 49 | 2 2 2 | 1 1 4 Rec752 .... 01/10/2007 ... 03 10 26 40 41 52 | 1 4 1 | 3 1 2 Rec753 .... 01/13/2007 ... 16 24 28 37 46 47 | 2 1 3 | 0 3 3 Rec754 .... 01/17/2007 ... 13 14 28 33 34 45 | 2 3 1 | 1 4 1 Rec755 .... 01/20/2007 ... 05 11 19 32 36 45 | 2 3 1 | 1 3 2 Rec756 .... 01/24/2007 ... 03 05 17 19 35 39 | 2 0 4 | 3 2 1 Rec757 .... 01/27/2007 ... 21 27 28 38 42 49 | 2 1 3 | 2 0 4 Rec758 .... 01/31/2007 ... 02 03 06 07 27 45 | 3 1 2 | 2 1 3 Rec759 .... 02/03/2007 ... 15 19 33 46 47 51 | 1 2 3 | 2 2 2 Rec760 .... 02/07/2007 ... 06 20 22 24 32 41 | 1 2 3 | 2 3 1 Rec761 .... 02/10/2007 ... 10 11 18 24 26 35 | 2 3 1 | 1 4 1 Rec762 .... 02/14/2007 ... 07 11 14 34 42 48 | 2 2 2 | 1 4 1 Rec763 .... 02/17/2007 ... 11 18 20 24 27 51 | 2 3 1 | 3 3 0 Rec764 .... 02/21/2007 ... 12 14 16 23 26 45 | 2 3 1 | 1 2 3 Rec765 .... 02/24/2007 ... 04 10 23 36 40 48 | 3 2 1 | 1 3 2 Rec766 .... 02/28/2007 ... 09 23 26 28 36 53 | 3 2 1 | 2 2 2 Rec767 .... 03/03/2007 ... 01 03 13 25 31 39 | 1 2 3 | 0 2 4 Rec768 .... 03/07/2007 ... 14 20 22 44 50 52 | 0 4 2 | 2 1 3 Rec769 .... 03/10/2007 ... 19 22 29 36 48 50 | 2 2 2 | 3 1 2 Rec770 .... 03/14/2007 ... 05 07 25 36 38 50 | 3 1 2 | 2 2 2 Rec771 .... 03/17/2007 ... 06 13 26 29 32 45 | 1 4 1 | 1 3 2 Rec772 .... 03/21/2007 ... 02 23 29 32 37 50 | 1 3 2 | 3 1 2 Rec773 .... 03/24/2007 ... 03 08 10 30 42 47 | 2 2 2 | 1 1 4 Rec774 .... 03/28/2007 ... 01 15 24 38 39 50 | 4 1 1 | 2 2 2 Rec775 .... 03/31/2007 ... 15 22 28 37 42 49 | 2 2 2 | 1 4 2 Rec776 .... 04/04/2007 ... 03 13 19 22 49 53 | 2 2 2 | 3 3 0 Rec777 .... 04/07/2007 ... 06 09 21 29 40 52 | 0 4 2 | 1 2 3 Rec778 .... 04/11/2007 ... 02 05 12 19 26 43 | 3 0 3 | 1 3 2 Rec779 .... 04/14/2007 ... 07 20 33 34 37 40 | 1 3 2 | 1 2 3 Rec780 .... 04/18/2007 ... 01 05 20 23 31 38 | 2 2 2 | 2 3 1 Rec781 .... 04/21/2007 ... 10 17 20 21 22 35 | 1 2 3 | 2 2 2 Rec782 .... 04/25/2007 ... 04 07 14 26 28 34 | 2 3 1 | 0 4 2 Rec783 .... 04/28/2007 ... 01 08 22 46 47 50 | 1 3 2 | 2 2 2 Rec784 .... 05/02/2007 ... 01 06 13 21 22 39 | 2 3 1 | 3 3 0 Rec785 .... 05/05/2007 ... 14 23 28 50 52 53 | 3 2 1 | 1 3 2 Rec786 .... 05/09/2007 ... 09 19 22 27 33 53 | 2 1 3 | 2 3 1 Rec787 .... 05/12/2007 ... 14 18 19 24 37 46 | 1 2 3 | 2 2 2 Rec788 .... 05/16/2007 ... 03 16 23 39 47 49 | 3 1 2 | 1 2 3 Rec789 .... 05/19/2007 ... 09 19 27 41 48 52 | 1 3 2 | 1 3 2 Rec790 .... 05/23/2007 ... 05 09 25 31 50 53 | 2 1 3 | 3 2 1 Rec791 .... 05/26/2007 ... 04 07 12 30 41 46 | 1 1 4 | 1 3 2 Rec792 .... 05/30/2007 ... 06 09 11 44 45 52 | 0 5 1 | 1 2 3 Rec793 .... 06/02/2007 ... 28 31 36 39 42 44 | 3 1 2 | 1 3 2 Rec794 .... 06/06/2007 ... 03 15 19 22 47 53 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 1 Rec795 .... 06/09/2007 ... 12 14 28 32 41 42 | 1 3 2 | 3 2 1 Rec796 .... 06/13/2007 ... 08 15 26 28 29 32 | 2 3 1 | 1 2 3 Rec797 .... 06/16/2007 ... 07 10 13 16 22 24 | 5 0 1 | 0 4 2 Rec798 .... 06/20/2007 ... 06 31 34 44 45 49 | 1 3 2 | 2 2 2 Rec799 .... 06/23/2007 ... 04 08 21 22 44 49 | 1 2 3 | 2 2 2 Rec800 .... 06/27/2007 ... 08 13 14 32 43 48 | 1 4 1 | 2 2 2 Rec801 .... 06/30/2007 ... 04 06 21 38 45 53 | 1 2 3 | 3 2 1 Rec802 .... 07/04/2007 ... 12 31 34 37 48 52 | 0 3 3 | 1 4 1 Rec803 .... 07/07/2007 ... 16 26 32 41 46 49 | 0 4 2 | 1 4 1 Rec804 .... 07/11/2007 ... 07 19 29 30 36 50 | 1 4 1 | 0 3 3 Rec805 .... 07/14/2007 ... 11 14 25 37 40 41 | 0 4 2 | 1 2 3 Rec806 .... 07/18/2007 ... 18 24 27 32 38 46 | 2 2 2 | 1 3 2 Rec807 .... 07/21/2007 ... 06 08 35 37 49 53 | 1 4 1 | 4 1 1 Rec808 .... 07/25/2007 ... 01 20 37 42 44 45 | 1 4 1 | 3 0 3 Rec809 .... 07/28/2007 ... 08 12 13 24 27 41 | 3 2 1 | 2 4 0 Rec810 .... 08/01/2007 ... 01 12 14 27 38 42 | 2 3 1 | 4 2 0 Rec811 .... 08/04/2007 ... 12 18 31 33 43 46 | 0 2 4 | 2 2 2 Rec812 .... 08/08/2007 ... 03 04 10 29 30 38 | 1 3 2 | 1 2 3 Rec813 .... 08/11/2007 ... 03 11 22 23 24 51 | 3 2 1 | 1 2 3 Rec814 .... 08/15/2007 ... 07 08 37 49 51 53 | 1 4 1 | 2 2 2 Rec815 .... 08/18/2007 ... 04 11 22 44 45 47 | 2 2 2 | 1 4 1 Rec816 .... 08/22/2007 ... 22 31 32 36 48 51 | 3 2 1 | 1 3 2 Rec817 .... 08/25/2007 ... 04 08 22 26 32 49 | 3 3 0 | 3 2 1 Rec818 .... 08/29/2007 ... 01 02 15 16 42 44 | 0 3 3 | 3 1 2 Rec819 .... 09/01/2007 ... 04 05 16 25 27 37 | 1 3 2 | 2 2 2 Rec820 .... 09/05/2007 ... 03 12 18 19 24 45 | 2 3 1 | 2 3 1 Rec821 .... 09/08/2007 ... 06 10 18 23 27 34 | 2 3 1 | 1 3 2 Rec822 .... 09/12/2007 ... 10 21 22 37 42 49 | 5 0 1 | 3 2 1 Rec823 .... 09/15/2007 ... 03 06 25 28 33 37 | 4 0 2 | 2 2 2 Rec824 .... 09/19/2007 ... 19 23 28 34 35 46 | 2 1 3 | 0 4 2 Rec825 .... 09/22/2007 ... 01 05 10 21 27 38 | 0 5 1 | 2 3 1 Rec826 .... 09/26/2007 ... 07 09 12 14 41 44 | 1 4 1 | 0 3 3 Rec827 .... 09/29/2007 ... 11 17 26 29 47 48 | 0 3 3 | 0 2 4 Rec828 .... 10/03/2007 ... 05 14 17 28 36 39 | 2 3 1 | 2 2 2 Rec829 .... 10/06/2007 ... 14 33 34 35 38 46 | 1 1 4 | 2 4 0 Rec830 .... 10/10/2007 ... 10 11 18 28 37 50 | 2 3 1 | 3 2 1 Rec831 .... 10/13/2007 ... 05 14 25 30 33 46 | 2 1 3 | 3 2 1 Rec832 .... 10/17/2007 ... 06 31 32 41 44 47 | 1 2 3 | 0 4 2 Rec833 .... 10/20/2007 ... 02 15 21 32 45 53 | 2 1 3 | 0 3 3 Rec834 .... 10/24/2007 ... 08 29 30 41 42 46 | 1 3 2 | 2 2 2 Rec835 .... 10/27/2007 ... 13 20 33 38 41 45 | 2 2 2 | 3 1 2 Rec836 .... 10/31/2007 ... 08 13 16 17 40 46 | 0 2 4 | 2 2 2 Rec837 .... 11/03/2007 ... 04 07 25 33 46 48 | 1 4 1 | 2 2 2 Rec838 .... 11/07/2007 ... 03 25 35 41 46 53 | 2 2 2 | 3 1 2 Rec839 .... 11/10/2007 ... 03 20 28 29 44 51 | 2 1 3 | 1 4 1 Rec840 .... 11/14/2007 ... 07 10 15 20 22 38 | 2 2 2 | 1 4 1 Rec841 .... 11/17/2007 ... 19 23 34 35 41 48 | 2 2 2 | 1 2 3 Rec842 .... 11/21/2007 ... 04 05 13 31 47 50 | 0 1 5 | 1 3 2 Rec843 .... 11/24/2007 ... 05 21 23 30 31 42 | 1 2 3 | 0 6 0 Rec844 .... 11/28/2007 ... 06 23 35 36 38 50 | 2 3 1 | 2 2 2 Rec845 .... 12/01/2007 ... 16 17 19 36 42 44 | 1 3 2 | 0 6 0 Rec846 .... 12/05/2007 ... 02 28 35 37 50 51 | 2 1 3 | 1 3 2 Rec847 .... 12/08/2007 ... 14 15 33 37 43 52 | 2 1 3 | 0 3 3 Rec848 .... 12/12/2007 ... 09 27 31 38 41 43 | 2 2 2 | 3 1 2 Rec849 .... 12/15/2007 ... 11 31 38 40 41 47 | 2 1 3 | 3 1 2 Rec850 .... 12/19/2007 ... 07 13 16 28 38 47 | 2 3 1 | 2 4 0 Rec851 .... 12/22/2007 ... 02 12 32 36 40 43 | 0 3 3 | 2 2 2 Rec852 .... 12/26/2007 ... 06 15 23 32 33 38 | 3 2 1 | 2 4 0 Rec853 .... 12/29/2007 ... 05 13 27 34 42 46 | 1 4 1 | 0 4 2
Look at those numbers in the columns under H=Hot. Not a single winning combination came from all Hot numbers!Look at the numbers in the columns under C=Cold. Not a single winning combination came from all Cold Numbers!Only twice did all six winning numbers come from A=Average.Only a handful of times did all six winning numbers come from H=Hot and C=Cold combined in 208 tries!Only a handful of times did all six winning numbers come from H=Hot and A=Average or A=Average and C=Cold in 208 tries!The absolutely clear answer to why we lose is the winning numbers must come from a blend of "Hot Average and Cold".If your lottery or your software or your system has you playing only the Hot numbers or only a blend of Hot and Cold numbers, THIS IS ONE REASON WHY YOU LOSE !!!The chart above is worth the price of admission. Take your time and study the "Hot Average Cold" breakdown from the last 104 and last 10 draws against the year 2007. It would have been virtually impossible to win a jackpot at any time.Actually it isn't impossible to win playing only the 16 Hot or 16 Cold numbers. A jackpot from all 16 Hot or all 16 Cold is expected to come up once every 2,867 draws.Imagine the results of the player using the top 9 Hot numbers and 9 Coldest numbers on an 18 number wheel, zip, zero, nada.On the other hand the 21 Average numbers are expected to have all 6 winning numbers once in 423 draws so 2 in 208 was a lucky break possible within the random parameters of the game.What's It All About
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:21:08 PM
There are basically two groups with lottery expertise: Those who play the lottery and those who disparage it. The detractors will often claim to play in order to be welcomed into a group of players who would normally be shunning them. The detractors will often attempt to curry favor by echoing common gripes among players, such as saying, "Most systems are worthless." In the final stage detractors may claim to have run thousands of tests of systems against random numbers. Proclaim all systems worthless. All wheels worthless. That the only way to improve the odds of winning is to buy more unique combinations. All of these statements are dishonest at the core. Even when a hard fought battle to educate detractors is won, they are back the next day spouting the same nonsense to newbies. Why? Because their identity and self worth is stuck on "run others down" mode and we are the area the detractor is fixated on. Are all systems worthless? Really worthless beyond broken clock is right twice a day kind of worthless? Systems tend to fall into two groups. Those that are mathematically valid, but require a correct decision by the user, in order to work. For example the: If you can pick one correct digit you can win Pick-3 system, we've provided here. Those that stall the user in an endless loop of winning small prizes and losing them back, where winning a jackpot would take a miracle. The purpose of this book is to help break the reader out of these traps. As for the occasional detractor who claims wheels do nothing to help us win. Unless such a person fell victim to split wheels, they are totally wrong. Wheels do exactly what they are made to do, when they are made properly. When a wheel claims to provide at least one 4-number prize when all 6 winning numbers fall among the 12 played, that is exactly what is going to happen. It is a mathematical certainty. "That's not what we meant." the detractor will cry. "We meant you can't buy a win at a profit with a wheel." Well of course, that's not how the lottery is prize structured or everyone would be doing it. If the game were fair, if all the money taken in were returned to the players and the prize structure balanced, wheels could, should or would break even. We use wheels because they not only guarantee some sort of prize when their conditions are met, they can play above their guarantee. In fact, when a wheel is tested in CoverMaster, you know exactly what chance there is of a higher prize being won under the same conditions. What about all those tests against random numbers? The lottery is only random enough to be a lottery game. You're not going to find scientists using a lottery draw machine for their random number generator. For the lottery to approach random the state lottery has to go out of their way to randomly rotate ballsets and machines or switch to player despised computer generated random number drawings. Well, aren't the detractors right when they say the only way to improve your odds is to buy more unique tickets? This is a half truth. It is certainly equally true putting more numbers into play on the same number of tickets (once we've moved beyond buying one ticket) improves the odds of having winning numbers among them. It is also possible to improve the odds of one ticket winning by the judicious selection of filters in its creation as we will see in Win Your Lottery. You know, people tend to look for absolutes in things. A strategy is not always a system. When a hunter waits along the path to the water hole, that's a strategy based on knowledge and observation. We don't always know what will come down the path. In conclusion: Don't let the ever present detractors get you down, be they relative, co-worker or nameless entity in a chat group. They will never understand the difference between an intelligent strategy based on learned behavior of the game and what they read in a book about random numbers in a computer. There is never a reason to tell them what you are doing, your strategy or to explain why you play. Unless, that is, you've gone off the deep end, losing the house, etc. then you have a problem and need to visit . . .
Probability of Number Groups
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:12:27 PM
Did you know much of what will happen in your lottery game is known before the very first ball is ever drawn?Yes, it's true. Once the game size is known the mathematics of probability describe the expected gross outcomes.Based on the numbers within them, combinations fall into groups. The population of these groups determines how often a combination from each group is expected to be drawn. The larger the population the more often the group is represented in the drawings.This information provides an advantage over other lottery players because knowing how often certain types of drawings come out helps avoid playing combinations representing groups rarely drawn.Definition of terms.Split - Field: Split for example a 6/49 game into two fields containing 24 and 25 numbers. Demonstrates how often winning numbers are expected to appear on either side. Makes the case for avoiding split - wheels.Odd - Even: The odd and even numbers split the lottery into two fields. Demonstrates how often winning numbers are expected to appear on either side.Low - High: The low and high numbers split the lottery into two fields. Demonstrates how often winning numbers are expected to appear on either side.Consecutive: How often are two or more numbers in consecutive (21-22-23-24-25-26) order expected? Consecutive demonstrates how often numbers in a row are expected to appear. 111111 is no times, while 600000 is 6 appearing in a row.Width of Line: Demonstrates the expected gap or spread between the lowest and highest number drawn. In a small game numbers drawn are more likely to be spread across the game field while in larger games the extremes are far less likely.Sum of Line: In 6/49 the lowest possible sum is 1+2+3+4+5+6=21 and the highest is 44+45+46+47+48+49=279 and each occurs only once. All other sums represent multiple combinations. A central sum may contain a population of a quarter million combinations. Sum of Line demonstrates how often combinations are expected to be drawn from various sum ranges.Last Digit: How often are numbers in a draw expected to have (share) the same last digit in common? i.e. 02-12-22-32-42-52.From Previous Draw: How often numbers from the prior or last draw are expected to appear in the next draw.Money Matters
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:08:32 PM
What if I told you there is a system for Pick-6 that wins a 4# prize every month and a 5# prize once a year, would you be interested? What would you pay for such a system? In a fair lottery game all prizes should offer good value. The prize for 3 correct numbers should be worth $10.00 The prize for 4 correct numbers should be worth $180.00 The prize for 5 correct numbers should be worth $6,000.00 Did you know most lotteries have devalued their lower tier prizes to pump up the jackpot? The prize for 3 correct numbers averages $3.00 to $5.00 The prize for 4 correct numbers averages $30.00 to $60.00 The prize for 5 correct numbers averages $1,000.00 to $2,000.00. Most state lotteries hold draws twice a week (104 draws per year) for their Pick-6 lotto game. Dividing 100 into $1,000.00 = $10.00 Are you spending more then ten dollars per draw on lotto? Could you afford to spend more then $10.00 per draw on lotto? If so, you can put $10.00 per draw aside in an envelope. At the end of the year, look in the envelope, there is a 5-number prize waiting in there for you! 99.9% of lottery players are lucky to win a 4-number prize a couple of times a year. You can win one every month by putting away $10.00 per draw, or a 5-number prize by the end of the year. Put $20.00 away per draw, you'll have both monthly and yearly prizes. If everyone played this way they could break the lottery! Why am I wasting time telling you this, something you already know, when the object of playing is to win the JACKPOT !!! We tell you this to put lotto play into perspective. The typical system and software seller promotes their product on the basis of winning lower tier prizes while waiting to get lucky and win a jackpot. You can beat the output of most systems simply by putting cash in a sock! Even so, that jackpot is awfully tempting and we can't win if we don't play. What's a lottery player to do? We recommend taking a serious look at your expenditure. Does a guru have you playing $120.00 per draw using a link or loop system? Are the wins covering your play? Does an expert have you playing a 4if6in18 number wheel for $42.00 per draw? Is it playing at a profit? Does a mathematical wizard have you playing a 3if6in49 number split wheel at $163.00 per draw? Does a professor from Scotland have you playing 25 permutations per draw? How's that working for you? We strongly suggest cutting back to a system that in our opinion has a valid shot at winning a jackpot. Whether you use a Group, Pair, Pivot, Positional or Triple Wheel for 9, 12, 18 or 24 numbers. Or . . . Use filters to drill down to a handful of combinations from all the numbers . . . Take control of your lottery play. Don't spread yourself thin across all the games. Pick one game and become good at it. Don't feel you have to play every draw. Adopt a strategy. Hold back as you accumulate cash to spring it. Don't tell anyone what you're doing with your money. Take the time to dream about winning. Watch the live lottery drawings on TV. Concentrate on improving your lottery skills. Train the brain to pick winning numbers for smaller high quality wheels. Never give up. You haven't lost until you stop playing.
Boxes lotto
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:05:26 PM
Call them what you will, "Bob's Boxes, Cubes, Grids, Squares, Magic Squares, Money Squares, Tic-Tac-Toe, Tic-Tac-Dough. When you're stuck for a way to play this method shot-guns a boat load of numbers at the lottery for minimal cost to play.First of all, it's incredibly simple. You're working with so many numbers you hardly need to pick and choose.
Just grab some graph paper or draw a . . .
3 by 3 grid for Pick-3
4 by 4 grid for Pick-4
5 by 5 grid for Pick-5
6 by 6 grid for Pick-6
7 by 7 grid for Pick-7
For Pick-3/4 the digits may be used more than once, this will cause double digit number(s) to be created. Pick-5/6/7 numbers may only be used once so as not to create unplayable lines.
Play the combinations formed, down, across and criss-cross.
It is also possible to add to the grid until almost all the numbers are in play, such as a 6 by 8 grid to play 48 of the 49 numbers of 6/49. The additional lines are played across and two extra criss x crosses may be played. Of course the extended down lines may also be played as a simple wheel, playing the first six numbers down and then the final six down for a 4if6of8numbers in 2 combinations guarantee.
It is interesting to note, when playing all the numbers in a minimum number of lines, only up to 5 of the lines can contain winning numbers in Pick-5 and only up to 6 of the lines can contain winning numbers in Pick-6. This means the game has been changed to a 5/25 game or a 6/36 game effectively lowering the odds.
This method is so effective, almost all lotteries try to obstruct it by using a number field that isn't evenly divisible by the numbers played in a line. A 6/36, 6/42, 6/48 even 6/54 game would be ideal for lottery players, no wonder various lotteries offer 6/39, 6/45, 6/49 and 6/53 games.
For the record. There are such things as Magic Squares in recreational mathematics, where the numbers in every row add up to the same "magic sum" or "magic constant". Outside of 15 being a good near central sum for Pick-3 there is no useful relationship between Magic Squares and playing lottery. The square digit pattern off your telephone or computer keypad will win Pick-3 just as often or not.Pick 7 Odds of Having Winning Numbers Among A Reduced Wheeling Field
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:02:51 PM
Lotto Game Size 7/49
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected
7 among 7 = 1 in 85,900,584.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 292,278.86 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 4,750.88 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 213.79 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 21.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 2,386,127.33 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 25,565.65 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 874.04 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 69.00 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 11.19 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 108,460.33 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 2,512.59 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 162.85 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 22.33 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.91 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 13,348.96 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 504.79 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 50.99 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 10.52 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 2,699.24 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 149.27 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 21.56 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 6.25 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.35 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 738.74 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 56.54 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 11.17 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.38 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.15 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 248.19 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 25.53 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 6.74 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.51 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.36) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 42.30 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 7.61 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.53 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.23 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (5.46) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
7 among 36 = 1 in 10.29 draws or combinations
6 among 36 = 1 in 3.39 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.92 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (5.10) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (16.83) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
7 among 42 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
6 among 42 = 1 in 2.34 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in (4.81) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 42 = 1 in (21.93) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (213.79) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/47
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected
7 among 7 = 1 in 62,891,499.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 224,612.50 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 3,839.53 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 181.87 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 19.66 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 1,746,986.08 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 19,702.85 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 710.01 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 59.17 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 10.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 79,408.46 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 1,944.70 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 133.46 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 19.41 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.46 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 9,773.35 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 392.68 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 42.22 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 9.29 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.84 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 1,976.23 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 116.82 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 18.08 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 5.62 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.25 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 540.86 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 44.58 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 9.51 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.04 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.16 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 181.71 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 20.32 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 5.84 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.34 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 30.89 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 6.23 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.25 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (3.37) draws or combinations(pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (6.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
7 among 36 = 1 in 7.53 draws or combinations
6 among 36 = 1 in 2.94 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in (3.03) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 36 = 1 in (6.47) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (26.69) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
7 among 42 = 1 in 2.33 draws or combinations
6 among 42 = 1 in (2.40) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
5 among 42 = 1 in (7.39) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 42 = 1 in (56.19) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (1,095.67) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/45
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected
7 among 7 = 1 in 45,379,620.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 170,600.08 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 3,073.88 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 153.69 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 17.57 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 1,260,545.00 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 15,006.49 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 571.68 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 50.44 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 9.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 57,297.50 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 1,488.25 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 108.52 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 16.80 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.04 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 7,052.00 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 302.23 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 34.74 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 8.19 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.64 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 1,425.96 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 90.54 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 15.09 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 5.07 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 390.26 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 34.84 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 8.08 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.75 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.21) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 131.12 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 16.05 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 5.08 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.21 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.75) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 22.29 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 5.10 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.03 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (3.64) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (8.19) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
7 among 36 = 1 in 5.44 draws or combinations
6 among 36 = 1 in 2.59 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in (3.34) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 36 = 1 in (9.17) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (50.44) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/39
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected
7 among 7 = 1 in 15,380,937.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 68,664.90 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 1,476.66 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 88.60 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 12.22 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 427,248.25 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 6,103.55 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 280.62 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 30.07 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 6.68 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 19,420.37 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 616.52 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 55.33 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 10.62 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 2,390.20 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 128.05 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 18.56 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 5.57 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 483.31 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 39.45 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 8.55 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.78 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.15 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 132.27 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 15.75 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 4.94 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.15 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.78) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 44.44 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 7.62 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.45 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (5.57) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 7.56 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 2.88 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in (3.00) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 30 = 1 in (6.68) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (30.07) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/37
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected
7 among 7 = 1 in 10,295,472.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 49,026.06 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 1,127.04 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 72.45 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 10.73 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 285,985.33 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 4,377.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 216.16 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 24.94 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 5.99 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 12,999.33 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 445.69 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 43.33 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 9.04 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.70 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 1,599.92 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 93.50 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 14.84 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 4.90 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.09 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 323.51 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 29.19 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 7.03 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.47 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in (3.26) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 88.54 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 11.86 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 4.22 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.07 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (4.25) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 29.75 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 5.88 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.11 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in (3.39) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 24 = 1 in (7.11) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
7 among 30 = 1 in 5.06 draws or combinations
6 among 30 = 1 in 2.48 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in (3.44) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 30 = 1 in (10.73) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (72.45) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/31
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected
7 among 7 = 1 in 2,629,575.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 15,652.23 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 453.69 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 37.12 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 7.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 73,043.75 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 1,422.93 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 90.34 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 13.55 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 4.28 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 3,320.17 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 149.78 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 19.42 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 5.48 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.08 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 408.64 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 32.84 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 7.30 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 3.44 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 82.63 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 10.90 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 3.93 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.00 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in (4.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 22.61 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 4.85 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 2.87 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in (3.66) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 21 = 1 in (9.41) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
7 among 24 = 1 in 7.60 draws or combinations
6 among 24 = 1 in 2.79 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 2.95 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in (7.07) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 24 = 1 in (37.12) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 7/27
Odds of winning numbers being among any 7 numbers selected
7 among 7 = 1 in 888,030.00 draws or combinations
6 among 7 = 1 in 6,343.07 draws or combinations
5 among 7 = 1 in 222.56 draws or combinations
4 among 7 = 1 in 22.26 draws or combinations
3 among 7 = 1 in 5.24 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
7 among 9 = 1 in 24,667.50 draws or combinations
6 among 9 = 1 in 587.32 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 46.06 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 8.64 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 3.45 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
7 among 12 = 1 in 1,121.25 draws or combinations
6 among 12 = 1 in 64.07 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 10.68 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 3.94 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 2.96 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
7 among 15 = 1 in 138.00 draws or combinations
6 among 15 = 1 in 14.79 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 4.48 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 2.96 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in (3.94) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
7 among 18 = 1 in 27.90 draws or combinations
6 among 18 = 1 in 5.32 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 2.88 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in (3.45) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 18 = 1 in (8.64) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
7 among 21 = 1 in 7.64 draws or combinations
6 among 21 = 1 in 2.73 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in (2.91) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 21 = 1 in (7.42) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 21 = 1 in (44.51) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of 100% Covering a Prize
Example: A full 9 number wheel requires 36 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7 so the winning combination is 1 among 36 or 1 in 36..A full 8 number wheel requires 8 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 9 number wheel requires 36 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 10 number wheel requires 120 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 11 number wheel requires 330 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 12 number wheel requires 792 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 13 number wheel requires 1,716 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 14 number wheel requires 3,432 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 15 number wheel requires 6,435 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 16 number wheel requires 11,440 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 17 number wheel requires 19,448 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 18 number wheel requires 31,824 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 19 number wheel requires 50,388 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 20 number wheel requires 77,520 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 21 number wheel requires 116,280 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 22 number wheel requires 170,544 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 23 number wheel requires 245,157 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 24 number wheel requires 346,104 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 25 number wheel requires 480,700 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 26 number wheel requires 657,800 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 27 number wheel requires 888,030 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 28 number wheel requires 1,184,040 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 29 number wheel requires 1,560,780 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 30 number wheel requires 2,035,800 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 31 number wheel requires 2,629,575 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 32 number wheel requires 3,365,856 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 33 number wheel requires 4,272,048 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 34 number wheel requires 5,379,616 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 35 number wheel requires 6,724,520 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 36 number wheel requires 8,347,680 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 37 number wheel requires 10,295,472 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 38 number wheel requires 12,620,256 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 39 number wheel requires 15,380,937 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 40 number wheel requires 18,643,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 41 number wheel requires 22,481,940 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 42 number wheel requires 26,978,328 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 43 number wheel requires 32,224,114 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 44 number wheel requires 38,320,568 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 45 number wheel requires 45,379,620 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 46 number wheel requires 53,524,680 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 47 number wheel requires 62,891,499 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 48 number wheel requires 73,629,072 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 49 number wheel requires 85,900,584 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 50 number wheel requires 99,884,40 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 51 number wheel requires 115,775,100 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 52 number wheel requires 133,784,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 53 number wheel requires 154,143,080 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 54 number wheel requires 177,100,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 55 number wheel requires 202,927,725 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 56 number wheel requires 231,917,400 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 57 number wheel requires 264,385,836 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 58 number wheel requires 300,674,088 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 59 number wheel requires 341,149,446 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 60 number wheel requires 386,260,920 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 90 number wheel requires 7,471,375,560 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.
A full 99 number wheel requires 14,887,031,544 combinations to fully cover 7 if 7.Odds Of A Prize
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 7
7 among 7 = 1 in 1 or 100%
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 9
7 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 36.00
6 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 12.00
6 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 2.57
5 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 6.00
5 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 2.00
5 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 1.71
4 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 3.60
4 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 1.80
4 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 2.40
4 if 7 among 9 = 1 in 3.60
3 if 3 among 9 = 1 in 2.40
3 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 1.80
3 if 5 among 9 = 1 in (3.60)
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 12
7 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 792.00
6 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 132.00
6 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 22.63
5 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 37.71
5 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 8.80
5 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 3.77
4 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 14.14
4 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 4.53
4 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 2.64
4 if 7 among 12 = 1 in 2.26
3 if 3 among 12 = 1 in 6.29
3 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 2.83
3 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 2.26
3 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 2.64
3 if 7 among 12 = 1 in (4.53)
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 15
7 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 6,435.00
6 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 715.00
6 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 114.91
5 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 143.00
5 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 29.79
5 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 10.94
4 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 39.00
4 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 10.73
4 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 5.11
4 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 3.28
3 if 3 among 15 = 1 in 13.00
3 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 4.88
3 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 3.06
3 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 2.55
3 if 7 among 15 = 1 in 2.63
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 18
7 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 31,824.00
6 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 2,652.00
6 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 413.30
5 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 408.00
5 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 80.36
5 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 27.55
4 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 87.43
4 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 22.25
4 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 9.64
4 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 5.51
3 if 3 among 18 = 1 in 3.53
3 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 7.95
3 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 4.45
3 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 3.21
3 if 7 among 18 = 1 in 2.76
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 21
7 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 116,280.00
6 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 7,752.00
6 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 1,186.53
5 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 969.00
5 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 184.57
5 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 60.85
4 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 171.00
4 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 41.53
4 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 17.04
4 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 9.13
3 if 3 among 21 = 1 in 38.00
3 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 12.21
3 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 6.39
3 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 4.26
3 if 7 among 21 = 1 in 3.32
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 24
7 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 346,104.00
6 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 19,228.00
6 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 2,908.44
5 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 2,024.00
5 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 377.02
5 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 121.18
4 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 303.60
4 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 71.44
4 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 28.28
4 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 14.54
3 if 3 among 24 = 1 in 57.83
3 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 17.86
3 if 5 among 25 = 1 in 8.93
3 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 5.66
3 if 7 among 24 = 1 in 4.15
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 30
7 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 2,035,800.00
6 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 84,825.00
6 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 12,644.72
5 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 6,786.00
5 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 1,229.35
5 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 383.17
4 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 783.00
4 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 177.03
4 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 67.06
4 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 32.84
3 if 3 among 30 = 1 in 116.00
3 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 34.04
3 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 16.09
3 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 9.58
3 if 7 among 30 = 1 in 6.57
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 36
7 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 8,347,680.00
6 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 278,256.00
6 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 41,121.58
5 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 17,952.00
5 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 3,198.34
5 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 979.09
4 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 1,683.00
4 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 371.42
4 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 137.07
4 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 65.27
3 if 3 among 36 = 1 in 204.00
3 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 58.03
3 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 26.53
3 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 15.23
3 if 7 among 36 = 1 in 10.04
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 42
7 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 26,978,328.00
6 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 749,398.00
6 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 110,115.62
5 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 40,508.00
5 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 7,137.12
5 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 2,159.13
4 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 3,198.00
4 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 694.42
4 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 251.90
4 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 117.77
3 if 3 among 42 = 1 in 328.00
3 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 91.37
3 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 40.85
3 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 22.90
3 if 7 among 42 = 1 in 14.72Pick 6 Odds of Having Winning Numbers Among A Reduced Wheeling Field
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 20:00:14 PM
At first glance the odds of winning lottery appear astronomical. The lottery is pleased to post them on their web site, in pamphlets and the back of play slips.The odds of winning 6/49 is 13.9 million to 1. This means there are 13.9 million unique 6 number combinations of (ways to combine) 49 numbers, so the odds of any group of 6 numbers winning is 1 in 13.9 million. At one dollar per combination (ticket) it would cost 13.9 million dollars to 100% guarantee buying a jackpot.What the lottery fails to mention, is there are odds for every possible outcome that can happen in the game. These are the odds the lottery would rather we didn't know about.When it comes to the lottery. The more numbers you put into play the greater your odds of having winning numbers among them. It's that simple and it's also very important.Look at the odds busting power manifest by the simple strategy of deciding to play with 9 numbers instead of 6. The odds of having 6 winning numbers among 6, vs. 6 among 9 (when playing 6/49 lotto) takes us from 1 in13.9 million, to 1 in 166,474. The odds reduction is positively incredible!Of course we need to know it takes 84 combinations to fully cover 9 numbers and 84 x 166,474 = 13.9 million, but that's not the point.The point is we can greatly improve our odds of having winning numbers among those we are playing by putting more numbers into play. Nor are we required to fully cover all the numbers we choose to use. We can use an abbreviated cover design (a lottery wheel) to put more numbers into play for a percentage of full coverage in far fewer combinations.For example, a 9 number wheel or covering design with a 100% guarantee of 5 winning numbers on one line when all 6 winning numbers fall among our 9, requires only 8 combinations (10%) of the 84 necessary for full coverage.Use this chart as a guide to determine the optimal amount of numbers to put into play to bring down the odds of having the winning numbers among those played into a reduced field of reasonable winnable size.At the bottom of the odds chart there is a second chart, "Odds of 100% Covering a Prize" with the number of combinations required for a full wheel to guarantee a jackpot when all the winning numbers fall among its numbers.At the bottom of the full wheel chart is a third chart with the "Odds of Winning a Prize" among the numbers put into play depending on how many of the winning numbers are captured among them.These charts should make clear the more numbers put into play the better the odds of all the winning numbers being among those played and the worse the odds become of their winning prizes.It should be mentioned only the 6 among 6 odds are absolute. .When it comes to lower tier prizes, the odds are a matter of averages. The 1 in 56.66 odds of winning a 3 number prize in 6/49 tell us how many draws are expected to take place between each 3 number win. If a win doesn't happen within the first 57 draws two - 3 number wins are expected in the next 57 draws and so on. It's an average, an expectation, not an absolute.It really doesn't change the odds, whether one combination is played in 57 draws or 57 combinations are played in 1 draw, the average outcome over time is expected to be the same.Sad to say there isn't a perfect set of 57 combinations that will guarantee a 3 number prize every time. In fact, the best known 3if6 in 49 numbers cover design (wheel) to date requires 163 plays and is a split wheel (3if3+3if4=3if6) not recommended for playing lotto.The following chart breaks each common game size down into the odds when additional numbers are put into play. The more numbers in play the better (lower/improved) the odds of having winning numbers among those being played.Lotto Game Size 6/60
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 50,063,860.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 154,518.09 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 2,332.35 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 100.92 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 595,998.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 7,790.83 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 311.63 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 28.62 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 54,181.67 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 1,316.92 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 89.66 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 13.16 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 10,002.77 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 370.47 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 37.05 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 7.75 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 2,696.83 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 139.12 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 19.00 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 5.34 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 922.60 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 63.08 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 11.29 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 4.12 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 371.96 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 32.72 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 7.48 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.46 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 84.31 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 11.71 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 4.20 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 3.04 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 25.70 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 5.53 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 3.08 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (3.46) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 9.54 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 3.27 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in 2.92 draws or combinations
3 among 42 = a in (5.34) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 48 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 4.08 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.44 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (3.90) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (13.16) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/56
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 32,468,436.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 108,228.12 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 1,766.99 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 82.83 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 386,529.00 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 5,482.68 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 283.38 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 23.84 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 35,139.00 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 931.72 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 69.34 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 11.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 6,487.20 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 263.71 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 29.01 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 6.69 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 1,749.00 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 99.72 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 15.09 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 4.72 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 598.37 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 45.59 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 9.12 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.73 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 241.23 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 23.87 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 6.16 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.23 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 54.68 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 8.76 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.65 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 3.08 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 16.67 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 4.31 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 2.90 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (3.99) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 6.19 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.73 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (3.19) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (7.77) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 48 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 2.65 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.37 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (5.96) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (33.52) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/54
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 25,827,165.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 89,677.66 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 1,526.43 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 74.66 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 307,466.25 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 4,555.06 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 207.05 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 21.67 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 27,951.48 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 776.43 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 60.60 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 10.23 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 5,160.27 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 220.52 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 25.53 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 6.21 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 1,391.25 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 83.73 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 13.40 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 4.43 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 475.95 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 38.46 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 8.17 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.56 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 191.89 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 20.25 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 5.59 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 43.50 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 7.55 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.41 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 3.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 13.26 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 3.81 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 2.87 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (4.43) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 4.92 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.53 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (3.50) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = a in (10.23) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/53
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 22,957.480.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 81,409.50 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 1,415.82 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 70.79 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 273,303.33 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 4,140.96 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 192.60 draws
3 among 6 = 1 in 20.64 draws
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 24,845.76 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 706.99 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 56.56 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 9.79 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 4,586.91 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 201.18 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 23.92 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 5.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 1,236.67 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 76.56 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 12.61 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 4.30 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 423.07 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 35.26 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 7.73 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.48 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 170.57 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 18.63 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 5.32 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.10 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 38.66 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 7.00 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.31 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 3.19 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 11.79 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 3.58 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 2.87 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (4.73) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 4.38 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.45 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (3.73) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = 1 in (12.12) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/52
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 20,358,520.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 73,762.75 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 1,311.34 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 67.06 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 242,363.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 3,757.57 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 178.57 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 19.64 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 22,033.03 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 642.63 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 52.73 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 9.37 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 4,067.64 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 183.23 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 22.39 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 5.76 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 1,096.67 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 69.89 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 11.86 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 4.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 375.18 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 32.27 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 7.32 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.41 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 151.26 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 17.11 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 5.07 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 34.29 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 6.49 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.22 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (3.26) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 10.45 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 3.38 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 2.88 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (5.09) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 3.88 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.39 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (4.04) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = 1 in (14.78) draws (positive espectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/51
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 18,009,460.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 66,701.70 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 1,212.76 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 63.46 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 214,398.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 3,403.15 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 166.01 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 18.68 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 19,490.76 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 583.06 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 49.10 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 8.96 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 3.598.29 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 166.59 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 20.94 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 5.54 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 970.13 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 63.70 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 11.15 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 4.05 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 331.89 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 29.50 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 6.92 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.34 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 133.80 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 15.69 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 4.83 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.04 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 30.33 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 6.02 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.13 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (3.34) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 9.25 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 2.91 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (5.54) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 3.34 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.35 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (4.47) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = 1 in (18.68) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/49
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 13,983816.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 54,200.84 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 1,032,40 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 56.66 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 166,474.00 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 2,774.57 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 142.29 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 16.85 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 15,134.00 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 477.20 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 42.42 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 8.18 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 2,793.97 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 136.96 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 18.26 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 5.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 753.28 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 52.65 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 9.83 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.81 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 257.70 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 24.54 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 6.18 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.21 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 103.89 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 13.16 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 4.39 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.00 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 23.55 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 5.16 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.98 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (3.55) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 7.18 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.85 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (3.04) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (6.85) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 2.67 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.35 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in (5.95) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = 1 in (34.80) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/48
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 12,271,512.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 48,696.48 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 950.18 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 53.45 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 146,089.43 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 2,497.26 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 131.43 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 15.99 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 13,280.86 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 430.40 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 39.35 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 7.81 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 2,451.85 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 123.83 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 17.03 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.94 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 661.04 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 47.74 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 9.22 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.70 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 226.14 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 22.34 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 5.84 draws
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.15 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 91.17 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 12.03 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 4.18 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.00 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 20.67 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 4.78 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.93 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (3.70) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 6.30 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.71 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (3.16) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (7.81) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
6 among 42 = 1 in 2.34 draws or combinations
5 among 42 = 1 in (2.40) draws (positive expectation)
4 among 42 = 1 in (7.31) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 42 = 1 in (53.45) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/46
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 9,366,819.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 39,028.41 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 800.58 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 47.40 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 111,509.75 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 2,009.18 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 111.62 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 14.35 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 10,137.25 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 347.85 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 33.73 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 7.12 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 1,871.49 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 100.62 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 14.76 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.58 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 504.57 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 39.04 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 8.10 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.50 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 172.62 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 18.41 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 5.22 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.06 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 69.59 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 10.02 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.82 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.01 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 15.78 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 4.11 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.85 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (4.12) draws (positive expectition)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 4.81 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.48 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (3.53) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (10.93) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/45
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 8,145,060,00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 34,807.95 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 732.80 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 44.56 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 96,965.00 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,795.65 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 102.61 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 13.58 draws or combinations
0dds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 8,815.00 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 311.64 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 31.16 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 6.79 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 1,627.38 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 90.41 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 13.72 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.41 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 438.76 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 35.21 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 7.58 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.41 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 150.10 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 16.68 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.93 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.03 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 60.51 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 9.13 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.65 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.03 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 13.72 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.81 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.83 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (4.41) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 4.18 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.40 4 among 36 = 1 in (3.84) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in 13.58) draws (positive expectation)>BR>
Lotto Game Size 6/44
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 7,059,052.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 30,960.75 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 669.42 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 41.84 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 84,036.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,600.69 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 94.16 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 12.84 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 7,639.67 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 278.53 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 28.75 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 6.47 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 1,410.40 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 81.06 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 12.74 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.25 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 380.25 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 31.69 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 7.10 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.33 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 130.09 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 15.08 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.66 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.00 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 52.45 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 8.30 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.50 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.06 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 11.89 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.54 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.83 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (4.78) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 3.62 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.34 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (4.28) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (17.65) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/43
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 6,096,454.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 27,461.50 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 610.26 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 39.23 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 72,576.83 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,423.08 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 86.25 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 12.12 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 6,597.89 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 248.31 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 26.49 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 6.16 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 1,218.07 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 72.50 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 11.82 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.09 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 328.40 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 28.46 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 6.64 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.25 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 112.35 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 13.62 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.41 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 45.29 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 7.55 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.36 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.11 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 10.27 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.29 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.85 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (5.25) draws or combinstions (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 3.13 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.31 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (4.93) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (24.40) draws combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/42
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 5,245,786.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 24,286.05 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 555.11 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 36.74 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 62,449.83 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,261.61 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 78.85 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 11.45 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 5,677.26 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 220.78 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 24.36 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.87 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 1,048.11 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 64.70 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 10.95 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.94 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 282.58 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 25.51 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 6.21 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 96.67 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 12.28 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.17 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.97 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 38.97 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 6.86 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.23 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.18 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 8.83 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.07 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.90 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (5.87) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 2.69 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.32 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (5.94) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (36.74) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/40
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 3,838,380.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 18,815.59 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 456.14 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 32.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 45,695.00 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 982.69 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 65.51 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 10.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 4,154.09 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 173.09 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 20.51 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.33 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 766.91 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 51.13 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 9.37 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.67 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 206.76 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 20.36 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 5.43 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.05 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 70.74 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 9.93 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.75 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 28.52 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 5.64 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.01 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.39) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
6 among 30 = 1 in 6.46 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 2.69 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (3.11) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (7.88) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
6 among 36 = 1 in 1.97 draws or combinations
5 among 36 = 1 in (2.55) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
4 among 36 = 1 in (10.86) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (134.40) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/39
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 3,262,623.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 16,477.89 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 411.95 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 29.90 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 38,840.75 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 863.13 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 59.53 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 9.57 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 3,530.98 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 152.57 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 18.78 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 651.87 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 45.27 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 8.66 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.54 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 175.75 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 18.13 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 5.08 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.01 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 60.13 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 8.91 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.56 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.01 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 24.24 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 5.12 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.92 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.54) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
6 among 30 = 1 in 5.49 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 2.54 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (3.31) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (9.57) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/37
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 2,324,784.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 12,498.84 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 333.30 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 25.86 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 27,676.00 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 658.95 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 48.81 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 8.45 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 2,516.00 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 117.41 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 15.66 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 4.59 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 464.49 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 35.19 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 7.37 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.32 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 125.23 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 14.28 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 4.44 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.94 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 42.84 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 7.14 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.24 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.12) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 17.27 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 4.21 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.80 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (4.02) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 3.92 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 2.33 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (4.04) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (16.36) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/36
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 1,947,792.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 10,821.07 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 298.51 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 23.99 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 23,188.00 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 572.54 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 44.04 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 7.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 2,108.00 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 102.47 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 14.26 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 4.26 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 389.17 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 30.89 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 6.80 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.22 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 104.92 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 12.63 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 4.16 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 35.89 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 6.38 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.10 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.22) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 14.47 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.82 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.78 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (4.37) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 3.28 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 2.28 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (4.74) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (23.99) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/35
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 1,623,160.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 9,238.51 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 266.53 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 22.21 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 19,323.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 495.47 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 39.64 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 7.43 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 1,756.67 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 89.11 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 12.96 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 4.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 324.31 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 27.03 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 6.26 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.13 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 87.44 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 11.14 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.90 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 29.91 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 5.70 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 2.98 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.35) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 12.06 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.47 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.78 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (4.86) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
6 among 30 = 1 in 2.73 draws or combinations
5 among 30 = 1 in 2.58 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in (5.92) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 30 = 1 in (39.98) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/34
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 1,344,904.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 8,005.38 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 237.20 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 20.53 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 16,010.76 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 426.95 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 35.58 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 6.96 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 1,455.52 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 77.19 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 11.76 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.97 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 268.71 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 23.57 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 5.76 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.05 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 72.45 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 9.81 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.66 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.94 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 24.77 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 5.08 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 2.88 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.54) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 9.99 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.16 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in (2.81) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 24 = 1 in (5.54) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/34
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 1,344,904.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 8,005.38 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 237.20 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 20.53 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 16,010.76 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 426.95 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 35.58 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 6.96 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 1,455.52 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 77.19 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 11.76 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.97 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 268.71 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 23.57 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 5.76 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.05 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 72.45 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 9.81 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.66 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.94 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 24.78 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 5.08 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 2.77 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.54) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
6 among 24 = 1 in 9.99 draws or combinations
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.16 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in (2.81) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 24 = 1 in (5.54) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Lotto Game Size 6/25
Odds of winning numbers being among any 6 numbers selected
6 among 6 = 1 in 177,100.00 draws or combinations
5 among 6 = 1 in 1,553.51 draws or combinations
4 among 6 = 1 in 69.04 draws or combinations
3 among 6 = 1 in 9.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
6 among 9 = 1 in 2,108.33 draws or combinations
5 among 9 = 1 in 87.85 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 11.71 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 3.76 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
6 among 12 = 1 in 191.67 draws or combinations
5 among 12 = 1 in 17.20. draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 4.59 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 2.81 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
6 among 15 = 1 in 35.38 draws or combinations
5 among 15 = 1 in 5.90 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 2.88 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in (3.24) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
6 among 18 = 1 in 9.54 draws or combinations
5 among 18 = 1 in 2.95 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 2.76 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in (6.20) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
6 among 21 = 1 in 3.26 draws or combinations
5 among 21 = 1 in 2.18 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in (4.93) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
3 among 21 = 1 in (33.29) draws or combinations (pos expectation)
Odds of 100% Covering a Prize
Example: A full 9 number wheel requires 84 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6 so the winning combination is 1 among 84 or 1 in 84..
A full 7 number wheel requires 7 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 8 number wheel requires 28 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 9 number wheel requires 84 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 10 number wheel requires 210 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 11 number wheel requires 462 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 12 number wheel requires 924 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 13 number wheel requires 1,716 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 14 number wheel requires 3,003 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 15 number wheel requires 5,005 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 16 number wheel requires 8,008 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 17 number wheel requires 12,376 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 18 number wheel requires 18,564 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 19 number wheel requires 27,132 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 20 number wheel requires 38,760 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 21 number wheel requires 54,264 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 22 number wheel requires 74,613 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 23 number wheel requires 100,947 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 24 number wheel requires 134,596 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 25 number wheel requires 177,100 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 26 number wheel requires 230,230 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 27 number wheel requires 296,010 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 28 number wheel requires 376,740 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 29 number wheel requires 475,020 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 30 number wheel requires 593,775 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 31 number wheel requires 736,281 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 32 number wheel requires 906,192 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 33 number wheel requires 1,107,568 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 34 number wheel requires 1,344,904 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 35 number wheel requires 1,623,160 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 36 number wheel requires 1,947,792 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 37 number wheel requires 2,324,784 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 38 number wheel requires 2,760,681 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 39 number wheel requires 3,262,623 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 40 number wheel requires 3,838,380 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 41 number wheel requires 4,496,388 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 42 number wheel requires 5,245,786 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 43 number wheel requires 6,096,454 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 44 number wheel requires 7,059,052 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 45 number wheel requires 8,145,060 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 46 number wheel requires 9,366,819 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 47 number wheel requires 10,737,573 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 48 number wheel requires 12,271,512 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 49 number wheel requires 13,983,816 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 50 number wheel requires 15,890,700 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 51 number wheel requires 18,009,460 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 52 number wheel requires 20,358,520 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 53 number wheel requires 22,957,480 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 54 number wheel requires 25,827,165 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 55 number wheel requires 28,989,675 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 56 number wheel requires 32,468,436 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 57 number wheel requires 36,288,252 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 58 number wheel requires 40,475,358 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 59 number wheel requires 45,057,474 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 60 number wheel requires 50,063,860 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 90 number wheel requires 622,614,630 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6.
A full 99 number wheel requires 1,120,529,256 combinations to fully cover 6 if 6
Odds Of Winning A Prize
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 6
6 among 6 = 1 in 1 or 100%
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 9
6 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 84.00
5 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 21.00
5 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 4.67
4 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 8.40
4 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 2.80
4 if 6 among 9 = 1 in 1.87
3 if 3 among 9 = 1 in 4.20
3 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 2.10
3 if 5 among 9 = 1 in (2.10 positive expectation)
3 if 6 among 9 = 1 in (4.20 positive expectation multi prizes)
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 12
6 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 924.00
5 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 132.00
5 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 25.67
4 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 33.00
4 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 8.80
4 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 4.11
3 if 3 among 12 = 1 in 11.00
3 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 4.13
3 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 2.64
3 if 6 among 12 = 1 in 2.31
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 15
6 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 5,005.00
5 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 500.50
5 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 92.69
4 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 91.00
4 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 22.24
4 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 9.27
3 if 3 among 15 = 1 in 22.75
3 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 7.58
3 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 4.17
3 if 6 among 15 = 1 in 2.98
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 18
6 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 18,564.00
5 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 1,428.00
5 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 257.83
4 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 204.00
4 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 47.60
4 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 18.75
3 if 3 among 18 = 1 in 40.80
3 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 12.75
3 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 6.49
3 if 6 among 18 = 1 in 4.22
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 21
6 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 54,262.00
5 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 3,391.50
5 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 602.93
4 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 399.00
4 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 90.44
4 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 34.45
3 if 3 among 21 = 1 in 66.50
3 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 19.95
3 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 9.69
3 if 6 among 21 = 1 in 5.96
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 24
6 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 134,596.00
5 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 7,084.00
5 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 1,246.26
4 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 708.40
4 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 157.42
4 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 58.65
3 if 3 among 24 = 1 in 101.20
3 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 29.52
3 if 5 among 25 = 1 in 13.89
3 if 6 among 24 = 1 in 8.25
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 30
6 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 593,775.00
5 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 395.85
5 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 4,123.44
4 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 1,827.00
4 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 395.85
4 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 143.42
3 if 3 among 30 = 1 in 203.00
3 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 57.09
3 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 25.82
3 if 6 among 30 = 1 in 14.67
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 36
6 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 1,947,792.00
5 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 62,832.76
5 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 10,821.07
4 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 3,927.00
4 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 837.76
4 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 298.51
3 if 3 among 36 = 1 in 357.00
3 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 98.18
3 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 43.33
3 if 6 among 36 = 1 in 23.99
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 42
6 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 5,245,786.00
5 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 141,778.00
5 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 24,286.05
4 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 7,464.00
4 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 1,575.31
4 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 555.11
3 if 3 among 42 = 1 in 574.00
3 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 155.46
3 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 67.51
3 if 6 among 42 = 1 in 36.74Pick 5 Odds of Having Winning Numbers Among A Reduced Wheeling Field
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:56:04 PM
Lotto Game Size 5/80
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 24,040,016.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 64,106.71 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 866.31 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 190,793.78 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 2,687.24 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 115.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 30,353.56 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 714.20 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 47.97 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 8,005.33 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 270.95 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 25.40 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 2,805.79draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 126.71 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 15.58 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 1,181.39 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 68.08 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 10.56 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 565.59 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 40.40 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 7.71 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 168.69 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 17.54 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 4.83 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
5 among 36 = 1 in 63.77 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 9.28 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in 3.56 draws
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
5 among 42 = 1 in 28.26 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in 5.56 draws or combinations
3 among 42 = a in 2.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 48 numbers selected
5 among 42 = 1 in 14.04 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in 3.86 draws or combinations
3 among 42 = a in 2.80 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 54 numbers selected
5 among 42 = 1 in 7.60 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in 2.92 draws or combinations
3 among 42 = a in (2.98) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/56
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 3,819,816.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 14,979.67 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 299.59 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 30,316.00 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 645.02 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 42.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 4,823.00 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 175.38 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 18.35 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 1,272.00 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 68.25 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 10.24 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 445.82 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 32.85 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 6.66 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 187.72 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 18.24 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 4.83 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 89.87 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 11.23 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.80 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 26.80 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 5.36 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 2.89 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
5 among 36 = 1 in 10.13 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 3.24 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in 2.82 draws
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
5 among 42 = 1 in 4.49 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in 2.44 draws
3 among 42 = a in (3.66) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/55
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 3,478,761.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 13,915.04 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 283.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 27,609.21 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 600.20 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 40.01 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 4,392.37 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 163.44 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 17.51 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 1,158.43 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 63.71 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 9.80 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 406.02 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 30.73 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 6.40 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 170.95 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 17.10 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 4.66 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 81.85 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 10.56 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.70 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 24.41 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 5.08 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 2.86 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
5 among 36 = 1 in 9.23draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 3.11 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in 2.85 draws
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
5 among 42 = 1 in 4.09 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in 2.39 draws
3 among 42 = a in (3.88) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/50
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 2,118,760.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 9,416.71 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 214.02 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 16,815.56 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 410.14 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 30.76 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 2,675.20 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 112.64 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 13.70 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 705.55 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 44.35 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 7.83 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 247.29 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 21.64 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 5.23 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 104.12 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 12.21 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.92 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 49.85 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 7.67 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 3.22 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 14.87 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 3.87 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in 2.75 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
5 among 36 = 1 in 5.62draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 2.57 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (3.26) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 42 numbers selected
5 among 42 = 1 in 2.49 draws or combinations
4 among 42 = 1 in 2.37 draws
3 among 42 = a in (6.59) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/45
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 1,221,759.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 6,108.80 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 156.64 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 9,696.50 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 269.35 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 23.09 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 1,542.62 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 74.79 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 10.52 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 406.85 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 29.84 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 6.17 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 142.60 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 14.79 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 4.27 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 60.04 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 8.51 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.33 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 28.74 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 5.48 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 2.87 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 8.57 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.97 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (2.87) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
5 among 36 = 1 in 3.24draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in 2.30 draws or combinations
3 among 36 = 1 in (4.75) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/43
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 962,598.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 5,066.31 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 136.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 7,639.67 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 224.70 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 20.43 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 1,215.40 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 62.73 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 9.41 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 320.55 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 25.19 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 5.60 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 112.35 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 12.58 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 47.30 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 7.31 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 3.13 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 22.65 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 4.77 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 2.78 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 6.75 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.70 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (3.04) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 36 numbers selected
5 among 36 = 1 in 2.55 draws or combinations
4 among 36 = 1 in (2.33) draws (positive expectation)
3 among 36 = 1 in (4.75) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/40
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 658,008.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 3,760.05 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 110.59 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 5,222.29 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 168.46 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 16.85 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 830.82 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 47.48 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 7.91 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 219.12 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 19.28 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.82 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 76.80 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 9.77 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.49 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 32.34 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 5.79 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.89 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 15.48 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.87 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 2.71 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 4.62 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.40 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (3.60) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/39
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 575,757.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 3,386.81 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 102.63 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 4,569.50 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 152.32 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 15.76 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 726.97 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 43.08 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 7.46 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 191.73 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 17.58 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.58 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 67.20 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 8.96 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.36 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 28.29 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 5.34 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.83 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 13.55 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.61 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in 2.71 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 4.04 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.33 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (3.94) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/38
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 501,942.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 3,042.07 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 95.06 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 3,983.67 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 137.37 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 14.72 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 633.77 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 39.00 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 7.02 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 167.15 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 15.99 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.36 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 58.58 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 8.20 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.24 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 24.67 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.93 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.77 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 11.81 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.37 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (2.73) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.52 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.29 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (4.42) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/37
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 435,897.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 2,724.36 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 87.88 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 3,459.50 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 123.55 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 13.73 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 550.37 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 35.22 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 6.60 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 145.15 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 14.52 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 4.15 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 50.88 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 7.50 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.12 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 21.42 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.55 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.73 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 10.26 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 3.16 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (2.76) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 3.06 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.27 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (5.11) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/36
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 376,992.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 2,432.21 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 81.07 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 2,992.00 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 110.81 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 12.79 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 476.00 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 31.73 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 6.21 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 125.54 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 13.15 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.95 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 44.00 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 6.84 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 3.02 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 18.53 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 4.20 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.70 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 8.87 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.96 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (2.82) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 30 numbers selected
5 among 30 = 1 in 2.65 draws or combinations
4 among 30 = 1 in 2.29 draws or combinations
3 among 30 = 1 in (6.19) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/35
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 324,632.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 2,164.21 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 74.63 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 2,576.44 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 99.09 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 11.89 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 409.89 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 28.51 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.83 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 108.10 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 11.89 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.76 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 37.89 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 6.24 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.93 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 15.95 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.87 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in 2.68 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 7.64 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.78 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (2.92) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/33
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 237,336.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 1,695.26 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 62.79 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,883.62 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 78.48 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 10.24 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 299.67 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 22.83 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 5.14 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 79.03 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 9.66 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.41 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 27.70 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 5.17 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.77 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 11.66 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.30 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (2.70) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 5.58 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.48 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.26) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/32
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 201,376.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 1,491.67 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 57.37 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,598.22 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 69.49 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 9.48 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 254.26 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 20.34 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 4.82 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 67.06 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 8.68 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.25 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 23.50 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 4.70 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.71 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 9.90 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 3.06 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (2.75) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 4.74 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.37 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (3.55) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/31
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 169,911.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 1,307.01 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 52.28 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,348.50 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 61.30 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 8.76 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 214.53 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 18.07 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 4.52 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 56.58 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 7.78 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 3.11 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 19.83 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 4.27 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.67 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 8.35 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 2.84 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (2.84) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 4.00 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.28 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (4.00) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/30
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 142,506.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 1,140.05 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 47.50 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 1,131.00 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 53.86 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 8.08 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 179.93 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 15.99 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 4.23 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 47.45 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 6.96 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 2.98 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 16.63 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.88 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.65 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 7.00 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 2.65 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (2.98) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of winning numbers being among any 24 numbers selected
5 among 24 = 1 in 3.35 draws or combinations
4 among 24 = 1 in 2.24 draws or combinations
3 among 24 = 1 in (4.69) draws (positive expectation)
Lotto Game Size 5/28
Odds of winning numbers being among any 5 numbers selected
5 among 5 = 1 in 98,280.00 draws or combinations
4 among 5 = 1 in 854.61 draws or combinations
3 among 5 = 1 in 38.85 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 9 numbers selected
5 among 9 = 1 in 780.00 draws or combinations
4 among 9 = 1 in 41.05 draws or combinations
3 among 9 = 1 in 6.84 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 12 numbers selected
5 among 12 = 1 in 124.09 draws or combinations
4 among 12 = 1 in 12.41 draws or combinations
3 among 12 = 1 in 3.72 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 15 numbers selected
5 among 15 = 1 in 32.73 draws or combinations
4 among 15 = 1 in 5.54 draws or combinations
3 among 15 = 1 in 2.77 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 18 numbers selected
5 among 18 = 1 in 11.47 draws or combinations
4 among 18 = 1 in 3.21 draws or combinations
3 among 18 = 1 in 2.68 draws or combinations
Odds of winning numbers being among any 21 numbers selected
5 among 21 = 1 in 4.83 draws or combinations
4 among 21 = 1 in 2.35 draws or combinations
3 among 21 = 1 in (3.52) draws (positive expectation)
Odds of 100% Covering a Prize
Example: A full 9 number wheel requires 126 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5 so the winning combination is 1 among 126 or 1 in 126.A full 6 number wheel requires 6 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 7 number wheel requires 21 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 8 number wheel requires 56 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 9 number wheel requires 126 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 10 number wheel requires 252 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 11 number wheel requires 462 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 12 number wheel requires 792 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 13 number wheel requires 1,287 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 14 number wheel requires 2,002 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 15 number wheel requires 3,003 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 16 number wheel requires 4,368 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 17 number wheel requires 6,188 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 18 number wheel requires 8,568 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 19 number wheel requires 11,628 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 20 number wheel requires 15,349 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 21 number wheel requires 20,349 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 22 number wheel requires 26,334 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 23 number wheel requires 33,649 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 24 number wheel requires 42,504 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 25 number wheel requires 53,130 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 26 number wheel requires 65,780 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 27 number wheel requires 80,730 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 28 number wheel requires 98,280 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 29 number wheel requires 118,755 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 30 number wheel requires 142,506 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 31 number wheel requires 169,911 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 32 number wheel requires 201,376 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 33 number wheel requires 237,336 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 34 number wheel requires 278,256 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 35 number wheel requires 324,632 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 36 number wheel requires 376,992 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 37 number wheel requires 435,897 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 38 number wheel requires 501,942 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 39 number wheel requires 575,757 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 40 number wheel requires 658,008 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 41 number wheel requires 749,398 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 42 number wheel requires 850,668 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 43 number wheel requires 962,598 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 44 number wheel requires 1,086,008 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 45 number wheel requires 1,221,759 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 46 number wheel requires 1,370,754 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 47 number wheel requires 1,533,939 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 48 number wheel requires 1,712,304 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 49 number wheel requires 1,906,884 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 50 number wheel requires 2,118,760 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 51 number wheel requires 2,349,060 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 52 number wheel requires 2,598,960 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 53 number wheel requires 2,869,685 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 54 number wheel requires 3,162,510 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 55 number wheel requires 3,478,761 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 56 number wheel requires 3,819,816 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 57 number wheel requires 4,187,106 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 58 number wheel requires 4,582,116 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 59 number wheel requires 5,006,386 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 60 number wheel requires 5,461,512 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 80 number wheel requires 24,050,016 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 90 number wheel requires 43,949,268 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5.
A full 99 number wheel requires 71,523,144 combinations to fully cover 5 if 5Odds Of Winning A Prize
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 5
5 among 5 = 1 in 1 or 100%
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 9
5 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 126.00
4 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 25.15
4 if 5 among 9 = 1 in 6.30
3 if 3 among 9 = 1 in 8.40
3 if 4 among 9 = 1 in 3.15
3 if 5 among 9 = 1 in (2.10 positive expectation)
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 12
5 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 792.00
4 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 99.00
4 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 22.63
3 if 3 among 12 = 1 in 22.00
3 if 4 among 12 = 1 in 7.07
3 if 5 among 12 = 1 in 3.77
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 15
5 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 3,003.00
4 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 273.00
4 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 60.06
3 if 3 among 15 = 1 in 45.50
3 if 4 among 15 = 1 in 13.65
3 if 5 among 15 = 1 in 6.67
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 18
5 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 8,568.00
4 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 612.00
4 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 131.82
3 if 3 among 18 = 1 in 81.60
3 if 4 among 18 = 1 in 23.54
3 if 5 among 18 = 1 in 10.98
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 21
5 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 20,349.00
4 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 1,197.00
4 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 254.36
3 if 3 among 21 = 1 in 133.00
3 if 4 among 21 = 1 in 37.41
3 if 5 among 21 = 1 in 16.96
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 24
5 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 42,504.00
4 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 2,125.20
4 if 5 among 24 = 1 in 447.41
3 if 3 among 24 = 1 in 202.40
3 if 4 among 24 = 1 in 55.93
3 if 5 among 25 = 1 in 24.86
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 30
5 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 142,506.00
4 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 5,481.00
4 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 1,140.05
3 if 3 among 30 = 1 in 406.00
3 if 4 among 30 = 1 in 109.62
3 if 5 among 30 = 1 in 47.50
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 36
5 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 376,992.00
4 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 11,781.00
4 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 2,432.21
3 if 3 among 36 = 1 in 714.00
3 if 4 among 36 = 1 in 190.02
3 if 5 among 36 = 1 in 81.07
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 42
5 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 850,668.00
4 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 22,386.00
4 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 4,598.21
3 if 3 among 42 = 1 in 1,148.00
3 if 4 among 42 = 1 in 302.51
3 if 5 among 42 = 1 in 127.73
Odds of winning a prize when winning numbers are among your 48
5 if 5 among 48 = 1 in 1,712,304.00
4 if 4 among 48 = 1 in 38,916.00
4 if 5 among 48 = 1 in 7,964.20
3 if 3 among 48 = 1 in 1,729.60
3 if 4 among 48 = 1 in 452.51
3 if 5 among 48 = 1 in 189.62Pick-3/4 The Scientific Method
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:52:17 PM
It's easy to win Pick-3 and Pick-4. What's hard is playing these games at a profit. Many players get into the habit of throwing money at the daily number games without keeping an eye on the profit situation. It is very possible to lose more then you win, even with a winning system. Remember, you do not need to play every day. You can watch and wait for a winning situation to establish itself and take your advantage. Sorry if you already know most of this, a lottery book is rather like a one room school house with all grades being taught at once. For those new to the daily numbers game, they all play the same way with a few notable exceptions. While most have prizes set in stone, a few are pari-mutuel which means the prize can grow or shrink a little depending on how many winners there are. To learn more about your particular lottery game visit the game's web site and read everything there. Click on State Lottery Web Sites This link will only work while your computer is connected to the internet. Common Pick-3/4 Payouts Expected for $1.00 played
Any 3-digit number from 000 to 999.123
(exact order)500 to 16-Way (Box)
Any 3-digit number with all different digits.123
(any order)80 to 13-Way (Box)
Any 3-digit number with 2 digits the same.112
(any order)160 to 1CombinationExamplePayoutStraight
Any 4-digit number from 0000 to 9999.1234
(exact order)5,000 to 124-Way (Box)
Any 4-digit number with all different digits.1234
(any order)200 to 112-Way (Box)
Any 4-digit number with 2 digits the same.1123
(any order)400 to 16-Way (Box)
Any 4-digit number with 2 sets of digits the same.1122
(any order)800 to 1 4-Way (Box)
Any 4-digit number with 3 digits the same.1112
(any order)1,198 to 1 Some games have a fixed total prize cap and will cut off play on a number when risk reaches that amount. So if you have worked out a really good play you intend to put some big money down on, by all means get there earlier than later. Some games allow you to play front and rear pairs. Say you think the pairs 7-8 and 8-9 are hot and plan to play 7-8-9, you can also play the 7-8 and 8-9 pairs as separate plays for insurance. All plays are independent. New players often think they will win a Box prize if they play the number Straight and it is drawn in a different order. Play 8-7-9 Straight and 9-7-8 is drawn, no prize for you. Play 7-8-9 Boxed and 7-8-9 is drawn, only a Box prize for you. Play 7-8-9 Straight or Boxed and 7-8-0 is drawn no front pair prize for you. You can only win what you paid to play for. Playing Straight means you've predicted the number will be drawn in exact order you enter on the play slip for example: 8-7-9. If the draw is 7-8-9 you lose. On the other hand if you had played box, all six ways 7-8-9 may be configured are ways to win. 7-8-9 = 7-8-9, 7-9-8, 8-7-9, 8-9-7, 9-7-8, 9-8-7. The difference is Straight pays $500 to 1 and box all different pays $80 to 1 and boxed doubles pays $160 to 1, so having three or six ways to win has an advantage and a price. Many players play a Straight Box combination ticket as a form of insurance. How the Pick-3/4 Games Break Down There are 1000 three digit numbers 0-0-0 through 9-9-9 in the Pick-3 game. There are . . . All Different (1-2-3)= 720 Straight, 72% with 120 Boxed Doubles (1-2-2) = 270 Straight, 27% with 90 Boxed Triples (1-1-1) = 10 Straight, 1% with No Boxed Odd/Even Breakdown All Different from 720 Straight Numbers 72% with 120 Boxed drawn roughly 3 out of 4 draws. 3 Odd (3-5-7) = 60 Numbers, 6% with 10 Boxed 3 Even (2-4-8) = 60 Numbers, 6% with 10 Boxed 2 Odd - 1 Even (3-5-8) = 300 Numbers, 30% with 50 Boxed 1 Odd = 2 Even (3-4-6) = 300 Numbers, 30% with 50 Boxed Doubles from 270 Straight Numbers 27% with 90 Boxed drawn roughly once every 4 draws. 3 Odd (1-3-3) = 60 Numbers, 6% with 20 Boxed 3 Even (2-4-4) = 60 Numbers, 6% with 20 Boxed 2 Odd - 1 Even (3-3-4) = 75 Numbers, 7.5% with 25 Boxed 1 Odd - 2 Even (3-4-4) = 75 Numbers, 7.5% with 25 Boxed Triples from 10 Straight Numbers 1% drawn roughly once every 100 draws. As there are 72% All Different it stands to reason and proves out 72% of all draws will be All Different and 2 Odd - 1 Even will appear in 41% of them. Of all draws 60% and over 80% of the All Different draws will be 2 Odd - 1 Even or 1 Odd - 2 Even. Of the All Different Boxed numbers 50 are 2 Odd - 1 Even and 50 are 1 Odd - 2 Even. When 2 Odd - 1 Even or 1 Odd - 2 Even are drawn chances are it will be followed by an opposite 1 Odd - 2 Even or 2 Odd - 1 Even draw. There are 10,000 three digit numbers 0-0-0-0 through 9-9-9-9 in the Pick-4 game. There are . . . All Different (1-2-3-4) = 5040 Numbers, 50.4% with 210 Boxed are drawn roughly 1 in 2 draws. Doubles (1-2-3-3) = 4320 Numbers, 43.2% with 360 Boxed are drawn roughly 1 in 2.5 draws. Double Double (1-1-2-2) = 270 Numbers, 2.7% with 45 Boxed are drawn roughly 1 in 37 draws. Triples (1-2-2-2) = 360 Numbers, 3.6% with 90 Boxed are drawn roughly 1 in 28 draws. Quads (1-1-1-1) = 10 Numbers, .1% with No Boxed are drawn roughly 1 in 2.7 years. While anyone can get lucky and win Pick-3/4 you need to put in some effort to win often. Like running a business, you need to keep and maintain records to know what works. The most common way of predicting Pick-3/4 is through frequency. This means counting how many times each digit of the winning numbers have hit over a range of draws, and then making new numbers out of the more popular digits. The problem is, how far back do we need to go for our count? The answer is regression testing. By doing a regression test for every draw and keeping a record we can narrow down the range of past draws to use. We start with the draws that have already taken place. I will use Florida draws recent to writing this book and because I play the Florida games so the information is readily at hand.
Regression Method
The Draw for Feb. 04, 2008 was 8-7-0. Prior to that draw the . . . Last 7 draws (how often each digit was drawn in the last 7 draws) A = 0 = 4 (the 0 was drawn 4 times in the last 7 draws) B = 1 = 3 (the 1 was drawn 3 times in the last 7 draws) C = 2 = 1 (the 2 was drawn 1 times in the last 7 draws) D = 3 = 3 (the 3 was drawn 3 times in the last 7 draws) E = 4 = 0 (the 4 was drawn 0 times in the last 7 draws) F = 5 = 3 (the 5 was drawn 3 times in the last 7 draws) G = 6 = 0 (the 6 was drawn 0 times in the last 7 draws) H = 7 = 4 (the 7 was drawn 4 times in the last 7 draws) I = 8 = 2 (the 8 was drawn 2 times in the last 7 draws) J = 9 = 1 (the 9 was drawn 1 times in the last 7 draws) Sorted by frequency the order of digits changes from numaric to: A = 0 = 4 (the 0 was drawn 4 times in the last 7 draws) H = 7 = 4 (the 7 was drawn 4 times in the last 7 draws) B = 1 = 3 (the 1 was drawn 3 times in the last 7 draws) D = 3 = 3 (the 3 was drawn 3 times in the last 7 draws) F = 5 = 3 (the 5 was drawn 3 times in the last 7 draws) I = 8 = 2 (the 8 was drawn 2 times in the last 7 draws) C = 2 = 1 (the 2 was drawn 1 times in the last 7 draws) J = 9 = 1 (the 9 was drawn 1 times in the last 7 draws) E = 4 = 0 (the 4 was drawn 0 times in the last 7 draws) G = 6 = 0 (the 6 was drawn 0 times in the last 7 draws) See how the top or best 6 digits with the most draws 0-7-1-3-5-8 could be wheeled for $20.00 in 20 box plays and the prize for the next draw 8-7-0 would be $80.00 Of course we don't want to risk $20.00 to win $80.00 we'd rather risk $10.00 so we need to find the most effective range of past draws to work with. What comes next is how we would have done working with 8, then 9, then 10, past draws, etc. Note how the number of best digits necessary to capture the 8-7-0 box win changes as the amount of past draws changes. Last 8 draws adds 2-8-3 0 = 4 1 = 3 2 = 2 3 = 4 4 = 0 5 = 3 6 = 0 7 = 4 8 = 3 9 = 1 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 9 draws adds 5-1-2 0 = 4 1 = 4 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 0 5 = 4 6 = 0 7 = 4 8 = 3 9 = 1 If the 7 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $35.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 10 draws adds 4-7-0 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 1 5 = 4 6 = 1 7 = 5 8 = 3 9 = 1 If the 7 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $35.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 11 draws adds 9-8-3 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 3 3 = 5 4 = 1 5 = 4 6 = 1 7 = 5 8 = 4 9 = 2 If the 5 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $10.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 12 draws adds 2-3-8. 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 4 3 = 6 4 = 1 5 = 4 6 = 1 7 = 5 8 = 5 9 = 2 If the 5 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $10.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 13 draws adds 5-4-6. 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 4 3 = 6 4 = 2 5 = 5 6 = 2 7 = 5 8 = 5 9 = 2 If the 5 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $10.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 14 draws adds 7-7-4. 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 4 3 = 6 4 = 1 5 = 5 6 = 2 7 = 7 8 = 5 9 = 2 If the 5 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $10.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 15 draws adds 2-3-4. 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 5 3 = 7 4 = 2 5 = 5 6 = 2 7 = 7 8 = 5 9 = 2 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 16 draws adds 6-9-4. 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 5 3 = 7 4 = 3 5 = 5 6 = 3 7 = 7 8 = 5 9 = 3 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 17 draws adds 7-3-9. 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 5 3 = 8 4 = 3 5 = 5 6 = 3 7 = 8 8 = 5 9 = 4 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 18 draws adds 2-5-3. 0 = 5 1 = 3 2 = 6 3 = 9 4 = 3 5 = 6 6 = 3 7 = 8 8 = 5 9 = 4 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 19 draws adds 7-1-4. 0 = 5 1 = 4 2 = 6 3 = 9 4 = 4 5 = 6 6 = 3 7 = 9 8 = 5 9 = 4 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 20 draws adds 0-1-5. 0 = 6 1 = 5 2 = 6 3 = 9 4 = 4 5 = 7 6 = 3 7 = 9 8 = 5 9 = 4 If the 7 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $35.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 21 draws adds 2-7-6. 0 = 6 1 = 5 2 = 7 3 = 9 4 = 4 5 = 7 6 = 4 7 = 10 8 = 5 9 = 4 If the 7 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $35.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 22 draws adds 4-1-9. 0 = 6 1 = 6 2 = 7 3 = 9 4 = 5 5 = 7 6 = 4 7 = 10 8 = 5 9 = 5 If the 9 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $84.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 23 draws adds 0-0-7. 0 = 8 1 = 6 2 = 7 3 = 9 4 = 5 5 = 7 6 = 4 7 = 11 8 = 5 9 = 5 If the 9 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $84.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 24 draws adds 8-9-8. 0 = 8 1 = 6 2 = 7 3 = 9 4 = 5 5 = 7 6 = 4 7 = 11 8 = 7 9 = 6 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 25 draws adds 0-4-1. 0 = 9 1 = 7 2 = 7 3 = 9 4 = 6 5 = 7 6 = 4 7 = 11 8 = 7 9 = 6 If the 7 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $35.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 26 draws adds 3-8-4. 0 = 9 1 = 7 2 = 7 3 = 10 4 = 7 5 = 7 6 = 4 7 = 11 8 = 8 9 = 6 If the 4 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $4.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 27 draws adds 5-7-8. 0 = 9 1 = 7 2 = 7 3 = 10 4 = 7 5 = 8 6 = 4 7 = 12 8 = 9 9 = 6 If the 4 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $4.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 28 draws adds 6-4-3. 0 = 9 1 = 7 2 = 7 3 = 11 4 = 8 5 = 8 6 = 5 7 = 12 8 = 9 9 = 6 If the 4 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $4.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 29 draws adds 6-5-8. 0 = 9 1 = 7 2 = 7 3 = 11 4 = 8 5 = 9 6 = 6 7 = 12 8 = 10 9 = 6 If the 5 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $10.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Last 30 draws adds 6-7-4. 0 = 9 1 = 7 2 = 7 3 = 11 4 = 9 5 = 9 6 = 7 7 = 13 8 = 10 9 = 6 If the 6 digits with the most draws were wheeled for $20.00 Boxed plays the prize would be $80.00. Conclusion: The two most effective areas of past draws for the 5 most frequent digits were 11-14 and 26-29. Here is the Florida draw history the above regression is based on. 01. 02/03/2008 3-3-0 02. 02/02/2008 1-8-2 03. 02/01/2008 8-9-5 04. 01/31/2008 0-0-7 05. 01/30/2008 5-7-6 06. 01/29/2008 3-1-0 07. 01/28/2008 5-7-7 08. 01/27/2008 2-8-3 09. 01/26/2008 5-1-2 10. 01/25/2008 4-7-0 11. 01/24/2008 9-8-3 12. 01/23/2008 2-3-8 13. 01/22/2008 5-4-6 14. 01/21/2008 7-7-4 15. 01/20/2008 2-3-4 16. 01/19/2008 6-9-4 17. 01/18/2008 7-3-9 18. 01/17/2008 2-5-3 19. 01/16/2008 7-1-4 20. 01/15/2008 0-1-5 21. 01/14/2008 2-7-6 22. 01/13/2008 4-1-9 23. 01/12/2008 0-0-7 24. 01/11/2008 8-9-8 25. 01/10/2008 0-4-1 26. 01/09/2008 3-8-4 27. 01/08/2008 5-7-8 28. 01/07/2008 6-4-3 29. 01/06/2008 6-5-8 30. 01/05/2008 6-7-4 31. 01/04/2008 7-7-7 32. 01/03/2008 0-3-3 33. 01/02/2008 2-0-1 34. 01/01/2008 4-5-2 As you collect regression tests for your game it should become readily apparent the optimal range of past draws to work within and the best number of hitting digits to wheel.When Best Five doesn't work
Even though regression testing of frequency can be shown to work as above, some games will have a contrary digit. A contrary digit is when some of the winning digits come from the high hit side and the other(s) the low or no hit side. There are multiple sets of 17 patterns of 5 all different digits to be found within 10 to guarantee 3if5, due to redundency. This is one such set . . . 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 5 6 0 1 2 7 9 0 1 2 8 9 0 1 3 5 7 0 1 4 8 9 0 3 4 5 8 0 3 5 6 9 0 4 6 7 8 1 3 6 8 9 1 4 5 6 7 1 5 7 8 9 2 3 5 7 8 2 3 6 7 9 2 4 5 6 8 2 4 5 7 9 3 4 6 7 9 end 3if5in10 numbers (digits) 17 lines If each line of this set were to be regression tested we would find some lines are productive with useful regression ranges while others have few if any wins. In my experience, working with best digit pattern positions . . . 0 1 2 3 4 = A B C D E 0 1 2 7 9 = A B C H J 0 1 2 8 9 = A B C I J 2 3 6 7 9 = C D G H J 3 4 6 7 9 = D E G H J have been the most effective.Not every game can be won
Not all Pick-3/4 games are predictable. Some states use computer simulated draws or constantly move draw machines and ballsets around to induce extra randomization. Even so regression testing may point you in the right direction where to select your digits from. The same method may be applied to Straight play with some modifications. Instead of counting how often the digits were drawn for a range of draws, we count how often the digits were drawn by their column position in the numbers. This means three counts and three tests from which the range of draws to count per column position will likely vary. The digits are selected by position and wheeled by position. The number of digits to be played in a position times each other tells us the number of numbers the wheel will require. For example: You like 4 digits for the first position, 3 in the second position and 2 in the third so 4x3x2=24 numbers. A E H = A-E-H, A-E-I, A-F-H, A-F-I, A-G-H, A-G-I B F I = B-E-H, B-E-I, B-F-H, B-F-I, B-G-H, B-G-I C G ~ = C-E-H, C-E-I, C-F-H, C-F-I, C-G-H, C-G-I D ~ ~ = D-E-H, D-E-I, D-F-H, D-F-I, D-G-H, D-G-I Note the flow. Each is played against every other position in turn. Say you can't decide between C and D in 3rd position. A B C = A-B-C ~ ~ D = A-B-D Sequential Numbers: If you examine the draw history above you will see an interesting effect. 01/30/2008 5-7-6 01/22/2008 5-4-6 01/20/2008 2-3-4 01/02/2008 2-0-1 There are 8 sequential numbers, 0-1-2, 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6, 5-6-7, 6-7-8, 7-8-9. If you haven't seen a sequential number for a long time, consider playing some based on a digit from the previous draw being one of the sequential numbers. 01/30/2008 5-7-6 :-( 01/29/2008 3-1-0 01/22/2008 5-4-6 :-) 01/21/2008 7-7-4 01/20/2008 2-3-4 :-) 01/19/2008 6-9-4 01/02/2008 2-0-1 :-) 01/01/2008 4-5-2The 800 System
We're not fans of the 800 System, we bring it up so you'll know it when someone tries to sell you on playing it. This system only has a chance of working played using an online Pick-3 game that pays 900 to 1. Of the 1,000 Pick-3 numbers 200 are eliminated, either by lowest and highest sums or removing those 200 numbers least drawn over time. The theory is to win $900.00 every time we play for a $100. profit. Clearly we should win 8 times out of 10 and lose back all our winnings when we don't win, unless the numbers we eliminate really are "bad" numbers. In my tests, the six ways low sum 0-1-2 and high sum 7-8-9 may be played come up just as often as the six ways 4-5-6 may be played. Improvement not found by eliminating 0-1-2 and 7-8-9. As for numbers at the bottom of the frequency chart, if only they could be relied upon to stay there, the system would have merit. At $800.00 a pop it's a lot of risk and the system would have us increasing our bets to make $200.00 and $400.00 profit, scary.How to Play On A Limited Budget
This Pick-3 Strategy requires waiting for a specific set of circumstances to come about. As above, count the number of hits for each digit for the range of drawings found best to work for your game. Look for one of the following. 1. 2 of the digits with only 1 hit each and a third with no hits. 2. 2 of the digits with no hits and one digit with 1 hit. 3. 3 digits with 1 hit each. 4. 3 digits with no hits. Combine these digits into a number and play daily for as long as the above strategy condition remains intact. If one of the digits is drawn as park of another number, cease playing unless a new configuration of the above creates a new number to play. Sometimes these conditions apply to more then three digits. 1. 4 digits with 1 hit. 2. 4 digits with no hits. 3. 3 digits with 1 hit and 1 digit with no hits. 4. 3 digits with no hits and 1 digit with 1 hit. 5. 2 digits with 1 hit and 2 digits with no hits. Combine these four digits into a set A-B-C-D and roll them into four numbers A-B-C, B-C-D, C-D-A, D-A-B and play Straight/Box for as long as the above strategy condition remains intact.Working With Pick-4
Pick-4 is almost impossible to hit Straight. If you played the same number daily it would take an average of 27 years to win provided the same numbers once drawn could not be drawn again. The other problem with Pick-4 is the Box prizes for the most part are nothing to get excited about. All Different has the same number of Box numbers (210) as Pick-3 despite having five times the Straight numbers. Remember this . . . There are 10,000 three digit numbers 0-0-0-0 through 9-9-9-9 in the Pick-4 game. There are . . . All Different (1-2-3-4) = 5040 Numbers, 50.4% Percent with 210 Boxed Doubles (1-2-3-3) = 4320 Numbers, 43.2% Percent with 360 Boxed Double Double (1-1-2-2) = 270 Numbers, 2.7% with 45 Boxed Triples (1-2-2-2) = 360 Numbers, 3.6% Percent with 90 Boxed Quads (1-1-1-1) = 10 Numbers, .1% Percent with No Boxed The answer is to target the rare Box numbers of Double Double, Triples and Quads that pay so much better then their common brethren All Different and Doubles. The trick here is to determine the expected gap between the last time one of these rare Box numbers were drawn and start playing them as their time draws near.In Pick-4 there are only 45 Double Double Digit numbers
1122 2233 3344 4455 5566 6677 7788 8899 9900 1133 2244 3355 4466 5577 6688 7799 8800 1144 2255 3366 4477 5588 6699 7700 1155 2266 3377 4488 5599 6600 1166 2277 3388 4499 5500 1177 2288 3399 4400 1188 2299 3300 1199 2200 1100 Box covers 1122 = 1122 1212 1221 2112 2121 2211 Double Double is expected roughly every 37 draws. When counting 37 draws from the last Double Double look back a hundred draws to make sure there wasn't a flurry of Double Double draws to be made up for by a longer stretch of no Double Double draws.In Pick-4 there are only 90 Triple digit numbers
1112 2223 3334 4445 5556 6667 7778 8889 9990 1113 2224 3335 4446 5557 6668 7779 8880 1114 2225 3336 4447 5558 6669 7770 1115 2226 3337 4448 5559 6660 1116 2227 3338 4449 5550 1117 2228 3339 4440 1118 2229 3330 1119 2220 1110 1222 2333 3444 4555 5666 6777 7888 8999 9000 1333 2444 3555 4666 5777 6888 7999 8000 1444 2555 3666 4777 5888 6999 7000 1555 2666 3777 4888 5999 6000 1666 2777 3888 4999 5000 1777 2888 3999 4000 1888 2999 3000 1999 2000 1000 Box covers 1112 = 1112 1121 1211 2111 Triple digits are expected roughly every 27 draws. When counting 27 draws from the last Triple digit look back a hundred draws to make sure there wasn't a flurry of Triple digit draws to be made up for by a longer stretch of no Triple digit draws.In Pick-4 there are only 10 Sequential Numbers
1234 2345 3456 4567 5678 6789 7890 8901 9012 0123 Boxed 1234 covers = 1234 1342 2134 2341 3142 3241 4123 4231 1243 1423 2143 2413 3124 3412 4132 4312 1324 1432 2314 2431 3214 3421 4213 4321 = 24 ways to win. Sequential digits are expected for roughly every 60 draws. If there have been no Sequential draws in the last 50 draws start playing them Box. Look back a hundred draws to make sure there wasn't a flurry of Sequential digit draws to be made up for by a longer stretch of no Sequential draws.Money Management
Playing Pick-3/4 can get very expensive very quickly if you don't control your play. Many games are drawn twice a day. Just a dollar on Pick-3 and Pick-4 twice a day is $120.00 a month. As you can see from the wheels, it's easy to spend $4.00, $10.00, $20.00 or $35.00 per draw playing Straight/Box. The first thing to ask yourself is, "Why am I playing this game?" "Is there an amount I need to win for a specific purpose?" or "Am I looking to supplement my income?" Maybe your target is $500.00 a month, that's Pick-3. Maybe your target is $5000.00 for a downpayment on a car or house or a super nice vaction, that's Pick-4. Maybe your target is $10,000.00 to $60,000.00, that can be accomplished by buying multiples of the same winning number. You've no doubt seen the ads. "Start with only $30.00 and win up to a quarter of a million playing Pick-3 Box we will show you how." The system assumes a .50 win within the first 30 days and relies on doubling the amount played after each win. If the wins exceed the amount necessary for the system to continue you can "Write yourself a paycheck!" Hard to imagine anyone walking up to the lottery counter with $3,125.00 to drop on a lottery number, but wait, the system has you playing more than one number so double, triple, five or ten times that final amount to win the $250,000.00 even if it is money you won it's too much to lose. Funny thing is, when you buy a money management system it doesn't tell you how to win, for that you have to buy another system. This way they can guarantee the doubling system because it's all straight math. Like a fairy tale where the hero asks for his reward to be one tiny little thing like a grain of rice doubled every day for 30 days and on the final day he gets every grain in the empire. In the real world Money Management is a little different. First: If possible set a target, an amount you need to win. Many players win what they need, but ultimately lose because they got greedy and went past their target. Second: Set a budget you will not exceed. If you will run out of money before the end of the month stop playing or play less or every other day. Third: Use the envelope system. Say your budget for Pick-3 is $250.00 a month (remember $1. Straight/Box pays $290.00 so a single win restores equilibrium.) Put $250.00 in an envelope and use only that money for Pick-3. Any winnings go into a second envelope for next month. At the end of the month see what's in the second envelope. If more than $250.00 you won and the difference is your pay check, if less you lost and will have to make up the difference out of pocket. Fourth: When winnings regularly exceed budget, you may consider increasing the budget and start placing more on your better numbers to reach your targeted win amount. Fifth: Don't throw good money after bad. Never increase your play trying to cover losses, that's a loser's game that rarely ever works out. If you knew how to win you wouldn't be losing. Accept losses as the cost of learning so you can make up the difference when you know what you're doing. Sixth: Know when to walk away. Some people tell me they can see a number coming like a train down the tracks. The whole idea of systems, why we do workouts by hand instead of trusting our luck to a computer program (by a guy who doesn't know how to win himself or he never would have released it;-) is to train the brain to spot patterns we weren't seeing previously. If you really really tried and still keep losing switch to a different hobby.Pick-3 Prediction Services
With over 70 Pick-3 draws per day and only 210 Boxed numbers any service giving out ten or more numbers has 700+ chances to win per day, 4200+ per week. No matter how they selected their numbers, they will have many wins per week. The problem is the wins per state vs. cost to play will not work out to a profit for everyone and those states that show a profit will keep changing. Serious prediction for all states is beyond the capability of any predictor necessitating a static mechanical or computerized system of "when this, do that" or even worse randomization. The more the bragging without a table of wins and losses over time the faster you should run. In my opinion, search for a predictor doing only a few states working by hand and winning. All too often they try to expand and lose the intuition they had for tracking numbers they'd grown familar with.POWER TRAILS FOR PICK-3/4
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:43:48 PM
If you enjoy the excitement of playing Pick-3 and Pick-4 Lottery Games, you will want to add Power Trails to your bag of tricks. Experienced Lottery players always play several systems at the same time, playing most on paper and one in actuality. Victory shifts from system to system and one needs to know which is strengthening and which is fading away. Popularity of Pick-3/4 is due to the comparatively low odds and high payoff. In Lotto, the prize for three correct numbers varies from nothing, a free ticket or $3.50 to $5.00. In Lottery's Pick-3 boxed, three correct numbers pays $40.00 for 50 cents and if picked straight, in the same order as drawn, pays $250.00 for 50 cents. If played Straight and Boxed for $1.00 the total prize would be $290.00. In Pick-4 boxed, four correct numbers in any order, pays $100.00 for 50 cents and if picked straight, in the same order as drawn, pays $2,500.00 for 50 cents. If played Straight/Boxed for $1.00 the total prize would be $2,600.00 In most states, the prizes are fixed at these amounts per play. A few less sporting states are pari-mutuel, which means they lower the prize value if many people win with the same number. The best way to deal with Daily Number games is to work with the numbers being drawn now. This means using a spread of recent drawing history from as few as six to as many as eighteen past drawings. Count up how often each individual digit has been drawn within the spread of History you choose to work with. Write how many times each digit has been drawn next to that digit and arrange them in order of which has won most often. If two or more digits have each hit the same number of times, put the oldest of them, first. Last Seven Drawings from Oldest to Newest ... Examples from FL PICK-3 09/01/94 to 09/07/94 08/29/1994 9-4-0 08/30/1994 3-5-8 08/31/1994 2-9-4 09/01/1994 7-7-3 09/02/1994 6-0-8 09/03/1994 0-6-7 09/04/1994 6-3-8 09/05/1994 0-2-3 09/06/1994 1-7-5 09/07/1994 3-5-3 Drawn Digits 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Times Drawn 3-1-1-5-0-2-3-4-2-0 Convert to digits in order of most winning draws. Letter Code A B C D E F G H I J Drawn Digits 3-7-6-0-8-5-2-1-9-4 Times Drawn 5-4-3-3-2-2-1-1-0-0 POWER POWER TRAILS TRAILS A 3 / \ / \ B C 7 6 / \ / \ / \ / \ D E F 0 8 5 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ G H I J 2 1 9 4 SUGGESTED SETS PICK-3 SUGGESTED SETS PICK-4 LETTER CODE = #'S LETTER CODE = #'S A-B-D = 3-7-0 A-B-D-G = 3-7-6-5 A-C-F = 3-6-5 A-C-F-J = 3-8-1-4 B-D-G = 7-0-2 A-B-E-I = 3-7-0-9 B-E-I = 7-8-9* A-C-E-H = 3-8-0-2 C-E-H = 6-8-1 *The Winning FL PICK-3 Number C-F-J = 6-5-4 For 09/08/94 was 9-8-7 = B-E-I POWER TRAILS takes you on a Semi-Random Power Walk through the rated history you select. POWER TRAILS gives extra weight to the strongest digits, while playing all digits at least once. While no system can guarantee a win, a good system can improve your chances, over a range of drawings. POWER TRAILS PART TWO by Robert Perkis "Power Trails" is a simple effective lottery system for the Pick-3 and 4 games. When the article I authored appeared in the April 1995 issue of LottoWorld magazine Volume 3 No.4, I received a number of messages thanking me with comments and suggestions. The original "Power Trails" suggested working with a week's worth of past drawings. Count the number of times each digit was drawn and listing them in their ranked order under the letters A - J. In the case where digits are drawn the same number of times, put the oldest drawn first. Replace the letters with their corresponding numbers on the chart below and play the resulting patterns. A PICK-3 PICK-4 / \ A-B-D A-B-D-G B C A-C-F A-C-F-J / \ / \ B-D-G A-B-E-I D E F B-E-I A-C-E-H / \ / \ / \ C-E-H G H I J C-F-J Pick-3 and 4 lottery players suggested you watch for the opportunity to try the following. Instead of counting up the digits daily, do it once a week and play the same sets for seven days. Use more than seven past games, try 10, 14 or 21 days for the count up. In the case where two or more digits were drawn the same numbers of times, instead of putting the oldest first, try the newest first. In several games, players won more often with the digits run through the "Power Trails" chart in reversed order. Using A for the coldest digit instead of the Hottest. There has also been a number of hits found in the smaller triangles found within the larger. ie. A-B-C, B-D-E, B-C-E, C-E-F, D-G-H, D-H-E, E-H-I, E-I-F and F-I-J. Watch what happens in your game and adjust your method of play accordingly. Pick-3 games often run 15, 30, 45 even 60 days where one method is best, then reverse themselves so that which was Hot becomes the new Cold, etc. Good fishing spots become "fished out," keep watching for new ones to develop. Triples, ie. 7-7-7 are often a signal patterns are about to change. These are days when it may be better not to play at all. Money saved is just as good as money won and could change you from a break even player to a profit player. Good Luck to you. Lotto-Logix Tip of the hat to Larry G. and Rick G. of fame for the following addition . . . Posted by LARRY G. on Feb-15-02 6:04pm THIS VERISON WAS MY MODIFIED VERSION...THE ORG. VER LINK IS PROVIDED TO ASSURE THE AUTHOR HIS DUE CREDIT...! IF YOU LIVE IN A STATE WHERE YOU CAN PLAY FRONT PAIR,BACK PAIR, SPLIT PAIR THIS IS THE SYSTEM FOR YOU. I use a number of different systems... we will do this one together. I like this one because you will be using all 10 numbers. A lot of times it will give you a long-shot number straight. I would say this system will give you a hit once every 7 to 10 days. Front pair & Back pair frequently. The system: A B C D E F G H I J The letters above represent the order we will place our numbers under. Looking atYOUR STATES graph page you will determine which numbers are hot...from the hottest to the coldest. If you really get into it backwards. For now I will assign numbers to the above Letters. A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J 3 2 4 6 8 9 5 7 1 0 FROM HOT TO COLD. YESTERDAYS EXAMPLE: 9 5 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 1 0 9 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 1 ABD ABE ABG ABI ACJ ACE ACF ACH BDG BEH CEI CFJ NOW UNDER THE LETTERS ABOVE YOU WILL PLACE YOUR NUMBERS ABD =326 953 093 ABE =328 954 096 ABG =325 950 094 ABI =321 958 098 ACJ =340 921 021 ACE =348 924 026 ACF =349 926 025 ACH =347 927 027 BDG =265 530 934 BEH =287 547 967 X CEI =481 248 268 CFJ =490 261 250 BEI =281 548 968 CEH =487 247 267 Test number 2.. assign numbers to the following: ABD..ACF..BDG..BEI..CEH..CFJ LARRY G.[GENIUS] P.S. LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL THERE IS MORE BACK-GROUND INFORMATION.{THANKS} Posted by Rick G. on Feb-16-02 12:52pm As LARRY G. mentioned, I have dabbled with Power Trails before and want to pass on a couple of observations I made. It's a great system and I would recommend it to anyone. It gets a lot of straight hits. Like LARRY G., I found a short history works best. I was using 12 draws. The most productive 'letters' were in the following formats: For 2 picks: ABC-CDE For 5 picks: ABC-ABD-ACD-BCD-CDE For 10 picks, box A-C-D-E-H or A-B-C-D-E For 20 picks, box A-C-D-E-H-J When arranging my A through J, I went from hottest to coldest, ties going to least recently played. I found the letter 'H' to come in most often. I hope this helps a Power Trail player somewhere!
Pick-3 Dojo II
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:39:01 PM
Welcome to the Pick-3 Dojo anything goes school of the lottery arts. Relax, enjoy a cup of green tea as I tell you how to win. Beginning at the beginning . . . Recently a lottery friend sent me a "Hi Bob what do you think of this . . ." copy of the classic system, "If You Can Pick One Number You Can Win Lotto." Looking over the ad copy and system I was surprised to see the ad failed to mention exactly what lottery game was to be won, exactly what "winning" meant, failed to correctly provide the cost of playing the system and exaggerated the amount you could expect to win. Lotto is Pick-6. The system turned out to be for Pick-3. By number they meant one of the three digits. Winning was defined as a "box" win. The advertised cost to play was wrong because the system outrageously began its instructions by saying the system ignores the possibility of Doubles and Triples. Ignoring Doubles and Triples makes the entire money management section useless like a Roulette system that ignores Zeros and Double Zeros! There is no way the guarantee works ignoring Doubles and Triples and no way you can double the amount played ten times as advised without hitting a Double or Triple draw that knocks you out of the running. Holding such obvious rubbish in my hands wasn't just amusing, it was downright annoying. Then and there I decided to make this system work the way it was claimed, to make it better and to make it available to all who need it. If you're thinking such a system should consist of all the possible pairings of the remaining nine "digits" against your "pick" you are correct. To begin with, we need to cover how Pick-3 plays so we're all on the same page. Unless you live in a pari-mutuel state where payouts vary a mite you can expect . . .
Payout in Dollars Descriptions of Bet Types If You Play You Win
OnPayout $.50 Bet $1 Bet $2 Bet $3 Bet $4 Bet $5 Bet Play it Straight
any 3 digits529 529
Only exact match wins500 to 1 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Play it Boxed AD
any 3 digits529 529, 592, 295, 259, 925, 952 80 to 1 40 80 160 240 320 400 Play it Boxed DBL
2 digits the same559 559, 595, 955 160 to 1 80 160 320 480 640 800 Play AD Straight/Box
any 3 digits529 529, 592, 295, 259, 925, 952 500 to 1
and 166.67 to 1None 290 or 40 580 or 80 870 or 120 1,160 or 160 1,450 or 200 Play DBL Straight/Box
2 digits the same559 559, 595, 955 500 to 1 and 333.33 to 1 None 330 or 80 660 or 160 990 or 240 1,320 or 320 1,650 or 400
There are exactly 1,000 three number combinations in the Pick-3 lottery. They break down into the following groups. All Different: 720, Straight 720, Boxed 120, Percent 72% Doubles: 270, Straight 270, Boxed 90, Percent 27% Triples: 10, Straight only 10, Percent 1% All Different combinations should appear in 72% of the draws or "7" Seven times in ten draws. Doubles should average approximately "3" Three times in ten draws. Triples should average "1" One time in one hundred draws, the best time to play Triples is when they have been overdue for some time without a cluster of hits behind them in the history. A simple chart showing the digits hitting each day can be very useful for determining when they are due to hit again. Four charts should be constructed with one showing the three digits hits on one chart, the other three showing the individual hits positionally. 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10 out to 31 days of the month. 0 X 1 X 2 X 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 You should find a digit from the previous draw will repeat into the next draw 80% to 85% of the time. You should have some understanding of how your State's Pick-3 Lottery game is played, how bet slips are marked, etc. before trying any system. So what can we do for you? If you can pick just one digit, just one of the three digits that will be drawn in your Pick-3 game, we can provide you with the combinations necessary to 100% Guarantee you a box win! Remember, the lottery draws three digits out of ten, the odds of having a match are only 1 in 3.33 picking randomly. We did all the hard work! If you are an experienced player, the combinations are broken out so you can choose to play all the box combinations or only the All Different, or only the Doubles. Furthermore, we break out the combinations so if you can pick just one digit you can win Straight!!! And then some, for the professional Pick-3 player, we break out the combinations in such a way to allow you to pick and play your number Positionally as Straight, Box or Straight/Box!!! Playing Positionally Straight/Box is a form of insurance play. It costs 2/3rds less to play than Straight in any order and pays enough if you miss the Straight portion and win the Boxed to make profit on a Double or cuts your loss by 2/3rds with an All Different win. The original system covered only Box play and sold for between $15.00 and $20.00, here it is free with the fix upgrade for Doubles and Triples broken out for you. ************ If you can select one of the three digits that will be drawn in your Pick-3 Daily Numbers game the combinations below for that 0-9 digit 100% guarantee a Box win will be found among them. If you pick one winning digit and Box play its respective combinations, you can't lose. When your selected digit is "0" Zero play . . . A-A-A 0-0-0 A-A-B 0-0-1 0-0-2 0-0-3 0-0-4 0-0-5 0-0-6 0-0-7 0-0-8 0-0-9 A-B-B 0-1-1 0-2-2 0-3-3 0-4-4 0-5-5 0-6-6 0-7-7 0-8-8 0-9-9 A-B-C 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 0-1-5 0-1-6 0-1-7 0-1-8 0-1-9 0-2-3 0-2-4 0-2-5 0-2-6 0-2-7 0-2-8 0-2-9 0-3-4 0-3-5 0-3-6 0-3-7 0-3-8 0-3-9 0-4-5 0-4-6 0-4-7 0-4-8 0-4-9 0-5-6 0-5-7 0-5-8 0-5-9 0-6-7 0-6-8 0-6-9 0-7-8 0-7-9 0-8-9 When your selected digit is "1" One play . . . A-A-A 1-1-1 A-A-B 1-1-0 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-1-4 1-1-5 1-1-6 1-1-7 1-1-8 1-1-9 A-B-B 1-0-0 1-2-2 1-3-3 1-4-4 1-5-5 1-6-6 1-7-7 1-8-8 1-9-9 A-B-C 1-0-2 1-0-3 1-0-4 1-0-5 1-0-6 1-0-7 1-0-8 1-0-9 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-5 1-2-6 1-2-7 1-2-8 1-2-9 1-3-4 1-3-5 1-3-6 1-3-7 1-3-8 1-3-9 1-4-5 1-4-6 1-4-7 1-4-8 1-4-9 1-5-6 1-5-7 1-5-8 1-5-9 1-6-7 1-6-8 1-6-9 1-7-8 1-7-9 1-8-9 When your selected digit is "2" Two play . . . A-A-A 2-2-2 A-A-B 2-2-0 2-2-1 2-2-3 2-2-4 2-2-5 2-2-6 2-2-7 2-2-8 2-2-9 A-B-B 2-0-0 2-1-1 2-3-3 2-4-4 2-5-5 2-6-6 2-7-7 2-8-8 2-9-9 A-B-C 2-0-1 2-0-3 2-0-4 2-0-5 2-0-6 2-0-7 2-0-8 2-0-9 2-1-3 2-1-4 2-1-5 2-1-6 2-1-7 2-1-8 2-1-9 2-3-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 2-3-8 2-3-9 2-4-5 2-4-6 2-4-7 2-4-8 2-4-9 2-5-6 2-5-7 2-5-8 2-5-9 2-6-7 2-6-8 2-6-9 2-7-8 2-7-9 2-8-9 When your selected digit is "3" Three play . . . A-A-A 3-3-3 A-A-B 3-3-0 3-3-1 3-3-2 3-3-4 3-3-5 3-3-6 3-3-7 3-3-8 3-3-9 A-B-B 3-0-0 3-1-1 3-2-2 3-4-4 3-5-5 3-6-6 3-7-7 3-8-8 3-9-9 A-B-C 3-0-1 3-0-2 3-0-4 3-0-5 3-0-6 3-0-7 3-0-8 3-0-9 3-1-2 3-1-4 3-1-5 3-1-6 3-1-7 3-1-8 3-1-9 3-2-4 3-2-5 3-2-6 3-2-7 3-2-8 3-2-9 3-4-5 3-4-6 3-4-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 3-5-6 3-5-7 3-5-8 3-5-9 3-6-7 3-6-8 3-6-9 3-7-8 3-7-9 3-8-9 When your selected digit is "4" Four play . . . A-A-A 4-4-4 A-A-B 4-4-0 4-4-1 4-4-2 4-4-3 4-4-5 4-4-6 4-4-7 4-4-8 4-4-9 A-B-B 4-0-0 4-1-1 4-2-2 4-3-3 4-5-5 4-6-6 4-7-7 4-8-8 4-9-9 A-B-C 4-0-1 4-0-2 4-0-3 4-0-5 4-0-6 4-0-7 4-0-8 4-0-9 4-1-2 4-1-3 4-1-5 4-1-6 4-1-7 4-1-8 4-1-9 4-2-3 4-2-5 4-2-6 4-2-7 4-2-8 4-2-9 4-3-5 4-3-6 4-3-7 4-3-8 4-3-9 4-5-6 4-5-7 4-5-8 4-5-9 4-6-7 4-6-8 4-6-9 4-7-8 4-7-9 4-8-9 When your selected digit is "5" Five play . . . A-A-A 5-5-5 A-A-B 5-5-0 5-5-1 5-5-2 5-5-3 5-5-4 5-5-6 5-5-7 5-5-8 5-5-9 A-B-B 5-0-0 5-1-1 5-2-2 5-3-3 5-4-4 5-6-6 5-7-7 5-8-8 5-9-9 A-B-C 5-0-1 5-0-2 5-0-3 5-0-4 5-0-6 5-0-7 5-0-8 5-0-9 5-1-2 5-1-3 5-1-4 5-1-6 5-1-7 5-1-8 5-1-9 5-2-3 5-2-4 5-2-6 5-2-7 5-2-8 5-2-9 5-3-4 5-3-6 5-3-7 5-3-8 5-3-9 5-4-6 5-4-7 5-4-8 5-4-9 5-6-7 5-6-8 5-6-9 5-7-8 5-7-9 5-8-9 When your selected digit is "6" Six play . . . A-A-A 6-6-6 A-A-B 6-6-0 6-6-1 6-6-2 6-6-3 6-6-4 6-6-5 6-6-7 6-6-8 6-6-9 A-B-B 6-0-0 6-1-1 6-2-2 6-3-3 6-4-4 6-5-5 6-7-7 6-8-8 6-9-9 A-B-C 6-0-1 6-0-2 6-0-3 6-0-4 6-0-5 6-0-7 6-0-8 6-0-9 6-1-2 6-1-3 6-1-4 6-1-5 6-1-7 6-1-8 6-1-9 6-2-3 6-2-4 6-2-5 6-2-7 6-2-8 6-2-9 6-3-4 6-3-5 6-3-7 6-3-8 6-3-9 6-4-5 6-4-7 6-4-8 6-4-9 6-5-7 6-5-8 6-5-9 6-7-8 6-7-9 6-8-9 When your selected digit is "7" Seven play . . . A-A-A 7-7-7 A-A-B 7-7-0 7-7-1 7-7-2 7-7-3 7-7-4 7-7-5 7-7-6 7-7-8 7-7-9 A-B-B 7-0-0 7-1-1 7-2-2 7-3-3 7-4-4 7-5-5 7-6-6 7-8-8 7-9-9 A-B-C 7-0-1 7-0-2 7-0-3 7-0-4 7-0-5 7-0-6 7-0-8 7-0-9 7-1-2 7-1-3 7-1-4 7-1-5 7-1-6 7-1-8 7-1-9 7-2-3 7-2-4 7-2-5 7-2-6 7-2-8 7-2-9 7-3-4 7-3-5 7-3-6 7-3-8 7-3-9 7-4-5 7-4-6 7-4-8 7-4-9 7-5-6 7-5-8 7-5-9 7-6-8 7-6-9 7-8-9 When your selected digit is "8" Eight play . . . A-A-A 8-8-8 A-A-B 8-8-0 8-8-1 8-8-2 8-8-3 8-8-4 8-8-5 8-8-6 8-8-7 8-8-9 A-B-B 8-0-0 8-1-1 8-2-2 8-3-3 8-4-4 8-5-5 8-6-6 8-7-7 8-9-9 A-B-C 8-0-1 8-0-2 8-0-3 8-0-4 8-0-5 8-0-6 8-0-7 8-0-9 8-1-2 8-1-3 8-1-4 8-1-5 8-1-6 8-1-7 8-1-9 8-2-3 8-2-4 8-2-5 8-2-6 8-2-7 8-2-9 8-3-4 8-3-5 8-3-6 8-3-7 8-3-9 8-4-5 8-4-6 8-4-7 8-4-9 8-5-6 8-5-7 8-5-9 8-6-7 8-6-9 8-7-9 When your selected digit is "9" Nine play . . . A-A-A 9-9-9 A-A-B 9-9-0 9-9-1 9-9-2 9-9-3 9-9-4 9-9-5 9-9-6 9-9-7 9-9-8 A-B-B 9-0-0 9-1-1 9-2-2 9-3-3 9-4-4 9-5-5 9-6-6 9-7-7 9-8-8 A-B-C 9-0-1 9-0-2 9-0-3 9-0-4 9-0-5 9-0-6 9-0-7 9-0-8 9-1-2 9-1-3 9-1-4 9-1-5 9-1-6 9-1-7 9-1-8 9-2-3 9-2-4 9-2-5 9-2-6 9-2-7 9-2-8 9-3-4 9-3-5 9-3-6 9-3-7 9-3-8 9-4-5 9-4-6 9-4-7 9-4-8 9-5-6 9-5-7 9-5-8 9-6-7 9-6-8 9-7-8 If the above system is worth $15.00 to $20.00 what do you suppose a system that also covers Straight, Box, Str/Box and Positional might sell for? Would $49.00? $99.00? $299.00? be fair? What if I told you it was free? Here it is . . .
One Number Wins Give us One Number and We'll Win Pick-3 For You!!! You read it right!! If you can correctly select just one of tonight's winning Pick-3 number = digits and play our combinations you are 100% guaranteed to WIN!!! And that's just the simple box system! The ten (0-9) number groups below are broken out for playing at any lotto skill level you prefer. By far the easiest method of play is Boxed where the order of the digits doesn't matter. To play your select number Boxed. Scroll down to where it says, "When your selected number is "X" play . . ." and play the lines titled: A-A-A, A-A-B, A-B-B and A-B-C, 55 combinations in all. The above covers the guarantee of one digit for a guaranteed win. However, if your playing skills are up to it you might want to extend your reach. Even in the above system you can improve your profits and increase your risk by also choosing between Doubles A-A-B and A-B-B and all Different A-B-C and of course deciding if its time to play the triple A-A-A yet. Remember the Triple must be marked as a straight play if you don't want to get "that look" from the terminal operator. To play your select number straight. Scroll down to where it says, "When your selected digit is "X" play . . ." and play the ALL the lines titled. A-A-A, A-A-B, A-B-A, B-A-A, A-B-B, B-A-B, B-B-A, A-B-C, A-C-B, B-A-C, C-A-B, B-C-A, C-B-A. 271 combinations in all. To play your select digit Positionally. Scroll down to where it says, "When your selected digit is "X" play . . ." and noting "A" is always your selected digit, only play the combinations where "A" is in your favored position, play two of the six groups of all Different, one or two of each Double where the "A" is in your position and of course the Triple. 100 combinations in all. You can play Positionally Straight/Boxed, Boxed or Straight. Straight/Box is an insurance play because if you miss the Straight hit and make the Boxed, the All Different will come close $80.00 to breaking even and the Double box $160.00 will provide a tidy profit. Money Management Never use your own funds to play more than the minimum amount. When you win, use the winnings to double the next play. As Doubles pay double use those winnings to make up the difference to double up after all Different combinations win. In other words, you play 55 combinations and win either $80 or $160 to double the next play you need 55+55 or you can use half plays 55+27.50 so if your win was on all Different for $80.00 you need to take from pocket or kitty another $30.00 or $2.50 to increase the next play. If the win was a double for $160.00 you are covered and can put the difference in the kitty for when all Different comes up again and you need to dip into the kitty to make up the difference. Some money management systems have you playing a thousand dollars on each combination boxed. What you really want to do is build up your skills and kitty until you can use this system to play Straight Positionally with no more than $10.00 on a number (win that, pocket at least half before starting again). I don't pretend to offer tax advice. I've been told it may be better to mark play slips so the wins can be cashed in independently below the taxable rate $600.00 at different lottery terminals, rather than combined where you would be paid by check and taxed. Don't confuse this with advice to avoid taxes, it is simply a means to put off till tax day totally the paying of wins and deducting of losses because you should only have to pay taxes on profits. Again, please don't take this as legal tax advice I'm not qualified in this area. It is always good advice to save all losing tickets and maintain a day by day play diary of numbers and amounts played, wins and losses. While it is possible to write yourself a lottery pay check using this system and money management to build your winning profits to a quarter of a million or more playing numbers straight by their positions, think how much you would have to hand the clerk at the Quickie Mart per number and how many Quickie Marts you would have to visit to play and collect. Moderation is always a good bet, stop when you have what you need.
And Now Here's The Pick-3 Straight System
When your selected digit is "0" Zero play . . . A-A-A 0-0-0 A-A-B 0-0-1 0-0-2 0-0-3 0-0-4 0-0-5 0-0-6 0-0-7 0-0-8 0-0-9 A-B-A 0-1-0 0-2-0 0-3-0 0-4-0 0-5-0 0-6-0 0-7-0 0-8-0 0-9-0 B-A-A 1-0-0 2-0-0 3-0-0 4-0-0 5-0-0 6-0-0 7-0-0 8-0-0 9-0-0 A-B-B 0-1-1 0-2-2 0-3-3 0-4-4 0-5-5 0-6-6 0-7-7 0-8-8 0-9-9 B-A-B 1-0-1 2-0-2 3-0-3 4-0-4 5-0-5 6-0-6 7-0-7 8-0-8 9-0-9 B-B-A 1-1-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 4-4-0 5-5-0 6-6-0 7-7-0 8-8-0 9-9-0 A-B-C 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 0-1-5 0-1-6 0-1-7 0-1-8 0-1-9 0-2-3 0-2-4 0-2-5 0-2-6 0-2-7 0-2-8 0-2-9 0-3-4 0-3-5 0-3-6 0-3-7 0-3-8 0-3-9 0-4-5 0-4-6 0-4-7 0-4-8 0-4-9 0-5-6 0-5-7 0-5-8 0-5-9 0-6-7 0-6-8 0-6-9 0-7-8 0-7-9 0-8-9 A-C-B 0-2-1 0-3-1 0-4-1 0-5-1 0-6-1 0-7-1 0-8-1 0-9-1 0-3-2 0-4-2 0-5-2 0-6-2 0-7-2 0-8-2 0-9-2 0-4-3 0-5-3 0-6-3 0-7-3 0-8-3 0-9-3 0-5-4 0-6-4 0-7-4 0-8-4 0-9-4 0-6-5 0-7-5 0-8-5 0-9-5 0-7-6 0-8-6 0-9-6 0-8-7 0-9-7 0-9-8 B-A-C 1-0-2 1-0-3 1-0-4 1-0-5 1-0-6 1-0-7 1-0-8 1-0-9 2-0-3 2-0-4 2-0-5 2-0-6 2-0-7 2-0-8 2-0-9 3-0-4 3-0-5 3-0-6 3-0-7 3-0-8 3-0-9 4-0-5 4-0-6 4-0-7 4-0-8 4-0-9 5-0-6 5-0-7 5-0-8 5-0-9 6-0-7 6-0-8 6-0-9 7-0-8 7-0-9 8-0-9 C-A-B 2-0-1 3-0-1 4-0-1 5-0-1 6-0-1 7-0-1 8-0-1 9-0-1 3-0-2 4-0-2 5-0-2 6-0-2 7-0-2 8-0-2 9-0-2 4-0-3 5-0-3 6-0-3 7-0-3 8-0-3 9-0-3 5-0-4 6-0-4 7-0-4 8-0-4 9-0-4 6-0-5 7-0-5 8-0-5 9-0-5 7-0-6 8-0-6 9-0-6 8-0-7 9-0-7 9-0-8 B-C-A 1-2-0 1-3-0 1-4-0 1-5-0 1-6-0 1-7-0 1-8-0 1-9-0 2-3-0 2-4-0 2-5-0 2-6-0 2-7-0 2-8-0 2-9-0 3-4-0 3-5-0 3-6-0 3-7-0 3-8-0 3-9-0 4-5-0 4-6-0 4-7-0 4-8-0 4-9-0 5-6-0 5-7-0 5-8-0 5-9-0 6-7-0 6-8-0 6-9-0 7-8-0 7-9-0 8-9-0 C-B-A 2-1-0 3-1-0 4-1-0 5-1-0 6-1-0 7-1-0 8-1-0 9-1-0 3-2-0 4-2-0 5-2-0 6-2-0 7-2-0 8-2-0 9-2-0 4-3-0 5-3-0 6-3-0 7-3-0 8-3-0 9-3-0 5-4-0 6-4-0 7-4-0 8-4-0 9-4-0 6-5-0 7-5-0 8-5-0 9-5-0 7-6-0 8-6-0 9-6-0 8-7-0 9-7-0 9-8-0 When your selected digit is "1" One play . . . A-A-A 1-1-1 A-A-B 1-1-0 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-1-4 1-1-5 1-1-6 1-1-7 1-1-8 1-1-9 A-B-A 1-0-1 1-2-1 1-3-1 1-4-1 1-5-1 1-6-1 1-7-1 1-8-1 1-9-1 B-A-A 0-1-1 2-1-1 3-1-1 4-1-1 5-1-1 6-1-1 7-1-1 8-1-1 9-1-1 A-B-B 1-0-0 1-2-2 1-3-3 1-4-4 1-5-5 1-6-6 1-7-7 1-8-8 1-9-9 B-A-B 0-1-0 2-1-2 3-1-3 4-1-4 5-1-5 6-1-6 7-1-7 8-1-8 9-1-9 B-B-A 0-0-1 2-2-1 3-3-1 4-4-1 5-5-1 6-6-1 7-7-1 8-8-1 9-9-1 A-B-C 1-0-2 1-0-3 1-0-4 1-0-5 1-0-6 1-0-7 1-0-8 1-0-9 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-5 1-2-6 1-2-7 1-2-8 1-2-9 1-3-4 1-3-5 1-3-6 1-3-7 1-3-8 1-3-9 1-4-5 1-4-6 1-4-7 1-4-8 1-4-9 1-5-6 1-5-7 1-5-8 1-5-9 1-6-7 1-6-8 1-6-9 1-7-8 1-7-9 1-8-9 A-C-B 1-2-0 1-3-0 1-4-0 1-5-0 1-6-0 1-7-0 1-8-0 1-9-0 1-3-2 1-4-2 1-5-2 1-6-2 1-7-2 1-8-2 1-9-2 1-4-3 1-5-3 1-6-3 1-7-3 1-8-3 1-9-3 1-5-4 1-6-4 1-7-4 1-8-4 1-9-4 1-6-5 1-7-5 1-8-5 1-9-5 1-7-6 1-8-6 1-9-6 1-8-7 1-9-7 1-9-8 B-A-C 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 0-1-5 0-1-6 0-1-7 0-1-8 0-1-9 2-1-3 2-1-4 2-1-5 2-1-6 2-1-7 2-1-8 2-1-9 3-1-4 3-1-5 3-1-6 3-1-7 3-1-8 3-1-9 4-1-5 4-1-6 4-1-7 4-1-8 4-1-9 5-1-6 5-1-7 5-1-8 5-1-9 6-1-7 6-1-8 6-1-9 7-1-8 7-1-9 8-1-9 C-A-B 2-1-0 3-1-0 4-1-0 5-1-0 6-1-0 7-1-0 8-1-0 9-1-0 3-1-2 4-1-2 5-1-2 6-1-2 7-1-2 8-1-2 9-1-2 4-1-3 5-1-3 6-1-3 7-1-3 8-1-3 9-1-3 5-1-4 6-1-4 7-1-4 8-1-4 9-1-4 6-1-5 7-1-5 8-1-5 9-1-5 7-1-6 8-1-6 9-1-6 8-1-7 9-1-7 9-1-8 B-C-A 0-2-1 0-3-1 0-4-1 0-5-1 0-6-1 0-7-1 0-8-1 0-9-1 2-3-1 2-4-1 2-5-1 2-6-1 2-7-1 2-8-1 2-9-1 3-4-1 3-5-1 3-6-1 3-7-1 3-8-1 3-9-1 4-5-1 4-6-1 4-7-1 4-8-1 4-9-1 5-6-1 5-7-1 5-8-1 5-9-1 6-7-1 6-8-1 6-9-1 7-8-1 7-9-1 8-9-1 C-B-A 2-0-1 3-0-1 4-0-1 5-0-1 6-0-1 7-0-1 8-0-1 9-0-1 3-2-1 4-2-1 5-2-1 6-2-1 7-2-1 8-2-1 9-2-1 4-3-1 5-3-1 6-3-1 7-3-1 8-3-1 9-3-1 5-4-1 6-4-1 7-4-1 8-4-1 9-4-1 6-5-1 7-5-1 8-5-1 9-5-1 7-6-1-8-6-1 9-6-1 8-7-1 9-7-1 9-8-1 When your selected digit is "2" Two play . . . A-A-A 2-2-2 A-A-B 2-2-0 2-2-1 2-2-3 2-2-4 2-2-5 2-2-6 2-2-7 2-2-8 2-2-9 A-B-A 2-0-2 2-1-2 2-3-2 2-4-2 2-5-2 2-6-2 2-7-2 2-8-2 2-9-2 B-A-A 0-2-2 1-2-2 3-2-2 4-2-2 5-2-2 6-2-2 7-2-2 8-2-2 9-2-2 A-B-B 2-0-0 2-1-1 2-3-3 2-4-4 2-5-5 2-6-6 2-7-7 2-8-8 2-9-9 B-A-B 0-2-0 1-2-1 3-2-3 4-2-4 5-2-5 6-2-6 7-2-7 8-2-8 9-2-9 B-B-A 0-0-2 1-1-2 3-3-2 4-4-2 5-5-2 6-6-2 7-7-2 8-8-2 9-9-2 A-B-C 2-0-1 2-0-3 2-0-4 2-0-5 2-0-6 2-0-7 2-0-8 2-0-9 2-1-3 2-1-4 2-1-5 2-1-6 2-1-7 2-1-8 2-1-9 2-3-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 2-3-8 2-3-9 2-4-5 2-4-6 2-4-7 2-4-8 2-4-9 2-5-6 2-5-7 2-5-8 2-5-9 2-6-7 2-6-8 2-6-9 2-7-8 2-7-9 2-8-9 A-C-B 2-1-0 2-3-0 2-4-0 2-5-0 2-6-0 2-7-0 2-8-0 2-9-0 2-3-1 2-4-1 2-5-1 2-6-1 2-7-1 2-8-1 2-9-1 2-4-3 2-5-3 2-6-3 2-7-3 2-8-3 2-9-3 2-5-4 2-6-4 2-7-4 2-8-4 2-9-4 2-6-5 2-7-5 2-8-5 2-9-5 2-7-6 2-8-6 2-9-6 2-8-7 2-9-7 2-9-8 B-A-C 0-2-1 0-2-3 0-2-4 0-2-5 0-2-6 0-2-7 0-2-8 0-2-9 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-5 1-2-6 1-2-7 1-2-8 1-2-9 3-2-4 3-2-5 3-2-6 3-2-7 3-2-8 3-2-9 4-2-5 4-2-6 4-2-7 4-2-8 4-2-9 5-2-6 5-2-7 5-2-8 5-2-9 6-2-7 6-2-8 6-2-9 7-2-8 7-2-9 8-2-9 C-A-B 1-2-0 3-2-0 4-2-0 5-2-0 6-2-0 7-2-0 8-2-0 9-2-0 3-2-1 4-2-1 5-2-1 6-2-1 7-2-1 8-2-1 9-2-1 4-2-3 5-2-3 6-2-3 7-2-3 8-2-3 9-2-3 5-2-4 6-2-4 7-2-4 8-2-4 9-2-4 6-2-5 7-2-5 8-2-5 9-2-5 7-2-6 8-2-6 9-2-6 8-2-7 9-2-7 9-2-8 B-C-A 0-1-2 0-3-2 0-4-2 0-5-2 0-6-2 0-7-2 0-8-2 0-9-2 1-3-2 1-4-2 1-5-2 1-6-2 1-7-2 1-8-2 1-9-2 3-4-2 3-5-2 3-6-2 3-7-2 3-8-2 3-9-2 4-5-2 4-6-2 4-7-2 4-8-2 4-9-2 5-6-2 5-7-2 5-8-2 5-9-2 6-7-2 6-8-2 6-9-2 7-8-2 7-9-2 8-9-2 C-B-A 1-0-2 3-0-2 4-0-2 5-0-2 6-0-2 7-0-2 8-0-2 9-0-2 3-1-2 4-1-2 5-1-2 6-1-2 7-1-2 8-1-2 9-1-2 4-3-2 5-3-2 6-3-2 7-3-2 8-3-2 9-3-2 5-4-2 6-4-2 7-4-2 8-4-2 9-4-2 6-5-2 7-5-2 8-5-2 9-5-2 7-6-2 8-6-2 9-6-2 8-7-2 9-7-2 9-8-2 When your selected digit is "3" Three play . . . A-A-A 3-3-3 A-A-B 3-3-0 3-3-1 3-3-2 3-3-4 3-3-5 3-3-6 3-3-7 3-3-8 3-3-9 A-B-A 3-0-3 3-1-3 3-2-3 3-4-3 3-5-3 3-6-3 3-7-3 3-8-3 3-9-3 B-A-A 0-3-3 1-3-3 2-3-3 4-3-3 5-3-3 6-3-3 7-3-3 8-3-3 9-3-3 A-B-B 3-0-0 3-1-1 3-2-2 3-4-4 3-5-5 3-6-6 3-7-7 3-8-8 3-9-9 B-A-B 0-3-0 1-3-1 2-3-2 4-3-4 5-3-5 6-3-6 7-3-7 8-3-8 9-3-9 B-B-A 0-0-3 1-1-3 2-2-3 4-4-3 5-5-3 6-6-3 7-7-3 8-8-3 9-9-3 A-B-C 3-0-1 3-0-2 3-0-4 3-0-5 3-0-6 3-0-7 3-0-8 3-0-9 3-1-2 3-1-4 3-1-5 3-1-6 3-1-7 3-1-8 3-1-9 3-2-4 3-2-5 3-2-6 3-2-7 3-2-8 3-2-9 3-4-5 3-4-6 3-4-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 3-5-6 3-5-7 3-5-8 3-5-9 3-6-7 3-6-8 3-6-9 3-7-8 3-7-9 3-8-9 A-C-B 3-1-0 3-2-0 3-4-0 3-5-0 3-6-0 3-7-0 3-8-0 3-9-0 3-2-1 3-4-1 3-5-1 3-6-1 3-7-1 3-8-1 3-9-1 3-4-2 3-5-2 3-6-2 3-7-2 3-8-2 3-9-2 3-5-4 3-6-4 3-7-4 3-8-4 3-9-4 3-6-5 3-7-5 3-8-5 3-9-5 3-7-6 3-8-6 3-9-6 3-8-7 3-9-7 3-9-8 B-A-C 0-3-1 0-3-2 0-3-4 0-3-5 0-3-6 0-3-7 0-3-8 0-3-9 1-3-2 1-3-4 1-3-5 1-3-6 1-3-7 1-3-8 1-3-9 2-3-4 2-3-5 2-3-6 2-3-7 2-3-8 2-3-9 4-3-5 4-3-6 4-3-7 4-3-8 4-3-9 5-3-6 5-3-7 5-3-8 5-3-9 6-3-7 6-3-8 6-3-9 7-3-8 7-3-9 8-3-9 C-A-B 1-3-0 2-3-0 4-3-0 5-3-0 6-3-0 7-3-0 8-3-0 9-3-0 2-3-1 4-3-1 5-3-1 6-3-1 7-3-1 8-3-1 9-3-1 4-3-2 5-3-2 6-3-2 7-3-2 8-3-2 9-3-2 5-3-4 6-3-4 7-3-4 8-3-4 9-3-4 6-3-5 7-3-5 8-3-5 9-3-5 7-3-6 8-3-6 9-3-6 8-3-7 9-3-7 9-3-8 B-C-A 0-1-3 0-2-3 0-4-3 0-5-3 0-6-3 0-7-3 0-8-3 0-9-3 1-2-3 1-4-3 1-5-3 1-6-3 1-7-3 1-8-3 1-9-3 2-4-3 2-5-3 2-6-3 2-7-3 2-8-3 2-9-3 4-5-3 4-6-3 4-7-3 4-8-3 4-9-3 5-6-3 5-7-3 5-8-3 5-9-3 6-7-3 6-8-3 6-9-3 7-8-3 7-9-3 8-9-3 C-B-A 1-0-3 2-0-3 4-0-3 5-0-3 6-0-3 7-0-3 8-0-3 9-0-3 2-1-3 4-1-3 5-1-3 6-1-3 7-1-3 8-1-3 9-1-3 4-2-3 5-2-3 6-2-3 7-2-3 8-2-3 9-2-3 5-4-3 6-4-3 7-4-3 8-4-3 9-4-3 6-5-3 7-5-3 8-5-3 9-5-3 7-6-3 8-6-3 9-6-3 8-7-3 9-7-3 9-8-3 When your selected digit is "4" Four play . . . A-A-A 4-4-4 A-A-B 4-4-0 4-4-1 4-4-2 4-4-3 4-4-5 4-4-6 4-4-7 4-4-8 4-4-9 A-B-A 4-0-4 4-1-4 4-2-4 4-3-4 4-5-4 4-6-4 4-7-4 4-8-4 4-9-4 B-A-A 0-4-4 1-4-4 2-4-4 3-4-4 5-4-4 6-4-4 7-4-4 8-4-4 9-4-4 A-B-B 4-0-0 4-1-1 4-2-2 4-3-3 4-5-5 4-6-6 4-7-7 4-8-8 4-9-9 B-A-B 0-4-0 1-4-1 2-4-2 3-4-3 5-4-5 6-4-6 7-4-7 8-4-8 9-4-9 B-B-A 0-0-4 1-1-4 2-2-4 3-3-4 5-5-4 6-6-4 7-7-4 8-8-4 9-9-4 A-B-C 4-0-1 4-0-2 4-0-3 4-0-5 4-0-6 4-0-7 4-0-8 4-0-9 4-1-2 4-1-3 4-1-5 4-1-6 4-1-7 4-1-8 4-1-9 4-2-3 4-2-5 4-2-6 4-2-7 4-2-8 4-2-9 4-3-5 4-3-6 4-3-7 4-3-8 4-3-9 4-5-6 4-5-7 4-5-8 4-5-9 4-6-7 4-6-8 4-6-9 4-7-8 4-7-9 4-8-9 A-C-B 4-1-0 4-2-0 4-3-0 4-5-0 4-6-0 4-7-0 4-8-0 4-9-0 4-2-1 4-3-1 4-5-1 4-6-1 4-7-1 4-8-1 4-9-1 4-3-2 4-5-2 4-6-2 4-7-2 4-8-2 4-9-2 4-5-3 4-6-3 4-7-3 4-8-3 4-9-3 4-6-5 4-7-5 4-8-5 4-9-5 4-7-6 4-8-6 4-9-6 4-8-7 4-9-7 4-9-8 B-A-C 0-4-1 0-4-2 0-4-3 0-4-5 0-4-6 0-4-7 0-4-8 0-4-9 1-4-2 1-4-3 1-4-5 1-4-6 1-4-7 1-4-8 1-4-9 2-4-3 2-4-5 2-4-6 2-4-7 2-4-8 2-4-9 3-4-5 3-4-6 3-4-7 3-4-8 3-4-9 5-4-6 5-4-7 5-4-8 5-4-9 6-4-7 6-4-8 6-4-9 7-4-8 7-4-9 8-4-9 C-A-B 1-4-0 2-4-0 3-4-0 5-4-0 6-4-0 7-4-0 8-4-0 9-4-0 2-4-1 3-4-1 5-4-1 6-4-1 7-4-1 8-4-1 9-4-1 3-4-2 5-4-2 6-4-2 7-4-2 8-4-2 9-4-2 5-4-3 6-4-3 7-4-3 8-4-3 9-4-3 6-4-5 7-4-5 8-4-5 9-4-5 7-4-6 8-4-6 9-4-6 8-4-7 9-4-7 9-4-8 B-C-A 0-1-4 0-2-4 0-3-4 0-5-4 0-6-4 0-7-4 0-8-4 0-9-4 1-2-4 1-3-4 1-5-4 1-6-4 1-7-4 1-8-4 1-9-4 2-3-4 2-5-4 2-6-4 2-7-4 2-8-4 2-9-4 3-5-4 3-6-4 3-7-4 3-8-4 3-9-4 5-6-4 5-7-4 5-8-4 5-9-4 6-7-4 6-8-4 6-9-4 7-8-4 7-9-4 8-9-4 C-B-A 1-0-4 2-0-4 3-0-4 5-0-4 6-0-4 7-0-4 8-0-4 9-0-4 2-1-4 3-1-4 5-1-4 6-1-4 7-1-4 8-1-4 9-1-4 3-2-4 5-2-4 6-2-4 7-2-4 8-2-4 9-2-4 5-3-4 6-3-4 7-3-4 8-3-4 9-3-4 6-5-4 7-5-4 8-5-4 9-5-1 7-6-4 8-6-4 9-6-4 8-7-4 9-7-4 9-8-4 When your selected digit is "5" Five play . . . A-A-A 5-5-5 A-A-B 5-5-0 5-5-1 5-5-2 5-5-3 5-5-4 5-5-6 5-5-7 5-5-8 5-5-9 A-B-A 5-0-5 5-1-5 5-2-5 5-3-5 5-4-5 5-6-5 5-7-5 5-8-5 5-9-5 B-A-A 0-5-5 1-5-5 2-5-5 3-5-5 4-5-5 6-5-5 7-5-5 8-5-5 9-5-5 A-B-B 5-0-0 5-1-1 5-2-2 5-3-3 5-4-4 5-6-6 5-7-7 5-8-8 5-9-9 B-A-B 0-5-0 1-5-1 2-5-2 3-5-3 4-5-4 6-5-6 7-5-7 8-5-8 9-5-9 B-B-A 0-0-5 1-1-5 2-2-5 3-3-5 4-4-5 6-6-5 7-7-5 8-8-5 9-9-5 A-B-C 5-0-1 5-0-2 5-0-3 5-0-4 5-0-6 5-0-7 5-0-8 5-0-9 5-1-2 5-1-3 5-1-4 5-1-6 5-1-7 5-1-8 5-1-9 5-2-3 5-2-4 5-2-6 5-2-7 5-2-8 5-2-9 5-3-4 5-3-6 5-3-7 5-3-8 5-3-9 5-4-6 5-4-7 5-4-8 5-4-9 5-6-7 5-6-8 5-6-9 5-7-8 5-7-9 5-8-9 A-C-B 5-1-0 5-2-0 5-3-0 5-4-0 5-6-0 5-7-0 5-8-0 5-9-0 5-2-1 5-3-1 5-4-1 5-6-1 5-7-1 5-8-1 5-9-1 5-3-2 5-4-2 5-6-2 5-7-2 5-8-2 5-9-2 5-4-3 5-6-3 5-7-3 5-8-3 5-9-3 5-6-4 5-7-4 5-8-4 5-9-4 5-7-6 5-8-6 5-9-6 5-8-7 5-9-7 5-9-8 B-A-C 0-5-1 0-5-2 0-5-3 0-5-4 0-5-6 0-5-7 0-5-8 0-5-9 1-5-2 1-5-3 1-5-4 1-5-6 1-5-7 1-5-8 1-5-9 2-5-3 2-5-4 2-5-6 2-5-7 2-5-8 2-5-9 3-5-4 3-5-6 3-5-7 3-5-8 3-5-9 4-5-6 4-5-7 4-5-8 4-5-9 6-5-7 6-5-8 6-5-9 7-5-8 7-5-9 8-5-9 C-A-B 1-5-0 2-5-0 3-5-0 4-5-0 6-5-0 7-5-0 8-5-0 9-5-0 2-5-1 3-5-1 4-5-1 6-5-1 7-5-1 8-5-1 9-5-1 3-5-2 4-5-2 6-5-2 7-5-2 8-5-2 9-5-2 4-5-3 6-5-3 7-5-3 8-5-3 9-5-3 6-5-4 7-5-4 8-5-4 9-5-4 7-5-6 8-5-6 9-5-6 8-5-7 9-5-7 9-5-8 B-C-A 0-1-5 0-2-5 0-3-5 0-4-5 0-6-5 0-7-5 0-8-5 0-9-5 1-2-5 1-3-5 1-4-5 1-6-5 1-7-5 1-8-5 1-9-5 2-3-5 2-4-5 2-6-5 2-7-5 2-8-5 2-9-5 3-4-5 3-6-5 3-7-5 3-8-5 3-9-5 4-6-5 4-7-5 4-8-5 4-9-5 6-7-5 6-8-5 6-9-5 7-8-5 7-9-5 8-9-5 C-B-A 1-0-5 2-0-5 3-0-5 4-0-5 6-0-5 7-0-5 8-0-5 9-0-5 2-1-5 3-1-5 4-1-5 6-1-5 7-1-5 8-1-5 9-1-5 3-2-5 4-2-5 6-2-5 7-2-5 8-2-5 9-2-5 4-3-5 6-3-5 7-3-5 8-3-5 9-3-5 6-4-5 7-4-5 8-4-5 9-4-5 7-6-5 8-6-5 9-6-5 8-7-5 9-7-5 9-8-5 When your selected digit is "6" Six play . . . A-A-A 6-6-6 A-A-B 6-6-0 6-6-1 6-6-2 6-6-3 6-6-4 6-6-5 6-6-7 6-6-8 6-6-9 A-B-A 6-0-6 6-1-6 6-2-6 6-3-6 6-4-6 6-5-6 6-7-6 6-8-6 6-9-6 B-A-A 0-6-6 1-6-6 2-6-6 3-6-6 4-6-6 5-6-6 7-6-6 8-6-6 9-6-6 A-B-B 6-0-0 6-1-1 6-2-2 6-3-3 6-4-4 6-5-5 6-7-7 6-8-8 6-9-9 B-A-B 0-6-0 1-6-1 2-6-2 3-6-3 4-6-4 5-6-5 7-6-7 8-6-8 9-6-9 B-B-A 0-0-6 1-1-7 2-2-7 3-3-6 4-4-6 5-5-6 7-7-6 8-8-6 9-9-6 A-B-C 6-0-1 6-0-2 6-0-3 6-0-4 6-0-5 6-0-7 6-0-8 6-0-9 6-1-2 6-1-3 6-1-4 6-1-5 6-1-7 6-1-8 6-1-9 6-2-3 6-2-4 6-2-5 6-2-7 6-2-8 6-2-9 6-3-4 6-3-5 6-3-7 6-3-8 6-3-9 6-4-5 6-4-7 6-4-8 6-4-9 6-5-7 6-5-8 6-5-9 6-7-8 6-7-9 6-8-9 A-C-B 6-1-0 6-2-0 6-3-0 6-4-0 6-5-0 6-7-0 6-8-0 6-9-0 6-2-1 6-3-1 6-4-1 6-5-1 6-7-1 6-8-1 6-9-1 6-3-2 6-4-2 6-5-2 6-7-2 6-8-2 6-9-2 6-4-3 6-5-3 6-7-3 6-8-3 6-9-3 6-5-4 6-7-4 6-8-4 6-9-4 6-7-5 6-8-5 6-9-5 6-8-7 6-9-7 6-9-8 B-A-C 0-6-1 0-6-2 0-6-3 0-6-4 0-6-5 0-6-7 0-6-8 0-6-9 1-6-2 1-6-3 1-6-4 1-6-5 1-6-7 1-6-8 1-6-9 2-6-3 2-6-4 2-6-5 2-6-7 2-6-8 2-6-9 3-6-4 3-6-5 3-6-7 3-6-8 3-6-9 4-6-5 4-6-7 4-6-8 4-6-9 5-6-7 5-6-8 5-6-9 7-6-8 7-6-9 8-6-9 C-A-B 1-6-0 2-6-0 3-6-0 4-6-0 5-6-0 7-6-0 8-6-0 9-6-0 2-6-1 3-6-1 4-6-1 5-6-1 7-6-1 8-6-1 9-6-1 3-6-2 4-6-2 5-6-2 7-6-2 8-6-2 9-6-2 4-6-3 5-6-3 7-6-3 8-6-3 9-6-3 5-6-4 7-6-4 8-6-4 9-6-4 7-6-5 8-6-5 9-6-5 8-6-7 9-6-7 9-6-8 B-C-A 0-1-6 0-2-6 0-3-6 0-4-6 0-5-6 0-7-6 0-8-6 0-9-6 1-2-6 1-3-6 1-4-6 1-5-6 1-7-6 1-8-6 1-9-6 2-3-6 2-4-6 2-5-6 2-7-6 2-8-6 2-9-6 3-4-6 3-5-6 3-7-6 3-8-6 3-9-6 4-5-6 4-7-6 4-8-6 4-9-6 5-7-6 5-8-6 5-9-6 7-8-6 7-9-6 8-9-6 C-B-A 1-0-6 2-0-6 3-0-6 4-0-6 5-0-6 7-0-6 8-0-6 9-0-6 2-1-6 3-1-6 4-1-6 5-1-6 7-1-6 8-1-6 9-1-6 3-2-6 4-2-6 5-2-6 7-2-6 8-2-6 9-2-6 4-3-6 5-3-6 7-3-6 8-3-6 9-3-6 5-4-6 7-4-6 8-4-6 9-4-6 7-5-6 8-5-6 9-5-6 8-7-6 9-7-6 9-8-6 When your selected digit is "7" Seven play . . . A-A-A 7-7-7 A-A-B 7-7-0 7-7-1 7-7-2 7-7-3 7-7-4 7-7-5 7-7-6 7-7-8 7-7-9 A-B-A 7-0-7 7-1-7 7-2-7 7-3-7 7-4-7 7-5-7 7-6-7 7-8-7 7-9-7 B-A-A 7-7-0 7-7-1 7-7-2 7-7-3 7-7-4 7-7-5 7-7-6 7-7-8 7-7-9 A-B-B 7-0-0 7-1-1 7-2-2 7-3-3 7-4-4 7-5-5 7-6-6 7-8-8 7-9-9 B-A-B 0-7-0 1-7-1 2-7-2 3-7-3 4-7-4 5-7-5 6-7-6 8-7-8 9-7-9 B-B-A 0-0-7 1-1-7 2-2-7 3-3-7 4-4-7 5-5-7 6-6-7 8-8-7 9-9-7 A-B-C 7-0-1 7-0-2 7-0-3 7-0-4 7-0-5 7-0-6 7-0-8 7-0-9 7-1-2 7-1-3 7-1-4 7-1-5 7-1-6 7-1-8 7-1-9 7-2-3 7-2-4 7-2-5 7-2-6 7-2-8 7-2-9 7-3-4 7-3-5 7-3-6 7-3-8 7-3-9 7-4-5 7-4-6 7-4-8 7-4-9 7-5-6 7-5-8 7-5-9 7-6-8 7-6-9 7-8-9 A-C-B 7-1-0 7-2-0 7-3-0 7-4-0 7-5-0 7-6-0 7-8-0 7-9-0 7-2-1 7-3-1 7-4-1 7-5-1 7-6-1 7-8-1 7-9-1 7-3-2 7-4-2 7-5-2 7-6-2 7-8-2 7-9-2 7-4-3 7-5-3 7-6-3 7-8-3 7-9-3 7-5-4 7-6-4 7-8-4 7-9-4 7-6-5 7-8-5 7-9-5 7-8-6 7-9-6 7-9-8 B-A-C 0-7-1 0-7-2 0-7-3 0-7-4 0-7-5 0-7-6 0-7-8 0-7-9 1-7-2 1-7-3 1-7-4 1-7-5 1-7-6 1-7-8 1-7-9 2-7-3 2-7-4 2-7-5 2-7-6 2-7-8 2-7-9 3-7-4 3-7-5 3-7-6 3-7-8 3-7-9 4-7-5 4-7-6 4-7-8 4-7-9 5-7-6 5-7-8 5-7-9 6-7-8 6-7-9 8-7-9 C-A-B 1-7-0 2-7-0 3-7-0 4-7-0 5-7-0 6-7-0 8-7-0 9-7-0 2-7-1 3-7-1 4-7-1 5-7-1 6-7-1 8-7-1 9-7-1 3-7-2 4-7-2 5-7-2 6-7-2 8-7-2 9-7-2 4-7-3 5-7-3 6-7-3 8-7-3 9-7-3 5-7-4 6-7-4 8-7-4 9-7-4 6-7-5 8-7-5 9-7-5 8-7-6 9-7-6 9-7-8 B-C-A 0-1-7 0-2-7 0-3-7 0-4-7 0-5-7 0-6-7 0-8-7 0-9-7 1-2-7 1-3-7 1-4-7 1-5-7 1-6-7 1-8-7 1-9-7 2-3-7 2-4-7 2-5-7 2-6-7 2-8-7 2-9-7 3-4-7 3-5-7 3-6-7 3-8-7 3-9-7 4-5-7 4-6-7 4-8-7 4-9-7 5-6-7 5-8-7 5-9-7 6-8-7 6-9-7 8-9-7 C-B-A 1-0-7 2-0-7 3-0-7 4-0-7 5-0-7 6-0-7 8-0-7 9-0-7 2-1-7 3-1-7 4-1-7 5-1-7 6-1-7 8-1-7 9-1-7 3-2-7 4-2-7 5-2-7 6-2-7 8-2-7 9-2-7 4-3-7 5-3-7 6-3-7 8-3-7 9-3-7 5-4-7 6-4-7 8-4-7 9-4-7 6-5-7 8-5-7 9-5-7 8-6-7 9-6-7 9-8-7 When your selected digit is "8" Eight play . . . A-A-A 8-8-8 A-A-B 8-8-0 8-8-1 8-8-2 8-8-3 8-8-4 8-8-5 8-8-6 8-8-7 8-8-9 A-B-A 8-0-8 8-1-8 8-2-8 8-3-8 8-4-8 8-5-8 8-6-8 8-7-8 8-9-8 B-A-A 0-8-8 1-8-8 2-8-8 3-8-8 4-8-8 5-8-8 6-8-8 7-8-8 9-8-8 A-B-B 8-0-0 8-1-1 8-2-2 8-3-3 8-4-4 8-5-5 8-6-6 8-7-7 8-9-9 B-A-B 0-8-0 1-8-1 2-8-2 3-8-3 4-8-4 5-8-5 6-8-6 7-8-7 9-8-9 B-B-A 0-0-8 1-1-8 2-2-8 3-3-8 4-4-8 5-5-8 6-6-8 7-7-8 9-9-8 A-B-C 8-0-1 8-0-2 8-0-3 8-0-4 8-0-5 8-0-6 8-0-7 8-0-9 8-1-2 8-1-3 8-1-4 8-1-5 8-1-6 8-1-7 8-1-9 8-2-3 8-2-4 8-2-5 8-2-6 8-2-7 8-2-9 8-3-4 8-3-5 8-3-6 8-3-7 8-3-9 8-4-5 8-4-6 8-4-7 8-4-9 8-5-6 8-5-7 8-5-9 8-6-7 8-6-9 8-7-9 A-C-B 8-1-0 8-2-0 8-3-0 8-4-0 8-5-0 8-6-0 8-7-0 8-9-0 8-2-1 8-3-1 8-4-1 8-5-1 8-6-1 8-7-1 8-9-1 8-3-2 8-4-2 8-5-2 8-6-2 8-7-2 8-9-2 8-4-3 8-5-3 8-6-3 8-7-3 8-9-3 8-5-4 8-6-4 8-7-4 8-9-4 8-6-5 8-7-5 8-9-5 8-7-6 8-9-6 8-9-7 B-A-C 0-8-1 0-8-2 0-8-3 0-8-4 0-8-5 0-8-6 0-8-7 0-8-9 1-8-2 1-8-3 1-8-4 1-8-5 1-8-6 1-8-7 1-8-9 2-8-3 2-8-4 2-8-5 2-8-6 2-8-7 2-8-9 3-8-4 3-8-5 3-8-6 3-8-7 3-8-9 4-8-5 4-8-6 4-8-7 4-8-9 5-8-6 5-8-7 5-8-9 6-8-7 6-8-9 7-8-9 C-A-B 1-8-0 2-8-0 3-8-0 4-8-0 5-8-0 6-8-0 7-8-0 9-8-0 2-8-1 3-8-1 4-8-1 5-8-1 6-8-1 7-8-1 9-8-1 3-8-2 4-8-2 5-8-2 6-8-2 7-8-2 9-8-2 4-8-3 5-8-3 6-8-3 7-8-3 9-8-3 5-8-4 6-8-4 7-8-4 9-8-4 6-8-5 7-8-5 9-8-5 7-8-6 9-8-6 9-8-7 B-C-A 0-1-8 0-2-8 0-3-8 0-4-8 0-5-8 0-6-8 0-7-8 0-9-8 1-2-8 1-3-8 1-4-8 1-5-8 1-6-8 1-7-8 1-9-8 2-3-8 2-4-8 2-5-8 2-6-8 2-7-8 2-9-8 3-4-8 3-5-8 3-6-8 3-7-8 3-9-8 4-5-8 4-6-8 4-7-8 4-9-8 5-6-8 5-7-8 5-9-8 6-7-8 6-9-8 7-9-8 C-B-A 1-0-8 2-0-8 3-0-8 4-0-8 5-0-8 6-0-8 7-0-8 9-0-8 2-1-8 3-1-8 4-1-8 5-1-8 6-1-8 7-1-8 9-1-8 3-2-8 4-2-8 5-2-8 6-2-8 7-2-8 9-2-8 4-3-8 5-3-8 6-3-8 7-3-8 9-3-8 5-4-8 6-4-8 7-4-8 9-4-8 6-5-8 7-5-8 9-5-8 7-6-8 8-6-8 9-7-8 When your selected digit is "9" Nine play . . . A-A-A 9-9-9 A-A-B 9-9-0 9-9-1 9-9-2 9-9-3 9-9-4 9-9-5 9-9-6 9-9-7 9-9-8 A-B-A 9-0-9 9-1-9 9-2-9 9-3-9 9-4-9 9-5-9 9-6-9 9-7-9 9-8-9 B-A-A 0-9-9 1-9-9 2-9-9 3-9-9 4-9-9 5-9-9 6-9-9 7-9-9 8-9-9 A-B-B 9-0-0 9-1-1 9-2-2 9-3-3 9-4-4 9-5-5 9-6-6 9-7-7 9-8-8 B-A-B 0-9-0 1-9-1 2-9-2 3-9-3 4-9-4 5-9-5 6-9-6 7-9-7 8-9-8 B-B-A 0-0-9 1-1-9 2-2-9 3-3-9 4-4-9 5-5-9 6-6-9 7-7-9 8-8-9 A-B-C 9-0-1 9-0-2 9-0-3 9-0-4 9-0-5 9-0-6 9-0-7 9-0-8 9-1-2 9-1-3 9-1-4 9-1-5 9-1-6 9-1-7 9-1-8 9-2-3 9-2-4 9-2-5 9-2-6 9-2-7 9-2-8 9-3-4 9-3-5 9-3-6 9-3-7 9-3-8 9-4-5 9-4-6 9-4-7 9-4-8 9-5-6 9-5-7 9-5-8 9-6-7 9-6-8 9-7-8 A-C-B 9-1-0 9-2-0 9-3-0 9-4-0 9-5-0 9-6-0 9-7-0 9-8-0 9-2-1 9-3-1 9-4-1 9-5-1 9-6-1 9-7-1 9-8-1 9-3-2 9-4-2 9-5-2 9-6-2 9-7-2 9-8-2 9-4-3 9-5-3 9-6-3 9-7-3 9-8-3 9-5-4 9-6-4 9-7-4 9-8-4 9-6-5 9-7-5 9-8-5 9-7-6 9-8-6 9-8-7 B-A-C 0-9-1 0-9-2 0-9-3 0-9-4 0-9-5 0-9-6 0-9-7 0-9-8 1-9-2 1-9-3 1-9-4 1-9-5 1-9-6 1-9-7 1-9-8 2-9-3 2-9-4 2-9-5 2-9-6 2-9-7 2-9-8 3-9-4 3-9-5 3-9-6 3-9-7 3-9-8 4-9-5 4-9-6 4-9-7 4-9-8 5-9-6 5-9-7 5-9-8 6-9-7 6-9-8 7-9-8 C-A-B 1-9-0 2-9-0 3-9-0 4-9-0 5-9-0 6-9-0 7-9-0 8-9-0 2-9-1 3-9-1 4-9-1 5-9-1 6-9-1 7-9-1 8-9-1 3-9-2 4-9-2 5-9-2 6-9-2 7-9-2 8-9-2 4-9-3 5-9-3 6-9-3 7-9-3 8-9-3 5-9-4 6-9-4 7-9-4 8-9-4 6-9-5 7-9-5 8-9-5 7-9-6 8-9-6 8-9-7 B-C-A 0-1-9 0-2-9 0-3-9 0-4-9 0-5-9 0-6-9 0-7-9 0-8-9 1-2-9 1-3-9 1-4-9 1-5-9 1-6-9 1-7-9 1-8-9 2-3-9 2-4-9 2-5-9 2-6-9 2-7-9 2-8-9 3-4-9 3-5-9 3-6-9 3-7-9 3-8-9 4-5-9 4-6-9 4-7-9 4-8-9 5-6-9 5-7-9 5-8-9 6-7-9 6-8-9 7-8-9 C-B-A 1-0-9 2-0-9 3-0-9 4-0-9 5-0-9 6-0-9 7-0-9 8-0-9 2-1-9 3-1-9 4-1-9 5-1-9 6-1-9 7-1-9 8-1-9 3-2-9 4-2-9 5-2-9 6-2-9 7-2-9 8-2-9 4-3-9 5-3-9 6-3-9 7-3-9 8-3-9 5-4-9 6-4-9 7-4-9 8-4-9 6-5-9 7-5-9 8-5-9 7-6-9 8-6-9 8-7-9
Economy Version
This is the secondary backup system for when budgets are tight. Instead of Picking One Digits, try Picking Two Digits. When Two Digits are selected there are only Eight Digits remaining for All Different and Ten Digits remaining for All Different, Doubles and Triples. Let's say your selection is 5-2 for All Different the following three paths are possible for Straight play only one is necessary for Boxed play. 5-2 = 0-5-2, 1-5-2, 3-5-2, 4-5-2, 6-5-2, 7-5-2, 8-5-2, 9-5-2 or . . . 5-2 = 5-2-0, 5-2-1, 5-2-3, 5-2-4, 5-2-6, 5-2-7, 5-2-8, 5-2-9 or . . . 5-2 = 5-0-2, 5-1-2, 5-3-2, 5-4-2, 5-6-2, 5-7-2, 5-8-2, 5-9-2. Let's say your selection is 5-2 for All Different and Doubles. 5-2 = 0-5-2, 1-5-2, 2-5-2, 3-5-2, 4-5-2, 5-5-2, 6-5-2, 7-5-2, 8-5-2, 9-5-2. 5-2 = 5-2-0, 5-2-1, 5-2-2, 5-2-3, 5-2-4, 5-2-5, 5-2-6, 5-2-7, 5-2-8, 5-2-9. 5-2 = 5-0-2, 5-1-2, 5-2-2, 5-3-2, 5-4-2, 5-5-2, 5-6-2, 5-7-2, 5-8-2, 5-9-2.Pick-3 Dojo
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:34:29 PM
Welcome to the Pick-3 Lotto Dojo. Instruction will soon begin in the secret technique of anything goes Pick-3 play. Join me as we travel the various paths to winning . . .Been there, done that? Lost thousands? Same here and I have the T shirt to prove it. Everyone has a system, some sell dozens and who can blame them, something ought to work so they keep inventing them.Well for years I've given away the secret free, always considered it part of the basic knowledge every lottery player should have in their lotto tool kit.Would you believe? I receive an offer in the mail to sell me the very same information I give away free for $99.00 from a fellow who claims to be "the best gambling mathematics expert today in the world!"Here I am giving it away free and this guy has testimonials from people thanking him for selling them this incredible information. I never receive more than the occasional thank you note. Well, actually some people have wanted to thank me by offering thousands of dollars for having helped them to accomplish their lottery goals, (I accepted a case of beer) but that's another story.At first I found it hard to believe people would actually pay $99.00 for what every lottery player should already know about beating Pick-3. Then I realized the State Lottery doesn't exactly print this information on the back of their play slips. Most Pick-3 players don't know about this secret and those that do may not have realized its winning potential.What am I going on about?Did you know that there are sets of 8 Pick-3 combinations that when the three digits are drawn all different will 100% guarantee you will always have at least 2 of the 3 winning digits in one of the numbers?They look something like this generic set:- 0-2-4
- 0-3-8
- 1-5-7
- 1-6-7
- 1-7-9
- 2-3-8
- 3-4-8
- 5-6-9Think about this for a moment. There are three ways the numbers can be drawn: A triple 2-2-2, a double 1-2-2 and all different digits 1-2-3. If you follow the game you must know the drawing of all different digit numbers comes out most often.
Do you know what it means to always have at least two digits correct in at least one number when all different is drawn? It means the odds have dropped to only 1 in 8 of a box win! You already have 2 of the 10 digits, there are only 8 possible digits remaining to take the place of the third digit! Boxed odds of 220 to 1 drop to 1 in 8!
When the odds are 1 in 8, the law of thirds tells us you might have a winner one third of the time within the first 8 draws of all different in which case you make a profit. Or your winner might come in the mid range 8 to 16 draws out, in which case you still make a profit provided you didn't play on days doubles or triples were drawn and doubled the bet midway. Worse case is no win at all in draws 1 to 16, but we can handle that by raising the amount we play incrementally until we win. Test the numbers against a year of past draws as if you were playing and you will see how to work the money along to make a profit.
Money management is simple, when we win we use the state's money to incrementally increase the amount we play on each number. We let the state pay for increasing the amount we can win!
Remember you are 100% guaranteed to have a box winner or at least 2 of the 3 digits every time all different digits are drawn. This is a mathematical fact the lottery can not escape and certainly won't tell you about.
Here is how to make the 2in8 system work for you.
The key to the system is determining the best boxed all different digit lottery number for the past six months to a year.
By all different we mean three unique digits like 1-2-3.
By "best" we mean a number that comes up a lot. Say you keep a record of past draws and your research tells you 1-2-3 comes up must often boxed as 1-2-3, 1-3-2, 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 3-1-2, 3-2-1. Where you'd remark, "Say, there's that 1-2-3 number again only this time it came up as 3-2-1!."
The best boxed number digits will replace the first three letters on the 2in8 matrix leaving 7 letters remaining.
The remaining letters can be replaced by any of the following.
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th best numbers provided no digits are repeated.
Your favorite number(s) provided no digits are repeated.
Digits sorted based on most drawn to fewer drawn or reversed or alternated provided no digits are repeated.
Write out the Letters A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J
For our example we will pretend the best number is 3-4-5 and your favorite number is 0-1-2, leaving 6-7-8-9 to jumble at the end.
Write your digits below my pointer letters and exchange for my place holder pointer letters in the matrix below.Matrix Replacement Exchange Code A B C D E F G H I J _3_ _4_ _5_ _0_ _1_ _2_ _6_ _9_ _8_ _7_ A-B-C = 3-4-5 A-D-F = 3-0-2 B-C-D = 4-5-0 B-C-F = 4-5-2 E-G-J = 1-6-7 E-H-I = 1-9-8 G-H-I = 6-9-8 H-I-J = 9-8-7 Matrix Replacement Exchange Code A B C D E F G H I J ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ A-B-C = _____ A-D-F = _____ B-C-D = _____ B-C-F = _____ E-G-J = _____ E-H-I = _____ G-H-I = _____ H-I-J = _____
The 2in8 system may also be made in CoverMaster. Simply set to Pool-10, Pick-3, Match-2, Hits-3. Type the game's best hottest three different digit number (7-8-9) and [Lock] it in place. Click [Generate][Timed Random Search][1 sec][Optimize][Start] if more than 8 lines are generated [Reset][Restart].
Only play these numbers on days your research indicates all different digits are expected to be drawn. Past performance is not always a perfect indicator of future events, but it may be all we have to go on. Be prepared to stop playing if the system appears to be failing. Remember you do not have to play every day. Seek help if you can not control your need to play.
Good luck to you. Pick-3 Group Breakdown System
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:30:53 PM
The 1000 Pick-3 numbers form 40 groups of 25 numbers
1 2 3 4 all low 2 low 1 high 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 000 100 200 300 400 001 101 201 301 401 002 102 202 302 402 003 103 203 303 403 004 104 204 304 404 500 600 700 800 900 501 601 701 801 901 502 602 702 802 902 503 603 703 803 903 504 604 704 804 904 005 105 205 305 405 006 106 206 306 406 007 107 207 307 407 008 108 208 308 408 009 109 209 309 409 505 605 705 805 905 506 606 706 806 906 507 607 707 807 907 508 608 708 808 908 509 609 709 809 909 5 6 7 8 all low 2 low 1 high 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 010 110 210 310 410 011 111 211 311 411 012 112 212 312 412 013 113 213 313 413 014 114 214 314 414 510 610 710 810 910 511 611 711 811 911 512 612 712 812 912 513 613 713 813 913 514 614 714 814 914 015 115 215 315 415 016 116 216 316 416 017 117 217 317 417 018 118 218 318 418 019 119 219 319 419 515 615 715 815 915 516 616 716 816 916 517 617 717 817 917 518 618 718 818 918 519 619 719 819 919 9 10 11 12 all low 2 low 1 high 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 020 120 220 320 420 021 121 221 321 421 022 122 222 322 422 023 123 223 323 423 024 124 224 324 424 520 620 720 820 920 521 621 721 821 921 522 622 722 822 922 523 623 723 823 923 524 624 724 824 924 025 125 225 325 425 026 126 226 326 426 027 127 227 327 427 028 128 228 328 428 029 129 229 329 429 525 625 725 825 925 526 626 726 826 926 527 627 727 827 927 528 628 728 828 928 529 629 729 829 929 13 14 15 16 all low 2 low 1 high 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 030 130 230 330 430 031 131 231 331 431 032 132 232 332 432 033 133 233 333 433 034 134 234 334 434 530 630 730 830 930 531 631 731 831 931 532 632 732 832 932 533 633 733 833 933 534 634 734 834 934 035 135 235 335 435 036 136 236 336 436 037 137 237 337 437 038 138 238 338 438 039 139 239 339 439 535 635 735 835 935 536 636 736 836 936 537 637 737 837 937 538 638 738 838 938 539 639 739 839 939 17 18 19 20 all low 2 low 1 high 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 040 140 240 340 440 041 141 241 341 441 042 142 242 342 442 043 143 243 343 443 044 144 244 344 444 540 640 740 840 940 541 641 741 841 941 542 642 742 842 942 543 643 743 843 943 544 644 744 844 944 045 145 245 345 445 046 146 246 346 446 047 147 247 347 447 048 148 248 348 448 049 149 249 349 449 545 645 745 845 945 546 646 746 846 946 547 647 747 847 947 548 648 748 848 948 549 649 749 849 949 21 22 23 24 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 1 low 2 high all high 050 150 250 350 450 051 151 251 351 451 052 152 252 352 452 053 153 253 353 453 054 154 254 354 454 550 650 750 850 950 551 651 751 851 951 552 652 752 852 952 553 653 753 853 953 554 654 754 854 954 055 155 255 355 455 056 156 256 356 456 057 157 257 357 457 058 158 258 358 458 059 159 259 359 459 555 655 755 855 955 556 656 756 856 956 557 657 757 857 957 558 658 758 858 958 559 659 759 859 959 25 26 27 28 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 1 low 2 high all high 060 160 260 360 460 061 161 261 361 461 062 162 262 362 462 063 163 263 363 463 064 164 264 364 464 560 660 760 860 960 561 661 761 861 961 562 662 762 862 962 563 663 763 863 963 564 664 764 864 964 065 165 265 365 465 066 166 266 366 466 067 167 267 367 467 068 168 268 368 468 069 169 269 369 469 565 665 765 865 965 566 666 766 866 966 567 667 767 867 967 568 668 768 868 968 569 669 769 869 969 31 32 29 30 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 1 low 2 high all high 070 170 270 370 470 071 171 271 371 471 072 172 272 372 472 073 173 273 373 473 074 174 274 374 474 570 670 770 870 970 571 671 771 871 971 572 672 772 872 972 573 673 773 873 973 574 674 774 874 974 075 175 275 375 475 076 176 276 376 476 077 177 277 377 477 078 178 278 378 478 079 179 279 379 479 575 675 775 875 975 576 676 776 876 976 577 677 777 877 977 578 678 778 878 978 579 679 779 879 979 33 34 35 36 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 1 low 2 high all high 080 180 280 380 480 081 181 281 381 481 082 182 282 382 482 083 183 283 383 483 084 184 284 384 484 580 680 780 880 980 581 681 781 881 981 582 682 782 882 982 583 683 783 883 983 584 684 784 884 984 085 185 285 385 485 086 186 286 386 486 087 187 287 387 487 088 188 288 388 488 089 189 289 389 489 585 685 785 885 985 586 686 786 886 986 587 687 787 887 987 588 688 788 888 988 589 689 789 889 989 37 38 39 40 2 low 1 high 1 low 2 high 1 low 2 high all high 090 190 290 390 490 091 191 291 391 491 092 192 292 392 492 093 193 293 393 493 094 194 294 394 494 590 690 790 890 990 591 691 791 891 991 592 692 792 892 992 593 693 793 893 993 594 694 794 894 994 095 195 295 395 495 096 196 296 396 496 097 197 297 397 497 098 198 298 398 498 099 199 299 399 499 595 695 795 895 995 596 696 796 896 996 597 697 797 897 997 598 698 798 898 998 599 699 799 899 999
System Strategy: There are 40 boxes of equal size covering all 1,000 of the Pick-3 Numbers in their Straight form. To turn this into a system we need lottery software that can accept a 1/40 lottery game that tracks and predicts for followers, such as the Gail Howard "D. Trailing Numbers (tm)" chart . . . Working with Gail Howard's Smart Luck (R) Advantage Plus (tm) software, Setup a one ball lottery game with 40 numbers. Select: Choice 1. SELECT/ADD/DELETE/LIST Game Histories. Select: Choice F4-Add Select Choice Enter New File Name example: Pick3 Enter Game Info: Name Pick3strategy, Draw size 1, Bet size 1, Draw date 01/01/2006 Numbers 40. Create the Game: F3 - Save Changes. Select Choice 1: Select Pick3strategy as the game to work with. Draw data is created by taking each past draw and finding which of boxes 1-40 it came from. Use this number as the winning ball for each day's draw. The GH software will allow us to enter more than one draw for the day or we may setup an independent midday and evening draw as Pick3A/Pick3strategyA and Pick3B/Pick3strategyB. Go back to the start of 2007 and enter a year's worth of data. For each past draw find the 1-40 box the winning number appeared in Straight and use that box's number as the winning ball number for the day. With one year of data in, (though you may have to try 2 or 3 years) start paper testing the GH "D" chart predictions against the next year's draw history. If the winning numbers appear in the top 5 predictions at least every other draw, or the top ten every draw, we have a working system
Pick-3 Breakdown
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:26:25 PM
If you want to win Pick-3 you need to know what the game is really about. On the surface the game appears to be a matter of picking one number out of a thousand. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let's look beneath the surface of Pick-3. There are one thousand numbers consisting of three individual digits from 0-0-0 through 9-9-9 from digits 0123456789. We call numbers with three unique digits "Unmatched" 1-2-3. We call numbers with two unique digits "Doubles" 1-2-2. We call numbers with one unique digit "Triples" 2-2-2. The game pays for numbers correctly predicted and played as "Straight" which means the digits are drawn in the exact order as played. And "Box" which means the same digits as drawn, but in any order. If 2-1-2 were drawn you would have had to play 2-1-2 to win Straight or one of 1-2-2, 2-1-2, 2-2-1 to win Box. Box pays a third to a sixth of Straight because Unmatched numbers have six ways of positioning the digits, Doubles have three. Triples, there is only Straight. Unlike the larger Pick-5 and Pick-6 games, the Box prize is not a consolation for having the correct digits in the wrong order. It is a totally separate play independent of the Straight play. Some states allow the front or back Pair to be played "Straight" these are also totally independent plays. Breaking down the One Thousand Pick-3 numbers we find . . . Unmatched: 720 Straight numbers = 72% percent = 120 Boxed. Doubles: 270 Straight numbers = 27% percent = 90 Boxed. Triples: 10 Straight numbers = 1% percent = no Boxed. Because the Pick-3 digits are pictured as "numbers" 0123456789 we can treat these identifiers as if numbers for the purpose of a further breakdown into "Odd" and "Even" configurations. Odd = 1 3 5 7 9 Even = 0 2 4 6 8 All the numbers fall into four groups based on Odd/Even. All Odd 0-2-4 = O-O-O = 125 numbers = 12.5% = 35 Box = A group All Even 1-3-5 = E-E-E = 125 numbers = 12.5% = 35 Box = B group More Odd 1-3-4 = O-O-E = 375 numbers = 37.5% = 75 Box = C group More Even 0-2-3 = E-E-O = 375 numbers = 37.5% = 75 Box = D group There are 35 pure Odd Box numbers. The A group. There are 5 Triples. 111, 333, 555, 777, 999 There are 10 Unmatched Odd Box numbers. 135, 137, 139, 157, 159, 179 357, 359, 379, 579 There are 20 Double Odd Box numbers. 113, 115, 117, 119 133, 155, 177, 199 335, 337, 339 355, 377, 399 557, 559 577, 599 779, 799 There are 35 pure Even Box numbers. The B group. There are 5 Triples. 000, 222, 444, 666, 888 There are 10 Unmatched Even Box numbers. 024, 026, 028, 046, 048, 068 246, 248, 268, 468 There are 20 Double Even Box numbers. 002, 004, 006, 008 022, 044, 066, 088 224, 226, 228 244, 266, 288 446, 448 466, 488 668, 688 There are 75 leaning toward Odd numbers. The C group. Unmatched 50 013, 123, 134, 136, 138 015, 125, 145, 156, 158 017, 127, 147, 167, 178 019, 129, 149, 169, 189 035, 235, 345, 356, 358 037, 237, 347, 367, 378 039, 239, 349, 369, 389 057, 257, 457, 567, 578 059, 259, 459, 569, 589 079, 279, 479, 679, 789 Doubles 25 011, 112, 114, 116, 118 033, 233, 334, 336, 338 055, 255, 455, 556, 558B 077, 277, 477, 677, 778 099, 299, 499, 699, 899 There are 75 leaning toward Even numbers. The D group. Unmatched 50 012, 023, 025, 027, 029 014, 034, 045, 047, 049 016, 036, 056, 067, 069 018, 038, 058, 078, 089 124, 234, 245, 247, 249 126, 236, 256, 267, 279 128, 238, 258, 278, 289 146, 346, 456, 467, 489 148, 348, 458, 478, 489 168, 368, 568, 678, 689 Doubles 25 001, 122, 144, 166, 188 003, 223, 344, 366, 388 005, 225, 445, 566, 588 007, 227, 447, 667, 788 009, 229, 449, 788, 889 Turning This Information Into A System Pick-3 is a negative expectation game. This means you can buy a win, but you can't make a profit doing so. Buying all one thousand combinations Straight for a dollar per play would cost $1000.00 and returns $500.00. Buying all 210 Boxed combinations for a dollar per play would cost $210.00 and return either $80.00 for Unmatched or $160.00 for a Double. Buying all 120 Unmatched Box combinations for a dollar per play would cost $120.00 and return $80.00 two times in three. Buying all 90 Doubles Boxed combinations for a dollar per play would cost $90.00 and return $160.00, but you can only expect Doubles to be drawn one time in three to four draws. To make a Pick-3 system work, the system author has to setup conditions where a series of correct choices by the user will result in a win. In other words, the choices you make will determine whether you win or lose. In this system there is one to four choices to be made correctly in order to profit at Pick-3. The first is whether to play today at all. I know it sounds weird to make not playing a part of any winning system, but it is the only way to deal with days when there is no clear path. It is always better not to play then to lose as the difference doesn't have to be made up out of future wins. It's hard to recover when losing negates the value of future wins, so don't play when the signs don't point to a group: A, B, C, D. The second decision is whether unmatched or doubles will be drawn. As you can see, we can quickly eliminate a lot of numbers when we decide to play only unmatched or only doubles. The third choice allows for ignoring the second decision if choice isn't clear and requires one of the four groups be chosen for play, the: A, B, C, or D group. The forth choice can be skipped if groups A or B were chosen, but should be applied if either C or D is expected to contain the winning number and the second decision was skipped. The forth choice is to eliminate one or two digits out of the ten. This means you don't play any number containing those digit(s), thus 15 - 30 numbers are eliminated out of the 75. The usual charting methods should be applied tracking the four groups' skips and hits in the hopes of determining which is due in the next draw. We don't have to pick between unmatched and doubles, but the profits improve when we do so correctly. The digits should be tracked so the dead numbers can be eliminated when necessary. Tracking should demonstrate you shouldn't play the same group back to back. I know they will occasionally come in that way, but we want to play what happens most often, not rarely. Doubles tend to come in clusters, watch for a series of 3-5 Unmatched draws to end with several Doubles. All Odd or all Even are due an average of 1 in 8 to 10 draws. Two digits repeating are due an average of 1 in 8 to 10 draws. A Double repeating its two digits averages 1 in 20-25 draws. Triples are expected once every 99 draws, see if they either hit more often in your game or return with a second hit within a third of the time they were out since their last draw. Sort of a leap frog effect to watch for. If positive about doubles being due, play all three of their variations Straight at a dollar each for a $500.00 win. Ignore "expert" advice about playing sums, it's totally bogus. A game you can win will have a natural rhythm with digits raising, cresting and falling away only to begin the process again. The hot numbers will tend to remain hot, the average will remain average and the cold will remain cold for a time and then reorder themselves. If this appears disjointed in your game, your lottery may be attempting to disrupt the flow by aggressively switching ballsets and machines or uses a computer draw. If you find you can't seem to win often enough to be useful, either you aren't trying hard enough or it's a game you shouldn't be playing.
Pick-3 Doubles Strategy
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:16:20 PM
As you should know, the Pick-3 return on investment is expected to be half the amount wagered. The odds are 1,000 to 1 and the state expects you to wager $1,000.00 for every $500.00 you win in prizes. Of course some people never seem to win and others claim to play at a profit, so let's see what it takes. There are 1,000 three digit combinations or "numbers" in the Pick-3 Lottery game. Example Numbers Percent # of boxed numbers Unmatched (1-2-3) 720 72% 120 Doubles (1-2-2) 270 27% 90 Triples (2-2-2) 10 1% 10 Unmatched combinations should be drawn in 72% of the drawings or 7 times in 10 draws. Doubles should be drawn an average of 3 times in 10. Triples should appear 1 time in 100. (If there can be said to be a Triples Strategy, it would be to wait until 90 draws have gone by without a Triple and then start playing them.) Even though Doubles are drawn less often, they offer a certain attraction because they pay off at twice the rate of boxed Unmatched combinations. Double for a Double so to speak. A 50 cent wager on Unmatched box returns $40.00. The same 50 cent wager on a Double returns $80.00 and of course $160.00 for a $1.00 wager on a Double box combination. As this is the only "advantage" to be found in the game, it becomes the best spot to drop our hook. Consider this, there are only ten double numbers possible, i.e.: 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8 and 9-9. We can split them into two groups, a Low and a High range: Low = 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5. High= 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9 Now we know there are only ten digits in the game, how hard can it be to get one daily digit right in the next drawing? You pick a single digit you believe will come up next, and decide whether the double will come from the Low or High range. Let's say you like #5 and High in the next draw, the numbers formed would be 5-4-4, 5-6-6, 5-7-7, 5-8-8 and 5-9-9. Notice we don't play 5-5-5 because we're not playing Triples (unless Triples have been out for over 90 draws). If your game insists 50 cent tickets be played at 2 for a dollar, I suggest 5-3-3 in place of the Triple. See what's happened here? We've gone from numbly picking combinations from among 90, to a 1 in 10 choice to put in front of a 50/50 choice, to play at 50 cents per number for a total daily outlay of $3.00. Remember, we expect to automatically lose 7 times out of 10 when Unmatched comes up, but every ten days we can expect 2, 3 or 4 shots at winning. At $3.00 a day we can afford to go up to 26 draws before winning and we still break even. After 26 draws, if you haven't won, up the daily wager to a dollar per number for the next 13 draws. If you haven't won by then, get out of the game, you don't have the "feel" for Pick-3. How do you get the "feel" for Pick-3? Generally you begin with a history of the game. Highlight the Doubles, keep an eye on "skips" between hits. You don't have to play every day if you feel a Double isn't due, this can be used to fund a $5.00 wager playing both Low and High ranges. Another useful chart is simply the digits 0-9 down the side and dates across the top. Mark a red X for each time a digit hit for that date and a - on days it didn't. After a while you should be able to narrow the field of likely candidates at a glance. Again, you don't have to play if you feel a Double isn't due and this can fund playing two or three front digits. What to do if you win? Well, it depends on where in the 39 day cycle the hit comes in on. If it is toward the beginning, take out 20% to reward yourself and use the rest to double the size of the following wagers until it is gone, or you win again. If it is toward the tail end of the 39 play days, count yourself lucky you broke even and try again at $3.00 per play day. Tracking your game's drawing history day by day can be most informative. How well does your game average the expected 3 Doubles in 10 draws? Has there ever been ten Unmatched draws in a row without a Double and what happened next? Was it followed by a cluster of Doubles? Do Doubles follow Doubles? It is generally a good idea to go with what happens most often instead of being contrary because something went the other way once before. If something unusual does occur like Doubles hitting 3 times in 5 draws, look to the immediate past history for a clue such as a dry spell previous, could be valuable hints for the next time this pattern occurs. Some Pick-3 players who claim to have been winners in the past move to another state like Florida and tell me they they have big problems picking winners. Every state runs their Pick-3 game differently. Florida takes an active role in keeping the numbers as random as possible. They use 21 ballsets and rotate them among 21 ten number machines, three of which are randomly chosen for Pick-3 and four for Pick-4. Even so you can sometimes find yesterday's Pick-3 number in the following day's Pick-4 so even the machines aren't as random as they'd like us to believe, their machinations are the problem. Some states don't have nearly as many ballsets and options, I would guess Pick-3 players have a better chance of winning that way.
Pick-3 System
nihal syed, 2012-12-13 19:10:48 PM
Fun as scientific systems may be, not everyone finds joy in frequency and regression testing. Sometimes we simply want some numbers to play without resorting to Quick Picks.
Play it Again Sam System
It's no secret Pick-3 numbers do repeat themselves in the next draw. Many players and some systems include playing the last drawn number again in Straight/Box form. Quick example from Florida: 03/06/2008 = 1-5-3 03/07/2008 = 3-5-1 03/12/2008 = 1-2-7 03/13/2008 = 1-2-7 05/31/2008 = 9-4-1 06/01/2008 = 1-9-4One Up One Down System
More often than numbers repeat themselves we find numbers with one digit up or down from the previous draw. Last draw 0-1-2 one up = 1-1-2, 0-2-2, 0-1-3 Last draw 0-1-2 one down = 9-1-2, 0-0-2, 0-1-1 Note: Daily digits are considered to be on a 0-9 reel in each position. So we aren't really adding or subtracting so much as looking ahead one or back one position on the reel. Quick Example from Florida: 04/05/2008 = 0-1-2 04/06/2008 = 0-1-1 Midday draws started in Florida on 05/19/2008 05/25/2008 Midday = 6-1-9 05/25/2008 Evening = 0-6-1 06/01/2008 Evening = 3-8-4 06/02/2008 Midday = 8-4-4 Always miss by one digit? The one up one down system can also be used by those consistently off by one digit. Note that two digits always remain the same. One up one down is a shortened version of . . .When Two Digits Repeat System
In Pick-3 two of the digits from the previous draw repeat into the next roughly 15% of the time. A quick review of your game's draw history should prove this theory correct. Last draw 0-1-2 = 0-1, 0-2, 1-2 Last draw 0-2-2 = 0-2, 2-2 To the resulting pairs add the remaining 7 or 8 digits. 0-1-3, 0-1-4, 0-1-5, 0-1-6, 0-1-7, 0-1-8, 0-1-9 0-2-3, 0-2-4, 0-2-5, 0-2-6, 0-2-7, 0-2-8, 0-2-9 1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-2-6, 1-2-7, 1-2-8, 1-2-9 0-2-1, 0-2-3, 0-2-4, 0-2-5, 0-2-6, 0-2-7, 0-2-8, 0-2-9 2-2-1, 2-2-3, 2-2-4, 2-2-5, 2-2-6, 2-2-7, 2-2-8, 2-2-9 Example from Florida: 03/31/2008 = 0-4-6 04/01/2008 = 4-7-6 04/01/2008 = 4-7-6 04/02/2008 = 7-9-4 05/14/2008 = 1-2-4 05/15/2008 = 2-7-1 05/24/2008 Midday = 8-3-4 05/24/2008 Evening = 3-8-2 06/07/2008 Midday = 9-9-4 06/07/2008 Evening = 9-9-0Tic Tac Dough System
This simple system uses the previous three drawings to create eight numbers for the next draw. Simply write out the last three draws . . . Example from Florida: 04/07/2008 = 2-0-3 04/08/2008 = 5-3-8 04/09/2008 = 9-6-9 Play = 2-5-9 0-3-6 3-8-9 2-0-3 5-3-8 9-6-9 2-3-9 3-3-9 04/10/2008 = 3-8-5 across win Played down, across and criss-cross, this method picks up repeats as well as repeats that skip a draw along with picking up fresh wins. Example from Florida: 04/21/2008 = 6-2-4 04/22/2008 = 0-6-1 04/23/2008 = 9-6-0 04/24-2008 = 4-6-9 upper right to lower left cross. Fans of this method may also include inner and outer corners.Mirror States or Neighboring States System
In Pick-3/4 there are only ten numbers with all the same digits. 0-0-0 0-0-0-0 1-1-1 1-1-1-1 2-2-2 2-2-2-2 3-3-3 3-3-3-3 4-4-4 4-4-4-4 5-5-5 5-5-5-5 6-6-6 6-6-6-6 7-7-7 7-7-7-7 8-8-8 8-8-8-8 9-9-9 9-9-9-9 Their big advantage over all other numbers is . . . NO BOXED PLAY. There is only one way to hit and it pays off STRAIGHT !!! All this system needs is game history and a note pad to note each time these numbers have hit in the past. They are expected to come up once in every 100 draws in Pick-3 and once in every 1,000 draws in Pick-4. We need to know when they hit last, whether they are over or under subscribed from past draws, and how long since the last triple or quad hit. Some states like Florida offer the entire Pick-3 history 37 pages worth at last look, others may take a little more work to get enough history to work with. Ever notice how some states try to restrict access to game history to a very limited range of data? There's a reason.Consecutive Numbers System
In Pick-3 there are 10 consecutive numbers. 0-1-2, 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6, 5-6-7, 6-7-8, 7-8-9, 8-9-0, 9-0-1. Each of these has six ways they can win Boxed so they are worth a total of 60 ways to win Boxed. 60 into 1,000 = 16.6 expect a consecutive number to hit so Boxed roughly once every 17 draws. In Pick-4 there are 10 consecutive numbers. 0-1-2-3, 1-2-3-4, 2-3-4-5, 3-4-5-6, 4-5-6-7, 5-6-7-8, 6-7-8-9, 7-8-9-0, 8-9-0-1, 9-0-1-2. Each of these has 24 ways they can win Boxed so they are worth a total of 240 ways to win Boxed. 240 into 10,000 = 41.6 expect a consecutive number to hit so Boxed roughly once every 42 draws.The 80/20 System and The AD/DD System
The 80/20 System and The AD/DD System really only works when played online at a site that pays 900 to 1 versus 500 to 1. To use the 80/20 system take the chart of 1000 Pick-3 numbers and draw a line after the first 200 or just before the final 200. The idea is to play the 800 numbers Straight winning 8 times out of 10. Switch to playing the 200 when that group becomes due. The AD/DD System works in much the same way. Play the 720 All Different digit numbers Straight and win 72% of the time. Switch to playing the 270 Double Digit and 10 Triple Digit numbers when they become due. Caution: There is a system out there that suggests playing all 1000 numbers Boxed. This is "supposed" to work because six times All Different digit numbers and 3 times Double Digit numbers played Boxed pays almost equal to Straight. The problem is. The system has only one side with 4/6's of the All Different digit and 2/3's of the Double Digit numbers. You'll win every time as they guarantee, but the best a user of this system can do, is break even. Brillant huh?How to play Pick-3/4 for Free
Playing Pick-3/4 for free is really a trick of money management. Set a return amount. How much do you need to win to accomplish your goal? Let's say you need $1,000 for a down payment on a good used car. To win $1,000. we need to wager $2.50 per draw on our Pick-3/4 number Straight through the store or through an online service like Betslips or 5 Dimes for $1.25 online. Provided online play is legal where you live, please check with your tribal or village elders or whoever is responsible for telling you what to do, to see if you're allowed to play these games online. May not be legal in the U.S.A. where freedom is restricted. At the time of writing, it is illegal according to the U.S. for online sites located where the U.S. has no jurisdiction to sell you a ticket in the U.S. but not for you to buy one. Congress Critters are working diligently to further restrict your rights to spend your own money as you see fit. (Not to be taken as legal advice.) Thus begins the countdown. Each day subtract the wager from the total possible prize. When the return, less the wager total, falls below our goal, increase the wager to compensate, to $3.00 or $1.50 online respectively. The process continues until a win. The number we're playing can be changed at any time if we've been backing a loser. It is certainly possible to have several numbers working at the same time. We recommend selecting numbers with a history of being drawn in the past, avoid dead numbers they are not due to be drawn. Or simply play your daily numbers only with an eye to whether their win will make your goal plus return your investment. Remember: The goal is to win money and play with the winnings, not your own.
sabato 27 ottobre 2018
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